Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Quick rundown of how I lost 56lbs :)

I'm gonna preface this by saying I am not a nutritional expert, doctor, or even fitness freak,

However, this is my story and my experiences. Before I started on my weightloss I was 98kg or 210lbs and I am 5'8 I also suffered quite badly with psoriasis on roughly 30% of my body (becomes relevant later) depression played a big part in my life and I wanted to see if I could tackle all of these issues, after reading about a lot of diets and how foods can affect mood and even skin, I thought maybe the answer to my mental and physical health stemmed from a similar place....

My main focus was on diet due to knee problems that make most forms of cardio very painful.

That said I would sporadically go to the gym at work and do weights, focussing on high reps of medium weights, maybe twice a week an hour or so a time

I started with intermittent fasting (10/14) with my last meal being before 8pm

I managed to stick to this but was still eating bread and pasta, I didn't notice very much difference but within 2 months had dropped to 96kg so it was heading in the right direction

I then decided to challenge myself, so pushed my IF to 8/16 and drop out bread, pasta and rice, aiming for a keto-esque diet and upped water and caffeine intake, within 2 months I had dropped to around 90kgs

Then the pandemic hit and gyms were closed so my exercise was focused on going out for walks and body weight exercises

I then started hearing about the carnivore diet, and attempted 30days on this. I felt weirdly focused whilst on this diet, and actually very awake, I also noticed weight loss and the clearing up of my psoriasis(it's still there, but much less) and dropped to 85kgish by the end of the month

For the following three months I jumped between carnivore and keto diets, but still had one cheat day a week but eventually plateaued at 79-80kgs this was mainly due to me getting a little lax on the diet If I'm really honest lol!

I then got refocused on my end goal.

I realised I had a terrible relationship with food and wanted to give myself a real challenge.

I took on a 48hr water fast I allowed myself black coffee. during this time I felt extremely focussed and actually didn't miss the food too much!

I used this as a catalyst to then eat a strict keto diet after a light refeeding day and kept this up until I was down to 70kgs(154lbs), where I have plateaued again,I think the only way to push this now is to up my gym work, but I still feel the progress is pretty good!

I've maintained this weight for 3 months, by sticking to a ketogenic diet and being very sparing with my carbs IF I decide to have a carb day. I also occasionally fast for 24- 60hrs once a month(dependent on work schedule and how I feel in myself) as I enjoy the focus and benefits that it seems to bring!

so basically I'm now at a healthy weight, my psoriasis has cleared up better than ever before. I feel so much better in myself and finally have a more positive outlook!

I cant believe how much it has affected my overall well being as well as my waist

also thankyou to all of the redditors and subreddits who's posts I have trawled through in search of help and answers, you have truly been the answer to my prayers at times

I hope someone can take something from my story! and if there's any questions anyone has feel free to fire them at me 😊

And any further advice is definitely welcome!

submitted by /u/Myco-bison
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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