Sunday, October 18, 2020

I need to stop consuming "weight loss" content.

I think one of the things I need to "cut out" is weight loss content. I have been watching "How I Lost 20 lbs" videos since I was 13 years old. I'm 24. I have heard every piece of advice under the sun. At this point, I know the ins and outs of how-to-lose-weight like the back of my hand.

Yet, at the same time, I only started counting calories one month ago. I am completely on my own journey and I know exactly what I need to be doing to lose the weight. I want to lose 45 lbs, which means that I need to eat in a deficit but not so much of a deficit that it hurts my metabolism, I need movement, I need to consciously build muscle, I need to drink water, I need to get enough sleep. I am transitioning to eating vegan now. And that's IT!! I know how to do all that! Now it's the implementation.

I am just realizing how fully saturated my consumption is on weight loss. It's the Instagram pages I follow and the YouTubers I watch. I watch the science-y videos and barely pay attention until it gets to "this is how to lose weight fast or sustainably" or whatever.

I just got a MUBI subscription and my Netflix List is enormous. I moved last month and I'm living next to a beautiful national park that I haven't explored at all. 4-5 days of the week I barely get 4000 steps in. I have two giant stacks of books to read. I have this WHOLE life to live, and yes, I am losing weight too. I know how to do that, and I'm going to focus on it, by cutting out all the other noise. And besides that, living my life.

I will leave this sub for now. I have a small cache of motivational videos (like this one) to watch when I need to be inspired to keep going. But I am gonna take a break from the reddit community to live a little, and hopefully be able to return in a few months with some joyous news that I am happier in my body. I am writing this to say thank you for getting me started on this, it's taken me nearly a decade to start doing what is good for my body. And also, I'm writing this in case anyone else needs to do this too - unsaturate yourself from the chatter, and focus on what you know. Trust the process.

So long, and thanks for all the fish. x

submitted by /u/yacantprayawaythegay
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Day 1 - is it possible to lose weight after battling an eating disorder?

Hello all,

I've been lurking on this subreddit for a while. I finally got up the courage to join and make my first post. I take seriously the spirit of this community: that everyone is welcome, no matter their size, as long as they discuss healthy and sustainable methods of weight loss.

My story is full of weight loss (and gain), none of it healthy or sustainable. For nearly 15 years, I vacillated back and forth between anorexia nervosa and binge eating disorder (BED). Both manifestations of my eating disorder stem from an unhealthy obsession with food. I "control" that obsession when I refuse to eat, and I "give in" to that obsession when I binge eat. This pattern means I'm either: 10-30 lbs underweight or slightly plump (but within the normal BMI range for my height). I can never seem to balance things just right or maintain a healthy, trim physique.

2020 saw this pattern intensify - I gained 30 pounds. Now, before the year is over, I want to put this part of my life behind me. I think a good path would be losing 10 pounds - slowly, methodically, and most importantly - in a healthy manner.

Does anyone have any tips for how to start under conditions like these? I want to clean up my diet and ramp up my exercise routine, but I'm a bit worried that any plan I embark upon will turn out badly. I want to have a child in the next few years; another round of anorexia could ruin my fertility for good.

submitted by /u/lightgreen22
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

After Losing It

[M40, 178cm 83kg] I’ve now lost over 50kg (110lb) and I’ve surpassed several weight goals along the way.

As I lost the weight, each goal was just another step on the ladder, until I started to really see I was getting skinny, especially in my arms and legs.

I still have a belly and while that’s the case it’s hard to acknowledge the weight loss as a success. But I’ve realised that weight loss and fitness are two different things.

For me CICO was an easy way to lose weight. Set and hit a deficit everyday, you will lose weight, it’s that simple. You could do it without any exercise at all, just takes honesty and discipline. Which is great, when you’re losing.

As I got down to close to 80kg, I realised that if I wanted to stop losing I had to make a major shift in thinking. Had I continued at a big deficit, I would be left with no muscle at all... whilst it was good to see the numbers going down, that wouldn’t have resulted in a body and a level of fitness I would be happy with.

So over the last six weeks I have been trying to switch from losing weight to getting fit. Up to this point I have been running and doing a few HIIT workouts, but nothing too serious. Now, I am doing serious workouts with weights and longer and more regular runs. I’m trying to do some kind of proper exercise every day.

This means I just need to eat more, it’s essential to make the most of the work I’m doing with the exercise. But going from eating 1500 cals a day to 2500+ is hard. You’ve been training your brain for a long time to be mindful of every single calorie...

So, I’m trying to shift to thinking about what I’m eating from a nutrition point of view, hitting all the right nutrients and getting the right mix of macros to promote some muscle growth.

I’m prepared to not keep losing weight, I think, but it’s really hard to get out of that mentality. Trying to focus on new goals related to health and fitness and not just focussing on the scales.

Suffice to say, this post is about the fact that the journey is never really over. Keep setting yourself goals, but make sure those goals are for the right thing at the right time. I started heavy, so HAD to lose before I could really focus on anything else. Now I’m down to an acceptable weight I’ve had to make that shift.... it’s not easy and I’m still not happy with my belly fat, but I know that just running a calorie deficit won’t work anymore. So now it’s time to work my body hard, but fuel it right too.

I hope this helps some folks and I’m happy to answer any questions!

Cheers all!

submitted by /u/lukesbluemilk
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Can a doctor help?

Hi all, I have been struggling with weight loss. I’m not ‘fat’ but I definitely could lose weight. And I want to so bad. I’ve worked out a ton for a long time, ate healthy and less carbs less calories drink a lot of water etc basic routine stuff you’re supposed to do to lose weight. I haven’t lost anything. The only way I lose any is by not eating for a couple days and then when I eat it all comes back. My BMI is 32 now and I feel disgusted with myself and hate to even look at myself anymore. Im starting to feel it take a mental toll on me like I’m going to starve myself more often or something in attempt to get somewhere...I don’t want to do that though I know it’s unhealthy but something’s gotta give!!! I’m going to suggest having my thyroid checked but other than that, what and how can I ask my doctor for help? I have large breast’s that cause a lot of back pain especially when I have to double up on sports bras to get in a good work out, so I’m going to mention that maybe a breast reduction could help big time. Otherwise I don’t really know what to do and where to begin with the DR. Please tell me any good advice because I’m so sick of myself and not getting anywhere TIA

submitted by /u/cherrystem24
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from loseit - Lose the Fat


So I’ve been off of work for this past week. I only went to the gym once as I didn’t want to be sore on my wedding day. I ate pretty terrible actually, or at least I thought I did.

On October 1st I picked up my dress after the final fitting. It was comfortably snug.

Yesterday I got married. I had to take my bracelet off offer the ceremony as it would catch on my dress. It would catch on my dress every time I had to pull it up! In 17 days it went from a perfect fit to being loose!

I’ve been going to the gym, making better food choices (generally speaking, still enjoy foods I love though) trying to make this a lifestyle change instead of a wedding weight loss. I want to go into marriage healthy, so I figured to begin in time for the wedding would be a solid gift to both of us in our marriage.

I fell back into some old habits the past two months too, eating late if I was hungry, and going to sleep right after. Had some days doing nothing but cuddling with the puppy, I figured my dress would be tighter. But I knew it would still fit. Instead it was loose!!

I don’t know how much I weigh right now. But somehow being so busy helped me stop eating when I was full. I ate so much fast food on the go. I had a much easier time not thinking about if I was full or not, and just stopped eating. I would put leftover food in the bag and toss it at the next stop. Then I would just forget to eat again until I would get really hungry, and I would eat again.

I am over the moon thrilled!

submitted by /u/Iamthecomet
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lost 21 Kg in last 7 and half months with extreme calorie deficit. Need a way out

Creating a post for the first time here in this subreddit. I used read posts here all the time which gave me lots of encouragement during my bad days. Thank you everyone :)

I had been extremely overweight, used to wear a Size XL and XXL tshirt/pants but had always been in denial that I am extremely overweight. I used to think its just few kgs which shouldn't be a big deal.

The reality struck one day when I had to visit a nearby resort for my office celebration party. I had proper food/drinks and when I retuned back to my room, there was a weight scale and I thought of checking my weight (Note, I never had a weight scale at home since I was never serious about losing my weight before). After I stepped into the weight scale this is where it got serious. It showed my weight as 104 KG. This hit me hard and this is when I thought I need to control my weight right away.

I got back home, I decided on taking the weight loss journey, first I thought of cutting my sugar intake completely and avoid all the sugary processed juice (I used to take atleast 2 cups of tea with sugar everyday).

I think it was March 4th when I decided to avoid sugar completely and I stuck to it. At this time, I also gave up on alcohol. My plan was to join my colleague on the gym however covid lockdown started so I couldn't hit the gym. So from March till August all I did was avoided sugar, processed juice and alcohol. The Covid restriction was still on place so I didn't hit the gym or do any physical exercise.

On August 24th is when I decided to include early morning walk into my routine. At this time, I had to idea how much weight I had lost or gained. Once I got traction on my morning walk routine, I bought a weight scale and checked the weight on Sep 6th, my weight had come down to 93 KG.

So, I lost 10 kg without much exercise just by avoiding sugar and alcohol. This was an amazing boost for me and since september I started following a very low calorie diet, intermittent fasting and 5-7 km of walk. Today my weight is 83 KG , that's another 10 kg lost.

March -> Sep : 11 kg lost after avoiding sugar and alcohol

Sep 6th to Oct 17th -> 10 Kg lost following very low calorie diet, intermittent fasting and 5-7 km of walk including on weekend.

The result right now is amazing and the weight which I had lost in last month alone is unbelievable for me.

The thing which concerns me now is that how will I get out of my low calorie diet. I am okay to avoid sugar or junk food (lost craving for these now) but the normals stuffs like adding lil extra amount of same food. My diet right now consists of masala oats with few veggies and egg for lunch and bulgar with some veggies for dinner, green tea in between and a fruit. I at times feel hungry while trying to sleep however I don't give in but once I reach my target weight of 77 Kg, I would want to relax abit (not jump into sugar or over-eat but atleast have satisfying amount of same food)

For example; yesterday on weekend I prepared chicken and I had satisfying (I don't think I overate) amount of food with chicken and as a result today I gained 0.5 Kg instead of losing weight despite me doing same workout as I do on other day (losing 0.1-0.2 Kg each day on weekday is my pattern). This scares me alot, I feel like once I relax even a bit, I will gain those weight immediately.

Please help me out on how should I go about it ?

Thanks everyone for reading my long post.


Lost 10 kg in last 42 days with extreme low cal diet/portion control plus 5-7 km of walk.

However, yesterday I added chicken for my dinner and had satisfying amount of it followed by my same regular workout routine and yet I gained 0.5 Kg back instead of my regular pattern of losing around 0.1-0.2 KG. How do I relax abit in terms of my diet once I reach my ideal weight ?

submitted by /u/mhs121
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss reactions...

The other day, I got together with some of my family who I haven't seen since I started my weight loss journey back in February and my god... my nephews reaction was priceless! Out of all the reactions from friends, colleagues, acquaintances, and other family saying things "how did you do it?", or "whats your secret?", or "how can I do what you did?", and weird ogling from people who I see out on my runs regularly, his was simply... the best!!!

That sheer look of bewilderment... Really brought back the memory of magic that kids still have in their young lives. While he was caught like a deer in the headlights he blurts out "Yooooo where did you go?!?! You were sooo round before!" and he just kept doing double takes, blurting out little questions, shaking his head in disbelief and was beaming on my behalf! After the initial shock wore off, he couldn't contain himself from sizing me up! Throughout the evening he had me doing pushups with him, going on a bike ride, and he even ventured into trying to pick me up (which surprised me that he got my heels off the ground!). His older brother also joined in on the remarks and joviality as well and enjoyed being able to show off his muscles and got me 6 inches off the ground... As someone who still struggles with seeing himself as the fat asthmatic suicidal abused kid or the adult chain smoking binge eating alcoholic... being picked up by a 14 year old and held in the air for a few moments gave me some of that childhood magic.

The reactions of these young men really helped to remind me of how far I've come in this year and also washed away a lot of the negative thoughts I was having about myself and life as I begin to face new challenges. So in all of this, I just wanted to say...take stock of the little moments. Let them help carry you forward on your journey and as you practice good self talk, use these moments as reminders to keep fighting back the negative thoughts in your head... You can do this!

Edit: here is my latest before/after photo. Haven't taken one for the last 5 lbs.

submitted by /u/jeffrrw
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from loseit - Lose the Fat