Thursday, January 31, 2019

Started my weight loss journey on January 5th and I'm down 12.8 pounds as of today. I'm damn proud of myself.

Stepped on the scale on the 4th of January and saw 233 lbs. Most I've ever weighed. I used to be pretty damn skinny playing tennis in high school, but all of college made me gain a stupid amount of weight.

Saw that number and literally wanted to punch myself. Went straight to the gym and signed up for a membership the same day. And even though I still have a long way to go, I'm down almost 13 pounds already and damn does it feel good.

I've lost it by simply just by burning more calories than I take in, and switching from soda to almost strictly water. Water has changed everything and I'd say that has been the biggest factor in me losing weight.

Anyway, sorry for the rambling post, but I feel pretty proud and I figured it's better to post about it here than to annoy my friends with it lol.

submitted by /u/bajubiejunior
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Friday, 01 February 2019

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

Interested in some side quests?

Community bulletin board!

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

First time being under 200lbs in yeeeaarrss

Feels pretty good but i still want to lose more.

I got into a bad depression at the beginning of high school and stopped being active. Sat in my room and ate every day. Went from working out pretty much every day, to not and still eating the same. That got me real thick real quick

I’m in the process of making myself feel better, look better, and be better. With intermittent fasting, and just eating less, as well as basic daily exercising, I’m down to 195ish from 230+ in a little over a month.

I feel really great. I hope to one day be fit and… sexy… again, with only the stretch marks being a reminder of my former bigness.

I’m not completely happy with my weight yet. I wish I weighed less in this time, and there’s been a few times where i’ve given into my urge to eat, but I can only lose so much so fast and I just need to move on from those incidents.

tbh i’m only writing this to maybe convince myself that what i did is good enough for now. i need patience, i’ll be fit again one day. i just want it now

yeah thanks for the read wish y’all well with your weight loss journey god bless happy skinnying

submitted by /u/SKyPuffGM
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

There is a lot of toxicity i see around weight loss i just want to address it since i see a lot of people lose hope like i did.

So i always see people online who will say they eat less for example 1600 calories when their tdee is 2200 for maint and can't lose weight.

I also see these people get told they are wrong with their calorie counting / eating too much.
Now whilst i think this is the case of most people i also think in those cases people shouldn't just be saying "well count again if its not too much then your wrong since you can't lose weight" and that kind of shit.

My reasoning behind this is i used to be the guy i ate 1500 calories a day and couldn't lose weight despite being morbidly the end of the day it wasn't the calorie counting that was wrong.

I went to the doctors and learnt not only had my body not been through puberty due to hypogonadism (lack of testosterone) i have a severe hypothyroid problem.

After i had those issues fixed through medication i started to see that even at 1800 calories a day eating more (due to the hunger from having testosterone) i was losing weight.

Im nearly out of morbid obesity due to fixing these health problem i went from having sever lack of muscle mass to actually having a healthy range of muscle now.

Calories in and calories out is the whole story in a simplified version but i think people need to remember weight loss has a lot to do with other variables.

If you are certain you are calorie counting correctly and are still not losing weight.

Goto the doctors and get reffered to a specialist it could be that you too have a health problem or two that impacts your metabolism.

submitted by /u/Ryulightorb
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[SCV] I went to Yoga twice this week!

My parents were obsessed with my weight when I was a kid. They monitored all of my eating, they would tell my friends and their parents what they were allowed to feed me, and they would punish me whenever I didn't lose weight. Because of this, I ended up rebelling once I turned 18 by getting fatter. Not totally obese, but definitely fatter. I was so afraid that candy and junkfood wouldn't be available to me whenever I wanted that I would hide it by my bed and binge eat until I got sick and then starve myself for two days to make up for it.

This unhealthy lifestyle contributed to major health complications, and I ended up having severe hormonal issues and seizures. Because of this, my anxiety got worse and I just kept bingeing.

At my worst, I was 5'1 and 165lbs. When I felt my fat folds rub on each other while walking, I knew I needed to do something. But I still can't calorie count. When I do, I feel restricted and like I don't have control, and I will binge.

So, instead, I started just looking at what the calories were in a suggested serving of food. After doing that, I would choose to not eat that food or choose to only eat the exact serving. I still didn't track how much I ate, but really focused on portion control and not eating until I was full. By doing this, I lost 20lbs.

I've been hovering at 142lbs-145lbs, but I'm still not ready to track my food. I know that is my ultimate binge trigger, and someday I intend to beat it, but for now I am taking steps in seeing my health as my form of control. So, this lead me to start taking yoga classes.

I went on Tuesday and felt amazing. Then, yesterday, I was in full body pain. I still ended up walking 6 miles, but by the time I went to bed it was excruciating! Still, I knew I promised myself I'd go to yoga today, and I did.

It was exhausting! My whole body hurt, and I was dripping sweat, but it felt SO GOOD to take control of my health and do something good for me that was also challenging!

I'm super sore and I know tomorrow's yoga is going to suck, but I'm taking the weekend off from any yoga so the least I can do for myself is commit to taking this class. I'm going to continue going 3x a week until it becomes a habit, and then I'll increase to 5x a week. And I'm excited! I haven't been able to feel positive about weight loss and health before in my life, it was always a punishment. But I'm getting older, and I need to care about this stuff. I'm just so glad I've been able to make this much progress and I can't wait to lose another 20lbs!

TLDR: Lazy chubby girl is being less lazy and is sharing this on here to make sure she doesn't give up on herself and bail on her yoga class tomorrow!

EDIT: I am so sorry I miswrote NSV! I even was saying to myself "Non Scale Victory" as I typed it so don't ask me why I couldn't figure out words!

submitted by /u/itchyspiderbutthole
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Food as Fun

I’ve seen a lot of posts about emotional eating and using food as a reward, but I don’t think that’s exactly what I struggle with. It’s not so much the, “Food is my friend,” thing as it is a way to celebrate an occasion or make an otherwise uneventful event feel more festive and special? If that makes any sense? For example getting a pizza on a Friday night in makes it feel more like a Friday night than having a normal balanced weekday dinner.

I think cutting out drinking lately, which is partly for the weight loss effort, has actually made this even more of an issue for me.

I know the obvious suggestion is going to be to make something more interesting for a Friday night dinner that’s still healthy, but I’m more interested in actually changing my mindset somehow.

Does anyone relate to what I’m talking about? Any advice on how to overcome it? I think it’s partly that I like making things more memorable and interesting for everyone and it feels less eventful to just sit with nothing. I’ve been at this for a while but maybe it still just takes getting used to?

I would love to just feel satisfied with the event and my family and friends and leave it at that!

submitted by /u/worldprincesspt2
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSV - I got approved for surgery!

This is the post I’ve been waiting to make since I joined this sub. I had one goal since starting this journey and I hit that goal today thanks to the help of r/loseit

About 18 months ago I was diagnosed with gallstones. Super duper painful, but I was newly pregnant at the time so they couldn’t do anything, just arranged for me to meet with a surgeon about gallbladder removal a few months after the baby was born. I was RELIEVED because I had been in pain for ~7 years at this point, had been tested for everything under the sun (except gallstones, apparently), eventually being told the pain was caused by “anxiety” and referred to the mental health team. So finally finding out what the problem was and being told there was a solution was awesome. At the time I was diagnosed I weighed 330lbs and had a BMI of 55.

Exactly a year ago I rocked up to my appointment with the surgeon, I’d had the baby and was excited and ready to get this awful organ out of me. And... the surgeon said no. I was too big and surgery would be too much of a risk. I had already lost some weight at this point due to being unable to eat fatty foods (but I could still smash carbs like a boss, so I hadn’t lost that much). They didn’t even weigh me at the appointment if I recall, just refused me on sight. He told me I had to get my BMI down to 35 before he’d consider me for surgery.

I sobbed for days. I thought losing that much weight was impossible for me. I’ve always been big, and I mean always. I was a fat baby, a fat toddler, the fat kid in school, and I just kept getting bigger. I’d tried bullshit diets in the past that I never stuck to and blamed everything else, before coming across the whole HAES crap on insta and deciding to stay fat because I thought that’s just where I was meant to be. So I refused to listen to the surgeon, went right out to the desk and made another appointment. Of course I got refused again. Undeterred, I got myself referred to a different hospital, the surgeon there said exactly the same thing. By this point I realised I was relieved when I walked out. I HAD to face up to this now, staying fat was no longer an option.

This sub showed up in my suggested subs around that time (maybe Reddit is listening idk) and the way everyone here spoke so matter-of-factly about weight loss and CICO finally made me realise that there’s no mystery to it, there’s no magic, it’s simple science. Put in less than you use. It’s not like that was new information but seeing it here and seeing it work just made everything click for me. I downloaded MFP and I took it seriously for the first time ever, not like the silly weight loss clubs I’d done before, just eating til I hit my calorie limit then stopping. Not treating every fleeting craving like hunger. Why had it never occurred to me before that I can say no to myself?

Shortly after I started, I found out I was pregnant again. God could that ever have come at a worse time. I was so poorly with my gallbladder I ended up in hospital for a while, but even from my hospital bed I was still logging my meals. I’d started and I wasn’t giving up for anything. I saw a dietitian and carried on losing weight throughout the pregnancy. I had the baby five weeks ago, and today was my consultation for surgery.

I knew what my BMI was going in, my weight today is 203lbs making my BMI 34.6 according to NHS calculations. I’d done it. I was still half expecting to be turned away and told I need to lose more weight, I am afterall still very much in the obese category, and I would’ve been ok with that since I know that I can do it now. However, my weight wasn’t even brought up at the appointment! He did an exam, pulled out a referral form and asked if I’m happy to go ahead. I could’ve cried!

Now, I may still hit a wall at pre-op since I’ve had other health issues recently that made the consultant very hesitant to put me on the list. So the likelihood of surgery actually happening soon may be slim, but right now I don’t care. I had one goal and I achieved it, and it may be my proudest moment. I still have a lot of weight to lose before I get to a healthy BMI but I’m prepared to get there, and I know I will. Thank you to this sub!!

submitted by /u/Sheepsheepsheepdog
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lost more than I thought...

I started keto on the 1st of January. Not strict keto as I have had a few cheat meals here and there.

I knew I had lost some weight but I didn’t think much as I have been so swollen from the disgusting heat we have had.

But..... I have lost 4.3kgs (9.48 pounds).

I am so proud of myself! I am definitely on the right track to lose a decent amount of weight before my dream holiday in September.

There were times when I didn’t feel like I was getting anywhere but you can surprise yourself. So everyone who is just starting out - stick with it! I know I will be :)

(I made a weight loss calendar but I have no idea how to link it)

submitted by /u/Kitty145684
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Top 3 Keto Mistakes to Avoid

The ketogenic diet has recently made a resurgence — in a big way. The influx of keto-labeled items at the store and keto-this talk in the media may make it seem as if it’s a new concept, but this way of eating has actually been used for various therapeutic reasons for nearly a century. 

from Life Time Weight Loss Blog

How do you avoid a binge? Eating disorder trigger warning.

I have been on a binge, and self loathing since a failed weight loss attempt in October. Recovering anorexic and bulimic. I am 5'2 and 227lbs now.

When I say failed weight loss attempt, I did lose 25 lb but it came off so slow. Over the course of months. The difficult thing is that when I was anorexic, weight would come off 10 lb a week. How do you cope with losing weight slowly after recovering from an eating disorder which caused Quick Weight Loss? I have pretty much stopped starving myself on account of having been pregnant three times and nursing three times, currently still nursing my last one. I can't starve myself and keep up my milk supply but I know I would do it if I wasn't nursing..

I haven't stopped binging and I try to avoid purging although over every once in a while I slip. I just feel like I have this overwhelming desire to binge that I cannot control. I lose control of my hands and my mouth and my legs take me to the fridge and I eat, and I eat, and I eat, and I eat. The whole time I am euphoric and hating myself at the same time. What is something you have done that has actually helped you avoid binging?

submitted by /u/SmallRubyTouringHat
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thanks for your concern but I have self control now.

It’s Girl Scout cookie time.

Mini background there are two separate bakeries that make GS cookies, meaning the ones you get in one state could take completely different in another. This happened to me when I moved from the south to the north. I didn’t think I could hate a thin mint until I tried the ones from the other bakery.

Thankfully with modern tech, you can order online directly from the bakery you want and ship them anyway to the US, so I purchased about $120 with of cookies from the bakery I wanted. They came in yesterday and i posted my haul.

Incomes the floods of texts, messages, comments; people judging me, saying that I should stay away to not ruin my process, or saying they avoid these like the plague so they don’t slip up.

I haven’t had real pasta in almost 2yrs (my biggest weakness) , I rarely drink a soda, after almost always drinking soda at dinner, and I went from having something sweet after every meal to eating a handful of grapes.

So thanks, but I have self control. I want these to last awhile, I want my progress to continue. I Know what running through a box of thin mint would do. Through the weight loss journey you learn what full is, what craving is and how to concur it and you learn self and portion control. I’m longer scared to have 20 boxes of cookies near me because I know I won’t rip through a box a day.

This community has taught me all that, not giving up on things you love but moderating them.

submitted by /u/mongoosedog12
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[SV] My journey from chronic obesity to taking back control of my life

(Long time lurker but first time poster so please go easy on me!)

I am a 25M 5'9" SW:221 CW:171 GW:166 I work in non-profit and homeless advocacy.

I was overweight/borderline obese and chronically depressed, low energy, sweaty, and self conscious from ages 13 to 22 before deciding to make a change.

I want to open by saying that I am not a role model.

Ya’ll’s positive attitude and progress pics are what have kept me going. I don’t look nearly as good as a lot of the people in this sub so I can’t tell you how to get perfect abs and a huge chest because I don’t have perfect abs and a huge chest. My journey hasn’t been about looking like a fitness model. My journey has been about striving everyday to improve my emotional and mental health and using fitness and nutrition as a vehicle to get there.

I have played sports my entire life so I have always assumed that I knew what good nutrition and exercise looked like. This is why it has always been extra frustrusting looking around a locker room and not understanding why my body looked different from all the other guys doing the same workouts I was. I tried just about every diet or exercise life hack I could find and never achieved any long-term sustainable results.

3 years ago I found myself in a really dark place. I was working too many hours, at a job I hated, for a company I didn’t believe in and progressively I found myself neglecting the important relationships in my life and feeling deeply depressed more often than I didn’t.

This realization settled in all at once when I vomited after trying to attempt to jog a mile on the treadmill.

I decided in that moment dry heaving at my office gym that I wasn’t going to allow my life to continue spiraling down the path I was going. The next day, I walked into my office, put in my two weeks’ notice, went home and bought a one way ticket to Madrid with every last penny in my savings account (I live in Texas). From there, without any training or previous hiking/camping experience, I backpacked 192 miles on foot from Leon to Santiago, Spain along the Camino de Santiago trail.

When I came home, I made the promise to myself that I’d never return to being the person I was before I left.

During the period of the 2.5 weeks I spent backpacking, I hiked an average of 15 miles a day while consuming what was likely more calories and fat than I ever have in my life and still came home having lost 11 lbs. This experience entirely altered the way that I looked at food and health.

While I was in Spain, my eating habits could not have been more different from the traditional “Western Diet.” I subsisted on primarily bread, tons of red meat and animal fat, a good measure of wine, and whatever fruits or berries I could find growing along the trail. I was eating the way the locals in the small villages I passed through ate. The food I consumed was simple, fresh, and produced almost exclusively within a 50 mile radius of where I was eating it. This simplicity has been the foundation of my current nutrition regimen. The only foods I actively avoid today are those that are heavily processed or high in sugar. And I eat local and flexitarian as often as I can. Aside from that, when I do crave a cheat meal whether it’s chicken wings or chocolate cake, I indulge! The difference is that now, I earn it by always cooking and preparing it myself.

Everyone’s path is different. For me, good fitness and nutrition has been about avoiding extremes of any kind, positive or negative, in exercise and diet. What I mean by this is that I’ve tried Keto diets, cutting out carbs, intermittent fasting, etc. and, to be fair, some of them gave me incredible weight loss results. The problem was that none of them were sustainable in the long term because they forced me to constantly monitor and sometimes physically weigh everything that went into my body. This realization to strive for “sustainability” as opposed to immediate results was the key to success for me personally in maintaining my lifestyle over a period of years as opposed to weeks or months.

My success in long-term diet maintenance can be simplified down to two key principles I learned from the writing of Food Journalist Michael Polan; “eat (real) food, not too much, mostly plants” and “everything in moderation, including moderation.”

My success for long-term fitness maintenance comes down to two simple rules I made for myself; make exercise the first thing I do in the morning and work-out in whatever way will get me moving based on my motivation that day.

Know yourself. I’m lazy! I know that. So by waking up at 5:15AM and going to the gym before work, I know that when 5PM hits I get to go home and play video games :)

If I were to offer one piece of advice to anyone getting started it would be to follow the “work-out in whatever way will get you moving” principle.

I never used to feel comfortable in a proper gym because I was always so intimidated by the yogeys, crossfitters, and gym rats. Everyone is different so it’s critical to make the gym work for you, not the other way around. For me personally, running, swimming, cycling and most other forms of traditional cardio are miserable chores. So instead, I chose to play racquetball and rock climb at a bouldering gym (for those that haven’t tried it, bouldering gyms are amazing; basically jungle gyms for adults with an incredibly supportive community) 3 days a week to make sure that I’m getting my heart rate up in a way that’s constructive but more importantly, enjoyable for me.

My greatest obstacle has been in working to fundamentally change the way I look at food and exercise. I had to learn to cook healthy foods in creative ways that actually tasted good (keep your baked chicken to yourself lol) and find fitness outlets that made me excited about going to the gym.

Long term success is not about working out to compensate for bad behavior, it’s about slowly accommodating your lifestyle to incorporate activities and choices that will make you look better and (more importantly) feel better every day.

Weight loss changes your life in ways you wouldn’t imagine. In addition to losing the 50 lbs. so far, I am so much less tired throughout the day, I don’t snore anymore, my chronic sweating has subsided and my skin is so much healthier. More impactful and important than any of that though is the fact that for the first time in my life, I’m confident being the man I am. I don’t have perfect washboard abs but I know that every day I get fitter, healthier, and stronger. Nothing is more rewarding than that feeling.

Healthfulness is about emotional fortitude not crunches and cauliflower

Your goal is to live a life that you’re proud of in all regards. What that means in pounds lost or miles run is ancillary and it’s up to you.

I’m sorry that I don’t have any current pictures but here’s a comparison of me at my heaviest to me 6 months ago (219lbs on the left and 185 lbs on the right)

Love you guys. Thanks for listening.

submitted by /u/racknstackmack
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’ve lost 186lbs over the last 361 days!

I started my weight loss journey at 405lbs on Feb 5, 2018. Over the last year I have not had a cheat day, meal, or bite and have been grinding at the gym daily in an effort to completely take my life back from obesity! I recently started sharing my journey with others in hopes to spark change in those seeking it! I want to let people know that if I can do it clearly anyone can do it!

My diet was the key to my success. You can’t outwork a bad diet! I focused on 3 main things!

  1. Reduce calories to 1500- calories are king! I focused on tracking my calories daily to the T! If I couldn’t track it I didn’t eat it!

  2. I focused on my macros - I my goals were 40% protein, 30% carbs, and 30% fats. To do this I focused on lean meats, protein shakes, cheese, eggs, and Greek yogurt

  3. I avoided all added sugars - after looking at calories i would immediately look at sugar content! Sugar makes people fat not fat content! I even tried avoiding artificial sweeteners as well as much as possible!

Once I had my diet plan in place weight started dropping fast! This helped motivate me to keep going and start exercising!

Towards the end of May I got a gym membership and haven’t looked back since! I am currently down to 219LBS and looking to get right at 200lbs.

Just yesterday Men’s Health shared my story as part of their January transformations series. If you care to hear more about my journey and see some before and afters the link is below!

If you are currently trying to lose weight keep going! Trust In your process and ultimately Train your mind and your body will follow!

Take care!

Men’s Health

submitted by /u/Angel3dotO
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Going Out to Dinner? 6 Restaurant Calorie Bombs You Need to Skip

Okay, so you’re on a diet. But life doesn’t stop. The weekend’s approaching, you have friends and they want dinner. In fact, your group might love to meet up at one place in particular—the one with the amazing salmon, to-die-for appetizer or, of course, chocolate molten lava cake. Meeting up for dinner is like the go-to event when making plans. It’s an opportunity to get out, catch up and just forget about an incredibly busy, stressful week.

Unfortunately, this is where anyone on a diet finds themselves in a bind. It’s so tempting to just toss all caution to the wind the minute you see the featured entrees listed at the hostess booth, or the second the waiter asks you what you want to drink. Having friends that don’t share the same health goals can make it even harder.

So, what do you do? We could say, “willpower to the rescue,” but we know that’s not gonna cut it. So, focus on why you are actually there. Hint: It’s not the chips and salsa. You made plans with your friends, to be with your friends. Enjoy the time you have with them because obsessing over food was never really part of the agenda. Check out the restaurant’s website before you head over to get a glimpse of the healthy options. Many offer the nutritional information now. If you have a clear idea of what you should order going in, there’s no way to slip up when you’re going out! The Nutrisystem Eating Out Guide is also an excellent tool, providing all sorts of suggestions for making this decision and keeping diets on-plan, for any of your life plans.

Whatever you do, skip these six calorie bombs to avoid total diet destruction:

1. The Booze

diet destruction beer

Alcohol is any diet’s worst enemy, and we’re sure you’ve heard it before. A round of drinks equates to empty calories, roughly a hundred and twenty at a time, without the fun mixers. It might also leave you feeling horrible the next day (both sick and guilty). If you have an exercise regimen, chances are, you won’t even feel capable of taking it on after a night out drinking with friends. Worst of all, the booze you have out with your pals has the capacity to mess with your inhibitions and lead to a chain reaction of diet mistakes. Ever go out with your friends (and healthy intentions) to grab a salad and, after a few drinks, end up ordering the loaded pizza? This isn’t an uncommon story. Save yourself from the mess and order water or a zero-calorie, flavored beverage. If you must have a drink, stick with one light beer or glass of dry wine, then get back to the aqua.

2. Bread and Butter

diet bread basket

This is the hard one. Every good restaurant has a waiter leave a beautiful assortment of bread slices or rolls on the table with butter for spreading. This situation is a carb-lover’s dream and worst nightmare, all bundled up into one health fiasco. The refined, simple carbs in a slice of bread might lead to instant satisfaction, almost a sugar high if you will, but just one will rarely do. The fiber is lost, along with the rest of the nutrients during processing. It won’t fill you up, so the waiter will keep filling up your basket. The butter: Just more calories and fat. Don’t be afraid to ask for a plate of fresh veggies to nosh on. While it may sound silly, they’ll most likely be happy to oblige, and you’ll feel better munching on something that keeps your blood sugar stable and your waistline in check. Or, have some at home before you head out so you aren’t ravenous by the time the bread basket rolls around.

3. Guacamole

Guacamole diet

Don’t get us wrong, we love avocados. In fact, we have a whole list on The Leaf of brilliant ways to use avocados. Avocado contains all sorts of nutrients and monounsaturated fats to keep you lean and your heart healthy. But, guacamole is the avocado-plus recipe: It’s avocado, plus a lot of extra ingredients (the sky’s the limit) that the chef of the day feels like tossing in. Fruit, cheese and bacon…. are all additions that can turn a basic recipe into a restaurant’s signature appetizer. Everyone’s always looking for the new thing, and restaurants, a way to stand out. Pair it with tortilla chips and you’re done for!

Guacamole is absolutely addicting and even the nutritional powerhouse, avocado, is something to be eaten in moderation because of the high calorie-count. It’s easy to lose sight of how much you’re eating very quickly. An order of guacamole and tortilla chips at a popular chain restaurant gets close to 1500 calories! Go out with your best bud, and the two of you have taken down 750 calories before the main course. Look for the plain, untouched fruit and have a tablespoon of that mashed (one Extra).

4. Fatty Salads

diet salad bad

Sorry to burst your bubble, but even the salads at restaurants require a sharp eye, when you’re on a diet. Lettuce, tomatoes and onions are all wonderfully nutritious and best enjoyed fresh in a bowl, but, when your favorite joint gets fancy with their creations, all bets are off. Fried tortilla strips, honey roasted nuts, cheeses and creamy dressings take the calorie and fat counts higher than you could even imagine. Portion distortion is also at play, with a meal usually fit for three.

The Nutrisystem Eating Out Guide sites Applebee’s Grilled Shrimp ‘N Spinach Salad as a sneaky diet saboteur, worse than their seven-ounce sirloin. This seemingly innocent diet option has 1,000 calories and 66 grams of fat. Who could’ve guessed?

Our suggestion? Go as raw and basic as possible. Stick to the fresh vegetables, fruits (one cup of berries is a SmartCarb on Nutrisystem) and two tablespoons of fat-free dressings (one Extra on Nutrisystem). Skip the crispy carb toppings like tortilla strips and croutons. Limit the cheese (to one slice or ounce of low-fat, a PowerFuel on Nutrisystem) and ask for chicken or shrimp prepared plain (two ounces of cooked chicken is a PowerFuel, while three ounces of shrimp is a PowerFuel). If there are eggs, just have one as a PowerFuel for the evening.

5. Wings

Diet buffalo wings

Chicken wings are rarely grilled. They are spiced up and deep fried for an appetizer with a nutritional makeup that could ruin anyone’s appetite. Just one serving of medium buffalo wings at a well-known restaurant chain packs 1,090 calories! Want to know how many are from fat? 500. One night out for dinner should never take over your calorie allotment for the day, and this one gets mighty close.

This should be eye-opening, especially due to the fact that most store brands of hot sauce come with a big, fat zero in the nutrition label. Wings are pretty much all skin to begin with (why you bite the meat out from so many of them) from there, the frying drives them into the grave.

If you really love wings, experiment with an air fryer at home. The Leaf has an amazing recipe for Air Fryer Drumsticks. At the restaurant, ask for some hummus or shrimp cocktail instead. A quarter cup of hummus is a SmartCarb on Nutrisystem and you can pair it with all the fresh vegetables your heart desires. Three ounces of shrimp is a PowerFuel on Nutrisystem and one tablespoon of cocktail sauce translates to an Extra.

6. “Pan-Fried,” “Scalloped,” “Battered” or “Creamy”

Delicious Battered Fried Pickles Diet Destruction

The Nutrisystem Eating Out Guide is on-point with this one. The way a food is prepared can spell the difference between a “diet do” and a “diet don’t.” Anything pan fried, scalloped, battered or creamy might as well be labeled “fat-bathed.” All of these cooking methods suggest that the fish, poultry or potato has been greased up with butter, oil or lard. And, your diet goals most likely aren’t on the chef’s mind… Flavor is.

So, what’s an extra stick or half-cup? Just about a massive calorie load, you don’t want. Instead, look for words like “roasted,” “grilled” or “baked.” You’ll still get flavor, but the taste will come mostly from the quality of the foods themselves, not whatever suspicious fat they’re masked in.

What My Cats Taught Me About Weight Loss

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The post Going Out to Dinner? 6 Restaurant Calorie Bombs You Need to Skip appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

11 Instant Pot Recipes You Need to Try This Instant

If you got an Instant Pot as a holiday gift—or if you went out and bought one for yourself—you’ll be happy to learn that you can make Nutrisystem-friendly meals in a snap using your new kitchen toy. According to the manufacturer, Instant Pot speeds up cooking by two to six times using up to 70 percent less energy.

The Instant Pot is the Swiss Army Knife of kitchen tools. It’s the next generation pressure cooker, but it also sautés, and acts like a slow cooker, rice cooker, steamer, yogurt maker and a food warmer. If there’s ever an attachment that slices and dices or sends your shopping list to a grocery delivery service, you’ll be able to call it your own personal chef.

We’ve developed 11 delicious recipes that make good use of this versatile appliance:

1. Quick & Easy Pot Roast >

pot roast

You can have this Sunday night special meal any old time since the Instant Pot makes it ultra easy and quick to prepare. Loaded with flavor from garlic, Italian seasoning, onions and black pepper, it’s equally loaded with nutrients since you’re adding carrots and potatoes to the dish. This recipe calls for two pounds of lean beef, such as rump roast, eye of round or bottom round. The cooking method is what turns these normally tough cuts into tender, juicy morsels luxuriating in a rich tomato-laced gravy. Only 359 calories, this dish counts as one SmartCarb, two PowerFuels, one Vegetable and two Extras on the Nutrisystem program.

2. Simple and Spicy Instant Pot Carnitas >


Choose your protein—chicken, pork or beef—and add garlic, Mexican spice and fire-roasted tomatoes to your Instant Pot for instant, South-of-the-Border flavor. Avocado adds a dose of monounsatured fat—the one that’s extra good for you—and this dish is garnished with pico de gallo and chopped cilantro. This recipe makes four, two-tortilla servings at just 306 calories per serving. On Nutrisystem, this Instant Pot recipe counts as two PowerFuels, one SmartCarb and one Extra.

3. Tomato Basil Frittata >


You’ll bounce out of bed to enjoy this egg-based breakfast made with cheddar cheese, tomatoes, spinach and hashbrowns that’s ready in just 20 minutes… And so will your entire family! This recipe makes enough for eight servings. Whatever you don’t eat, you can save for later in the week. One serving is only 115 calories and counts as one PowerFuel and one Extra.

4. Rotisserie Chicken >


With your Instant Pot, you don’t need a rotisserie, nor do you need to spend extra money to buy a ready-made chicken at the grocery store. All you have to do is use the “sauté” setting on the appliance, add one whole chicken, garlic powder, paprika, dried herbs (your choice) and some low-sodium chicken broth and olive oil. After the skin is golden brown, use your Instant Pot as a pressure cooker. Your “rotisserie” chicken will be done in 25 minutes! One two oz. serving of chicken is 116 calories and counts as one PowerFuel. Pair it with a large salad and a whole grain roll and your Flex meal is complete.

5. Instant Pot Pasta e Fagioli Soup >


This soup is a hearty, satisfying, nutritious meal, bursting with flavor and warm comfort on a cold day. Don’t let the lengthy ingredients list daunt you. Once you get your veggies diced—or you get your already prepared vegetables out of the fridge—it takes no time to make. Imagine yourself sitting down to tuck into this steaming tomato-chicken broth-based soup rich with vegetables, beans, ditalini pasta and chicken, spiced with red pepper flakes, Italian seasoning, pepper, thyme, bay leaves and rosemary. The recipe makes six servings, each 303 calories. On Nutrisystem, a serving counts as one PowerFuel, one Smart Carb, one Vegetable and one Extra.

6. Instant Pot Chicken Creole >


It’s easy to whip up this traditional dish from Louisiana’s Big Easy using the slow cooker setting of your Instant Pot. Six hours before you plan to eat, place one pound of boneless chicken breast in the pot with onions, minced garlic, bell peppers, carrots, tomato, Creole seasoning, some broth and cayenne pepper for a real bayou flavor. When it’s done, shred the chicken and serve over cooked brown rice. This recipe serves six. Each serving is 262 calories and counts as one SmartCarb, one PowerFuel, one Vegetable and one Extra.

7. Instant Pot Salmon with Chili-Lime Sauce >


You’re going to wonder how anything that tastes this good can be good for you, but it is. Salmon is rich in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids that help douse dangerous inflammation in your body, which can contribute to heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s and arthritis. Salmon is also an excellent source of lean protein, as is the cup of chickpeas in this recipe, which are blended with raw vegetables such as zucchini, asparagus, bell peppers or broccoli. And did we mention Chili-Lime Sauce? That mix of chili powder, garlic, honey, lime juice and other flavorful ingredients makes the meal. The recipe makes two servings, and each clocks in at just 342 calories. One serving counts as one SmartCarb, one PowerFuel, half a Vegetable and three Extras.

8. Easy Instant Pot Herb Roasted Potatoes >


In the world of side dishes, this delicious Instant Pot recipe reigns supreme. Imagine roasted potatoes done to perfection in seven minutes! You’ll need three cups of baby potatoes and a mix of herbs like thyme, rosemary, marjoram, oregano, some garlic powder and water. After sautéing briefly, use the pressure cooker setting to finish. Three cups of potatoes make six servings at 99 calories each. On Nutrisystem, this side counts as one SmartCarb and one Extra.

9. Instant Pot Key Lime Cheesecake >

key lime

This isn’t the only cheesecake on the Nutrisystem diet, but it might become your favorite. It’s a satisfying cream cheese-ricotta style cake with a kicked-up lime flavor thanks to two whole limes zested and juiced, and sweetened with stevia, an all-nautural plant-based sweetener. You’ll need a mixer or a fork to work the ingredients together, but the rest is all Instant Pot. Best of all, this Instant Pot recipe is only 157 calories a serving and the recipe makes five servings, which each count as one PowerFuel and three Extras.

10. Instant Pot Rice Pudding >

 instant pot

It’s up to you what you want to call this. It could be breakfast, dessert or your afternoon snack. Made with brown rice, raw cranberries, skim milk, light coconut milk, with a sprinkle of cinnamon and stevia, this 152-calorie bowl of comfort counts as one SmartCarb and one Extra.

11. Instant Pot Buffalo Chicken Lettuce Wraps >

buffalo chicken

Buffalo chicken lover? You need to bookmark this recipe. Shredded buffalo chicken is cooked to perfection with this help of an instant pot and served atop a lettuce wrap for a spicy and hearty meal. Complete with a homemade blue cheese dressing, this diet-friendly instant pot recipe has all the flavors of your favorite buffalo chicken dish without the added calories!

Check out the rules for our instant pot giveaway here >

The post 11 Instant Pot Recipes You Need to Try This Instant appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

Day 1? Starting your weight loss journey on Thursday, 31 January 2019? Start here!

Today is your Day 1?

Welcome to r/Loseit!

So you aren’t sure of how to start? Don’t worry! “How do I get started?” is our most asked question. r/Loseit has helped our users lose over 1,000,000 recorded pounds and these are the steps that we’ve found most useful for getting started.

Why you’re overweight

Our bodies are amazing (yes, yours too!). In order to survive before supermarkets, we had to be able to store energy to get us through lean times, we store this energy as adipose fat tissue. If you put more energy into your body than it needs, it stores it, for (potential) later use. When you put in less than it needs, it uses the stored energy. The more energy you have stored, the more overweight you are. The trick is to get your body to use the stored energy, which can only be done if you give it less energy than it needs, consistently.

Before You Start

The very first step is calculating your calorie needs. You can do that HERE. This will give you an approximation of your calorie needs for the day. The next step is to figure how quickly you want to lose the fat. One pound of fat is equal to 3500 calories. So to lose 1 pound of fat per week you will need to consume 500 calories less than your TDEE (daily calorie needs from the link above). 750 calories less will result in 1.5 pounds and 1000 calories is an aggressive 2 pounds per week.


Here is where it begins to resemble work. The most efficient way to lose the weight you desire is to track your calorie intake. This has gotten much simpler over the years and today it can be done right from your smartphone or computer. r/loseit recommends an app like MyFitnessPal, Loseit! (unaffiliated), or Cronometer. Create an account and be honest with it about your current stats, activities, and goals. This is your tracker and no one else needs to see it so don’t cheat the numbers. You’ll find large user created databases that make logging and tracking your food and drinks easy with just the tap of the screen or the push of a button. We also highly recommend the use of a digital kitchen scale for accuracy. Knowing how much of what you're eating is more important than what you're eating. Why? This may explain it.

Creating Your Deficit

How do you create a deficit? This is up to you. r/loseit has a few recommendations but ultimately that decision is yours. There is no perfect diet for everyone. There is a perfect diet for you and you can create it. You can eat less of exactly what you eat now. If you like pizza you can have pizza. Have 2 slices instead of 4. You can try lower calorie replacements for calorie dense foods. Some of the communities favorites are cauliflower rice, zucchini noodles, spaghetti squash in place of their more calorie rich cousins. If it appeals to you an entire dietary change like Keto, Paleo, Vegetarian.

The most important thing to remember is that this selection of foods works for you. Sustainability is the key to long term weight management success. If you hate what you’re eating you won’t stick to it.


Is NOT mandatory. You can lose fat and create a deficit through diet alone. There is no requirement of exercise to lose weight.

It has it’s own benefits though. You will burn extra calories. Exercise is shown to be beneficial to mental health and creates an endorphin rush as well. It makes people feel awesome and has been linked to higher rates of long term success when physical activity is included in lifestyle changes.

Crawl, Walk, Run

It can seem like one needs to make a 180 degree course correction to find success. That isn’t necessarily true. Many of our users find that creating small initial changes that build a foundation allows them to progress forward in even, sustained, increments.


You will struggle. We have all struggled. This is natural. There is no tip or trick to get through this though. We encourage you to recognize why you are struggling and forgive yourself for whatever reason that may be. If you overindulged at your last meal that is ok. You can resolve to make the next meal better.

Do not let the pursuit of perfect get in the way of progress. We don’t need perfect. We just want better.

Additional resources

Now you’re ready to do this. Here are more details, that may help you refine your plan.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Would you hold my hand once more?

Hi loseit... I'm ashamed to make another post so soon but I have no one to talk to and am getting addicted to the incredible kindness and support in this community. Could you again spare a minute for some encouraging words for me today? (my stats are 36F, sw 120kg cw 66kg walk around 15k steps a workday, exercise 5 times a week but hardly any cardio) I went on the scale again and it shows no difference from the week before. No big deal I know, there was no more than 1 lbs loss to be expected with my TDEE of under 1700 cals, and the way I weigh myself, sporadically and in the evenings, is super unreliable anyway. Still the encouragement is sorely missed.

I honestly don't know what I'm doing anymore. I'm still struggling massively with feeling like a stranger in my new body. It feels like there's not a single person around me supporting what I'm doing. My husband is plain not attracted to me right now. Men used to pay attention to me at one point, around 80kgs, but it's completely gone again, honestly my face with sunken cheeks and angular jaw just isn't as attractive. My friends and coworkers are one by one becoming downright hostile to me losing weight. Becoming moderately overweight was ok with everyone, but becoming slim? Slimmer than them, possibly?? Accusations of unhealthiness and disordered eating are being thrown around daily and I'm just so tired of reacting to the worried faces and reproachful comments again and again. My mom is starting to get jealous because HER weight loss was a huge point of pride for her for many years, and god forbid someone could steal her spotlight. There is no end to the jokes in my family about me exercising and wanting to become stronger. "Arnold Schwarzenegger hahahaha". I keep reading online that it's impossible to build muscle on a deficit and feel like even more of a joke for going to the gym. All my joints are hurting and I've never felt so weak and powerless.

All the above shouldn't matter to me, and it makes me furious at myself that it does. I'm not a very confident person. What others think about me matters to me, always. I can't pretend it doesn't. I haven't felt so lonely in a long time. There are so many things going through my mind every day that I wish I could share. So thank you so so much for being there and listening!!

The one reason I keep doing my weight loss thing right now is the feeling of control it gives me. Fuck everyone who wants me to give that up.

submitted by /u/nhove
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Who is supporting you and what lovely things are they doing?

Ever since I started dieting people have been really supportive. At the moment for me it’s just inner family and my other half because I haven’t lost enough that other people are noticing. However my other half has been an absolute rock. Initially he decided to cut down with me too (despite being quite fit and not in his bmi). He has lost a stone and says he feels fantastic but predominantly he has just been there for me.

He has made sure he weighs it all out when he cooks so I can log exactly. He’s sat and done the maths when I’ve got stressed and tried to help me in the shop find lower cal alternatives. He’s done a jokey but firm no when I’ve suggested getting a takeaway.. but followed it up with some other treat we could do instead. He’s encouraged me to go for little walks and has helped me not to worry about trying a little exercise.

Somehow he has managed to do this without putting any pressure on me, and made it clear it’s always my choice and my actions that are having results. He tells me I look pretty all the time (did that before to be fair - his lift might not go up to the top floor). He leaves little notes to tell me how proud he is of me.

He’s just been so supportive and it’s made this weight loss much easier.

What supportive things have others been doing for you? Are colleagues being helpful, friends considerate?

TLDR boyfriend is a superhero in helping with this diet

submitted by /u/popcorndragon93
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

The end of a weight loss journey (or the beginning of the second chapter?)

Firstly, a before and after pic: (On the left I am about 136 kg, on the right I am about 85 kg)

In august 2016 I decided that I didn't want to gain anymore weight. I felt that was a modest and realistic goal. I discovered CICO through this community, and began methodically registering my energy intake and outtake with a spreadsheet. The weight came off at a ridiculous pace: (Uger = weeks)

It took me about 14 months to reach a weight and body composition that I was happy with. I've been maintaining for about 1½ years now. 3 months ago I decided I wanted something done about the fruits of my labour: The dreaded loose skin. Fortunately I was given the option to have skin reduction surgery performed "for free" through public health insurance. I had a lower body lift performed, where loose skin was removed and tightened from areas around my stomach, back and buttocks. I had to wear a compression belt that extended from my crotch up to my chest for 3 whole months. Last week I was finally allowed to stop wearing it, and the hospital photographed me again now 3 months after the surgery. Here are some photos: The day after the surgery (Warning: Dried blood): Comparison of body before and after surgery:

So, this is somehow the end of my weight loss. But frankly I feel this is just the beginning. From now on I have to care for my scars and maintain my physique, and not allow myself to reach a point where I become obese again or all of this work and this surgery will have become wasted on me. Thanks for your time and advice, r/loseit! I hope my experiences and the pictures of my surgery can aid you in some way to perhaps achieving the same.

Here are my previous threads if you care to read about my journey: First thread: Second thread:

submitted by /u/2fat2funk
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Thursday, 31 January 2019

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

Interested in some side quests?

Community bulletin board!

If you are new to the sub, click here for our posting guidelines

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I don't know if I'm doing this for the right reasons

So on Christmas day, my boyfriend's dad made a slighted remark at my weight/lack of exercise. I've always struggled to lose weight (I tend to yo-yo a lot) but I thought it wasn't that big of a deal since it was the holidays. Ever since then I've been painfully aware of the way my body looks and have been obsessing about my size. My original goals for weight loss have always been to look good and feel good for myself, but now I feel like I'm doing it just to be spiteful and I feel like it's making me hate myself an unreasonable amount. I want to do this as a gift to myself but I can NOT stop thinking about the way he's made me see myself. Is there any way to get out of this rut? I would love some advice. Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/treponema_pallidumb
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thanks for all the unknowing encouragement & motivation!

I’ve been lurking for the last 6 months or so and wanted to introduce myself and let you know how motivating and encouraging it’s been to read the posts here!

A little about me: I’m a 31F and I stay home with my 2 kids. I’ve always despised exercise and only ever succeeded in weight loss when I’ve counted calories (albeit without any knowledge of TDEE) or cut something out (stopped drinking soda in college and noticed a difference) so CICO made sense.

I’m 5’4 and I believe my very highest weight at some point in 2017 was around 180lb which I disliked immensely. Managed to get to 176 on my own and maintain there for 6-8 months before stumbling onto this sub and deciding to get my butt into gear. Currently I’m down to 159 having maintained ~160 for Oct-Jan. Oct-Dec were known large amounts of travel and holidays and birthdays.

I’ve learned that I can maintain pretty well but struggle to lose. I’m working on 1200-1400 calories/day knowing that closer to 1200 is better for me. Surprisingly I’ve had no issue finding foods to keep me full within that calorie range. My biggest current hurdle is mid-afternoon snacking while my kids nap and while I know my body doesn’t need that food for now I’m ok doing that and eating smaller dinners.

Thanks to you all I’ve learned what a good TDEE is for me and have confidence in mg calorie goals. You all also introduced me to the Happy Scale app which has resulted in my longest streak of weighing myself daily without getting frustrated by the numbers and giving up. I now know that plateaus are fine and I can hate the all-encompassing evil of scale/food fluctuations around my period with more understanding.

I’m down a pants size and am able to wear my wedding ring without breaking out in a rash from it being too tight for the first time in a couple of years. After being too lax and content in January I’m back on the wagon with a stretch goal of 120. I spent a lot of high school/college around 140 so that feels realistic but I’d love to see what I can do.

Thank you all for the comments on other’s posts which gave me countless tidbits and the encouragement you give to everyone regardless of their starting point!

Sorry this all got away from me and turned out longer than I meant!

submitted by /u/alittlesneakyredhead
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What do you do for in-between clothes?

Long time lurker first time poster!

Over the last 3 years I have lost 30 pounds. Slow weight loss, but weight loss nonetheless. I'm reaching the finish line and have really buckled down this last month to just finish the weight loss struggle.

None of my clothes really fit me anymore; even clothes I've purchased a couple months ago are turning baggy. I don't want to invest a ton of money into new clothes, but also I am sick of showing up to work in baggy skirts and blouses. Even the nicer secondhand stores in my town are a little expensive to me for short-term wear because I am a student working part-time.

Does anyone have any tips on buying clothes, altering clothes, or buying clothes that are more sustainable for weight fluctuations?


submitted by /u/highhosilver
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

1 month of CICO (data tracked)

Hi all, I just thought I'd share a little different type of progress pic. This is a picture of my data thus far since I started tracking CICO 12/29/18

Stats: 30F SW: 180 CW: 170.4 GW: 135

The data I tracked is based on my logging into MFP and the calories burned based on my samsung watch.

I am human and didnt track for 1 day out of the month (life, long story...)

But, according to my data I am at a deficit of just over 21,000 calories for the month. Per the scale I am down 9.6 lbs.

I find this data to be interesting. If 1 lbs is truly = to 3500 calories I should only be down about 6 lbs. I think this is a reflection of some water weight loss, coupled with perhaps some element of guestimating calories and also perhaps my watches calories out tracking isnt completely accurate.

Anyway, seeing that I'm nearly 10 lbs down in 1 month this morning was an awesome feeling and I'm looking forward to the continuation of my journey!

submitted by /u/Msmckitten
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Make sure you’re mental state is right.

We all know a good diet and exercise plan will get us to our weight loss goals eventually. If you break it down in it’s simplest form it’s losing more energy than you take in. It’s so simple but most people including myself struggle with it for years. If you’ve tried and failed numerous times... it almost has to be a bad mental state holding you back. Some people have that, “Hard work and dedication, I’m just gonna get it done!” Capability. Some do not. I’ve been relying on meditation lately and it’s a lot easier feeling like I’m not gonna just snap and go back to bad habits. Meditation is just my personal recommendation, some people pray, some people use the law of attraction, and some people even get therapy. Whatever you got to do to put your mind right, do it! Hopefully some of you guys got tips in the comments that can help people build up that strong mental state. Best of luck to all of you!

submitted by /u/CarTransmission
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

DEXA Scan results showing me major progress!

I started this year following macros very religiously along with CrossFit 5x per week. I wasn't losing weight very fast and was getting discouraged. Even my measurements weren't showing anything.

I took a DEXA scan last August when I weighed 212 lbs, and continued to gain weight for the rest of the year until I was 216 at the end of December.

I've been perfect with macros all year, and my CrossFit workouts are slowing reaching a point where they're a little enjoyable instead of total misery for 45 mins. :) I hadn't been noticing much of a change, but the DEXA scan was so great for me.

Here are the results between my two scans:

  • ARMS: - 1.12 lbs of fat, + .72 lbs of muscle
  • LEGS: - 2.71 lbs of fat, + .81 lbs of muscle
  • TRUNK: - 4.63 lbs of fat, + 1.67 lbs of muscle
  • ANDROID (abdominal area): - .95 lbs of fat, + .41 lbs of muscle
  • GYNOID (hips and butt): - 1.65 lbs of fat, + 1.12 lbs of muscle
  • TOTAL: - 8.64 lbs of fat, + 2.75 lbs of muscle

I'm just sharing this to show that even if weight loss is going slow, you can still be making huge changes in your body composition. I'm shocked that I lost almost 5 pounds of fat in my trunk area, and added almost 2 pounds of muscle.

I'm still at 31% body fat, and my goal is to get below 20% by the end of the year. I started the year out at around 35%, and I'm excited to keep working.

submitted by /u/Practical_Condition
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I can finally tell that I'm losing weight.

So I've tried to lose weight multiple times in my life but would always lose motivation after about a month and go back to my old eating habits. At the most I only ever lost about 10 pounds from previous attempts, which I could never physically tell a difference from so it would always start to feel like there was no point. In the past year I've really tried to change my mindset around food and health and have taken steps to make lifelong changes rather than temporary ones. At this point I've lost just under 30 lbs and I'm finally able to see some differences in my body that I wanted to share!

  • My rings are all loose now, I think I've gone down a full ring size and have had to move them from my ring finger to my middle finger
  • I put on a pair of shoes the other day and they were incredibly loose, it felt like someone had replaced them with a larger size as a joke. Didn't necessarily expect to experience a lot of foot weight loss but I'll take it!
  • There's this jacket in my closet, which I bought because I liked it a lot but I could just barely fit into it and my arms were incredibly restricted while wearing it. I tried it on recently and it fits perfectly now and I have total arm movement!
  • I needed to wear something more formal for a presentation recently so I picked out this gorgeous skirt from my closet that I would always wear at my waist line. All day I found myself having to tug this skirt up, it just kept slipping down and I realized that I must not have as much fat around my waist to hold it up anymore.

The entire time I've been losing weight, I've had trouble actually seeing it because when I look in the mirror, I feel like I look the same, despite the number on the scale changing. Having these physical reminders has done a lot to keep me motivated and shown me that my work is actually paying off. I have a closet full of clothes that have been pushed to the back because they stopped fitting. I usually look at them and feel bad but for once I'm excited to go home (I'm away at college) and try everything on to see if there's something I can bring back into rotation!

Feel free to share if you've noticed any differences like this, I'd love to hear what other people have noticed about their bodies after losing weight.

submitted by /u/Agile_Spy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

gained 70 lbs in a year due to depression, time to shift it

Hi all I'm finally coming out of the other end of a really rough year, in which (amongst other things) I finally went to a doctors and was diagnosed with depression, and am now suitably medicated and trying to deal with things in a more constructive way.

I got on the scales for the first time in a long time and ive gained more than 70 lbs in about a year, but now im going to try to lose weight and work on being happy with my body, as ive kind of got my mind sorted out.

I have done weight loss before (lost 50 lbs ish with slimming world) but I stopped going to the classes when they started introducing games into the mix (not my thing). So I know I can do it, so I am hoping with the encouragement of the community that I can get sorted again.

thanks for listening/reading

submitted by /u/potteddeskplant
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Why did I gain when I ate at my TDEE?

So I'll start out saying that I know that it's not good to weigh yourself every day. I'm doing a weight loss competition where we weigh in every week so I do it so I know if I'm at least heading in the right direction.

I try to eat around 1200-1300 calories a day (i'm female, 5'5", 159 lbs). Yesterday I ate around 1700 calories. Nothing super high in sodium, just more than I usually do. I stepped on the scale this morning and was over two pounds heavier than yesterday.

I know that it's not fat and probably water weight, but it seems like eating at about my TDEE shouldn't make it spike like that. Any thoughts? This has happened a few other times to me and it takes almost a week for it to go back down (screwing up my weekly weigh in). I weigh all my food and am meticulous in my tracking.

submitted by /u/outlandishpara
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Body chemistry is a sloppy little shit.

Even when you are strictly adhering to a calorie count significantly below your TDEE, weight loss is one hell of a ride. A roller coaster with some ups as well as (the far preferred) downs.

On the microscale (if I was going the route of daily measurements....which I am not), I can only imagine how rough the graph of my journey would look. Even on the weekly weigh in scale, I oscillate up and down (last week I gained 3 pounds, and I fully expect to drop 5 or 6 in the next week).

Overall progress, taking the long view, I am doing quite well. Any of those ups is followed by reclaiming that increase and (usually but not always) losing another pound or two besides.

Which brings us to the topic of this post. Body chemistry is a sloppy little shit. So do not be hard on yourself when on the journey if your weight does a quick aeronautical stunt, looping up a bit for a time. Stay the course and keep your eye on the long view, not the short term (what happened since last weigh in).

Of course if you are seemingly on a rocket heading towards heavier weight for a significant period of time, it is time to reexamine what you are eating (and more importantly how much). What is a significant period of time? For me, weighing in weekly, I would say if I got a measurable increase three weeks in a row (when I am trying to lose 1.5 pounds a week on my present caloric input), then I would be concerned.

What to take away from this? Do not be discouraged by the little Nazi (you step on the scale and it snaps to attention... the description is particularly valid for those scales at the doctor's office. HEIL!) on the week to week basis. Keep it up, you can do this, and remember the long view!

submitted by /u/ArenYashar
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

New to the community, well acquainted with struggles

So this is my first ever post on this community, I’ve been following it for a while but this is the first time doing anything except upvoting existing posts so here goes

I’m M, 21 5ft 10 SW 218lb (98kg) CW 177lb (80.2kg)

I started this weight loss journey 3 years ago, and I’ve always had a terrible relationship with food, I would binge eat constantly, make excuses for myself and I’d never hold myself accountable, so usually something going wrong in my life would result in over eating and more excuses. This time was different because I got a wake up call. I had to wear a suit that I’d had in my closet for a couple years and had only worn it when I first bought it, but I could barely fit my arms through the sleeve. It sucked when i realised what I’d done to myself. I started on CICO from the start and saw great results, I got down from 218lb to 191lb in half a year, then 177lb a year after that. I hit a bump and got stuck at around 177 for about a year. It was super disheartening but I didn’t stop trying . I managed to drop down to 165lb around October time in 2018. Then Christmas rolled round... I went back to my folks place and fell back into old habits, eating too much, needing tastes to be satisfied, and making excuses. I’m now back up to 177 and want to get back to the healthy life. I’m not expecting this post to reach many people, I just want it to be out there so I can be held accountable and be part of a community that will help motivate rather than provide myself with excuses.

Glad to be part of the loser community!

submitted by /u/JKenneford
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Challenge] SIGN UP for the European Accountability Challenge: February 2019 edition

Hi and welcome to the February 2019 edition of the European Accountability Challenge! The perfect way to stay on track for your weight-related and other goals. This is a month long challenge, with a daily post that goes up in the morning hours of European time zones. The aim is to set goals and keep track of your progress on them. Be accountable, get support and have a chat with friendly people. Anyone and everyone is welcome!


Here’s what to do if you'd like to participate: choose some goals, introduce yourself and let us know what you'll be working on! Most people set goals for the month but you can also set daily or weekly goals if that works better for you.

Some tips for success:

  • Think about how you will achieve your goal and how you will measure success. You may find it helpful to set more specific goals (for example, ‘eat x number of calories per day’ vs. ‘lose weight’); I do but YMMV. Take a look at these guidelines for defining SMART goals.

  • Post on here regularly, we will cheer you on! And please do the same for everyone else, this challenge depends on you to make it fun :)

  • Ask for help if you’re struggling or need some motivation, people on here have quite possibly gone through the same thing and usually have good ideas and encouraging words


So what are your goals for the coming month? Besides straight up weight loss or maintenance goals, we see all sorts of things on this challenge. Goals related to fitness, logging, nutrition, sleep, mental health, learning, happiness, productivity, dogs...anything you can come up with! It’s completely up to you and no goal is too small. If you’re in, tell us some more about your goals in a comment here.

Wishing you all a great month! We got this!!

submitted by /u/HadeanEarthWorm
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

15 Skinny Sandwich Recipes for a Flex™ Meal Win

Sometimes you just want a delicious, hearty sandwich. The good news is that you can still enjoy this meal-time must-have when you’re trying to lose weight. You just have to make smart sandwich choices. In the article How to Build a Better Sandwich, we break down the basics of putting together a palate-pleasing sammie that still fits with your diet. Check it out if you want to build your next sandwich from scratch.

Or, take the easy (and delicious!) route, and try one of these skinny sandwich recipes you’re sure to love:

Hint: Just click on the recipe name, image or link in the caption to get the full recipe.

1. Skinny Cheese Steak Sandwich >

skinny cheesesteak

Get all the flavor and texture of a classic Philly Cheesesteak without any of the guilt-filled aftermath, thanks to this lighter version of a sandwich staple. Featuring thinly sliced pieces of steak covered in melted cheese with mushrooms, peppers and onions in between a soft roll, this is definitely one of our favorite sandwich recipes of all time. Count one serving as two PowerFuels, one SmartCarb and one Vegetable in your NuMi App. Click here to get the full recipe >

2. Buffalo Chicken Sliders >

Of all of the sandwich recipes on The Leaf, this is definitely one of our customers’ favorites. Featuring shredded chicken smothered in spicy, seasoned buffalo sauce with crunchy lettuce in between two soft buns, it’s really no wonder this staple sandwich is so popular. This recipe makes two servings, and each counts as one SmartCarb, one Powerfuel and one Extra, making this a great foundation for a Flex™ Meal.  Can’t get enough buffalo sauce? You’re going to want to check out this article: Love Buffalo Sauce? 5 Recipes You Won’t Want to Miss >

3. Pulled Pork Tenderloin Sandwich >

pulled pork

This sandwich recipe is bursting with delicious, savory flavor. Tender pulled pork and a mouthwatering combination of seasonings and sauces are slow cooked to perfection, then topped with a vinegar cabbage slaw that adds a crunchy kick of flavor on a soft bun. Click here to get the full recipe > Love pork? Trim the fat with these Four Fabulous Pork Recipes >

4. Chicken Sausage & Peppers >
Sausage and Roasted Pepper Sandwich

We keep a classic sandwich lean by replacing regular sausage with chicken sausage in this savory sandwich recipe that’s also packed with sautéed peppers and onions in between a warm, toasted bun. Clocking in at a little more than 300 calories, and counting as two PowerFuels, one SmartCarb and one Vegetable, this popular pick makes a great Flex™ meal option. Click here for the full recipe >

5. Turkey, Apple & Swiss Waffle Sandwich >
turkey sandwich

If we weren’t so floored by the flavor of this delicious sandwich, we’d be stuck on just how creative it is. Using your Nutrisystem Buttermilk Waffles as a stand in for bread, this top-rated sammie combines turkey, apple, red onion and Swiss cheese with an unbelievable avocado sauce for a delicious dish your taste buds and your waistline will thank you for. Click here to get the full recipe >

6. BBQ Chicken Sandwich >

Have your BBQ and lose weight, too, with this popular pick that’s one of our favorite sandwich recipes. Featuring tender, shredded chicken breast smothered in a smokey BBQ sauce and topped with a flavorful classic coleslaw mix in between a soft bun, this is one healthy recipe the whole family will love. Counting as two SmartCarbs, two PowerFuels, three Extras and half a Vegetable, this sandwich can be enjoyed as a flex meal. Just be sure to check your Flex™ meal guidelines to determine how best to tweak the recipe to fulfill your flex meal requirements. Click here to get the full recipe >

7. Artisanal Grilled Cheese >

grilled cheese sandwich recipes

This Artisanal Grilled Cheese puts a flavorful spin on a staple sammie. Pair it with a warm cup of soup or a veggie-packed garden salad for a balanced meal that will become a regular on your menu. Click here for the full recipe >

8. Trail Mix Mash-Up Breakfast Sandwich >
Trail Mix Mash-Up Breakfast Sandwich Recipe

Get your mornings off on the right foot with this tasty bagel breakfast sandwich featuring your Nutrisystem Honey Wheat Bagel topped with creamy (or crunchy, if you prefer!) peanut butter, sliced banana and raisins, then sprinkled with cinnamon. The healthy fats from the peanut butter and the fiber from the bagel and raisins will help keep you full, while the complex carbs from the bananas will help boost your energy. So you’ll stay satisfied and strong till lunchtime rolls around. Click here to get the full recipe > Or, if you’re looking for some other tasty ways to enjoy the Nutrisystem bagel, click here for five more delicious recipes using your Nutrisystem Honey Wheat Bagel >

9. Avocado Chicken Salad Sandwich >

avocado chicken salad sandwich sandwich recipes

This delicious Avocado Chicken Salad Sandwich is a dieter’s dream: It’s delicious and it takes mere seconds to prepare. Not an avocado fan? Feel free to leave it off. Although we think it definitely adds a little something extra to this popular sandwich recipe. Click here for the full recipe >

10. Turkey and Goat Cheese Wrap >

turkey and goat cheese wrap sandwich recipes

This delicious Turkey and Goat Cheese Wrap is loaded with vibrant veggies for an extra touch of flavor… and crunch. Click here for the full recipe >

11. Tasty Tuna Salad Wrap >


Tuna is the chicken of the sea, and for good reason. Its white, lean and oh-so-versatile! This healthy take on the Nutrisystem Tuna Salad is ready in under five minutes. Perfect on-the-go or for a lunch spent in, you will check one serving of heart healthy fish off your list for the week. Like most fish, tuna is rich in heart-healthy and waist-friendly omega-3 fats. Each bite is a source of protein. This recipe adds some extra nutrition and counts as a Nutrisystem Lunch, one PowerFuel, one Vegetable and one Extra. Click here for the full recipe >

12. Skinny Egg Salad Sandwich >

egg salad sandwich recipes

This skinny take on a staple sandwich is just as healthy as it is hearty. Just consider this fair warning: You may want to consider doubling the recipe. A sandwich this tasty is likely to draw a hungry crowd. Click here for the full recipe >

13. Mediterranean Tuna Pita >

tuna pita sandwich recipes

Add some olives, onions and sun-dried tomatoes to your standard tuna pita for a delicious and healthy Mediterranean twist. Click here for the full recipe >

14. Chicken Pita Pocket >

chicken pita pocket sandwich recipes

Need a quick and tasty lunch for a busy workday? Searching for the simplest dinner that still delivers on taste and nutrition? Introducing the Chicken Pita Pocket! It’s easy to prepare, full of nutrition and totally tasty! With characteristics like that, is it really any wonder this is one of our customers’ favorite sandwich recipes? Click here for the full recipe >

15. Light Fruit & Cottage Cheese Sandwich >
fruit and cheese sandwich healthy breakfast recipes

We know we say it about all of our sandwich recipes… But this delicious dish really does bring something a little something special to the table. This Light Fruit & Cheese Sandwich is an absolutely delightful combination of sweet, fresh mixed fruit, honey, light cottage cheese and cheddar stuffed into an airy yet filling whole wheat pita pocket. Chopped green onion adds an extra flair that leaves our taste buds wanting more of this fantastic recipe. This ideal Flex™ Meal starter is all completely dietitian-approved, and satisfies sandwich cravings in a totally unique and amazing way. Click here for the full recipe >

The post 15 Skinny Sandwich Recipes for a Flex™ Meal Win appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf