Monday, November 9, 2020

Night eating

Hey guys, I need help breaking a habit. I’ve got really good self control during the day...but every night (for the past almost 2 years or so) I will reliably get up about 90 minutes after falling asleep and go find something to eat, sometimes it’s a pretty big binge. I can even see how consistent it is cause I track my sleep, and there’s always a short wake period about 60-90 after falling asleep.

I have zero self control when this happens, and it’s really holding back any weight loss progress.

I’ve worked with a therapist and such, but can’t really pinpoint any mental health issue that is causing it. I just do it.

Has anyone been in a similar boat? What strategies did you us?

submitted by /u/concentriccarl
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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