Friday, January 25, 2019

30 Day Accountability Challenge - Day 25

Hello folks,

I'm late today! Forgive me for being a bit absent the next day or so, I'm celebrating my 30th birthday this weekend & will be out & about.

Weight by end of the month 275 - 273: 272.8 this morning!!! 276.5 trend weight (via Libra). HUZZAH!

1500 ish calories a day (net): Maintenance day today, took my mark back for yesterday. 16/21

Exercise 5 days a week: Did HIIT & a beginning weight loss routine. Huzzah! 18/25 days.

Self-care journaling once a week & love journals once a month: I prefer to do this on the weekends. Still need to set time aside for love journals. 4/5 weeks.

Self-care treat once a week: I spent today doing stuff just for me! 4/5 weeks.

Do a sketch prompt everyday: I drew doggos again & a raccoon. Raccoon was rough. 25/25.

How are all of you doing?

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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