Thursday, November 12, 2020

Long time lurker, first time poster...Question about calories?

Hey all!

I'm 32F, teacher, 2 kids under 10, and my hub just had a heart valve replacement in Sept. Mix in the 'rona (all four of us got it a while back) and I've been pretty stressed. Started back (10000 time) to the gym to get rid of this quarantine weight+. I haven't been this big since I was pregnant (I gained 80lbs w my pregnancies) and I'm feeling ashamed.

So I figured out my TDEE is 2347 and I tried cutting my cals back to 1600 (80% clean). I've started weight lifting. last week I was doing 35 min cardio and then trying to lift heavy...every day. I got real tired, real quick.

This week I've been doing 15 min cardio and SL5x5. I didn't see any progress and I took today off (rest every 3-4 days). Yesterday I ate 1800 cals (100% clean) and I lost 2 lbs today. I don't understand how eating 1600 = 0 weight loss and 1800 = 2 lbs.

Can someone hit me over the head with some science? There are so many people on here saying they run or do lots of exercise on 1300 cals, and I can barely keep my stomach from growling at 1800.

Anyhooooo, thanks!

submitted by /u/CryingTeacher88
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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