Friday, January 11, 2019

I fucked up.

This community made me start my reddit account back at 2015, It was my doorway to reddit and my guide book for leaving morbid obesity into being a normal dude.

I'm 23, male 5'7, started this run 3 years ago at 114 kg(251 pounds), my goal weight was always 69kg(152). Two years after I started my slow but steady calorie counting diet, I had reached 74kg(-40kg/-88lbs) in july 2017...I was no longer 'overweight' by medical standards for my height! what a wonderful event that was. I had new clothes, started to enjoy the parts of life I had been kept away for most of my young years, I felt normal for the first time in a...long time.

During this journey, I had always seen the usual posts about people gaining weight again, or dealing with stress and struggling. I had my share too, there were hard times and...well..."less hard times", but still, I pushed through like most of you are doing or did, or will do.

I actually feel a strange feeling, a dejavu of some sort, coming here to report that after all this journey I'm obese again, yes, It hurts to admit and to believe, that I have gained 15 kilos in the last 8 months. My face is fat again, my thighs, naturally fat from my mother's part, again brush up one against another, something I had been able to eliminate. My pants don't fit anymore, the last one was so unconfortable it made me weight myself and led me here.

Like many before me, it is my time to go trought this experience, of not maintaining and having to lose again. I now ocuppy the shoes of those that I had seen so much during this journey, funny feeling.

It all began when i started planning to move to Europe. Having to learn a new language, planing a long staying away from home...I forgot all about my weight problems, and surely overate for a good while. I've been abroad for 5 months, the exotic food surely helped, but deep down, It was my lack of control that led to this.

Standing close to where I started almost 4 years ago, I begin again this journey, I try not to focus on the hardships or the pain, but instead on the homely feeling that this trail 'evokes' upon me feel. By experience I know...there **is** a pot of gold at the end of this rainbow.

I don't know any of you, but I appreciate the support this community has always "silently" given me. May your weight loss journeys be light and happy in the end!

submitted by /u/Fettboy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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