Sunday, November 1, 2020

Results aren’t just on the scale.

On mobile, sorry for any formatting! Also this is just my experience and might not work for everyone but I wanted to share because I’m excited about my progress.

I (23F, 5’7, SW: 230, GW: 155, CW: 212) decided in June I was finally going to make the changes I needed. I‘d been complaining about my weight for years but never really put in the effort to actually change. I would start a work out routine and quit a week later. I knew if I didn’t get serious now about living the healthy active lifestyle I wanted, I wasn’t ever going to do it.

In June I started the Galveston diet and IF. I was actually able to keep it up and had already started seeing numbers drop after the first month. It was harder to be strict with it while I was home with my parents in June - July but once I got back to my apartment for school (working on my Master‘s) I was able to be very consistent and lost almost 20lbs from August to September. I did however get obsessed with logging what I ate to the point that when I was trying to meet certain macros but wanted to stay in a certain calorie deficit, I would eat things that didn’t really make sense and ended up not listening to if I was actually hungry. I just realized for me, I needed a more laid back approach to food. While the diet was good to get me back on track with making healthy choices and eating a balanced diet, I knew it wasn’t going to be something I could following longterm (I still do IF though and a less ridged version of the diet).

I ended up taking a week off in September and just focusing on eating good food during meals and enjoying what I was eating and not worrying about macros or logging. Sure there were probably some days I didn’t hit that calorie deficit but between my regular morning walks and picking food that was satisfying, I still saw a loss on the scale. Basically I was already on the right track by not eating the crappy college lifestyle I had been for 4 years.

When October came I was really feeling like I wanted to do more. I wanted to continue with my progress but not obsess over food. So I decided to pick up CrossFit. I did weightlifting in high school but had to stop after a wrist injury. I’ve been doing that for the last month and WOW. I’ve felt so much more confident, happy, and I’m actually enjoying every workout. I’m finally one of those people who love working out and HAVE to go to the gym. It’s pushing me to be better and overall improve my strength and stamina. Everyone at my gym has been super welcoming and encouraging!

What really hit me with my progress was yesterday. I was getting ready for a home football game (roll tide) and I wanted to wear this pair of flare jeans that I LOVE but have been so tight to the point where I can’t button the top button and even then I just had the worst muffin top. Well I had been worried the last week that my weight loss had stagnated because I’ve been at 212-212.8 for two weeks (even though I knew it was because I was gaining muscle, I do weekly measurements and those had still been showing losses). Well I tried the pants on just to see if I was getting close to fitting in them.... AND THEY FIT!!! Like they looked so good on me and I was just over the moon. They were comfortable to sit in too. I ended up wearing them to the game and I was just so proud of my progress.

I just wanted to share this to hopefully encourage others that may feel like their number on the scale isn’t moving but your hard work is still paying off in others ways. Everyone’s experience is their own. No matter how long it takes or the changes you have to make to your path, just make sure to celebrate the milestone that you cross along the way.

submitted by /u/Han_19
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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