Saturday, January 12, 2019

Is body weight exercise enough to maintain a decent amount of muscles mass during a pretty extreme amount of weight loss? See text box please...

Ok so I'm 196 pounds, 5'2 young woman aiming to get down to 120 pounds and hopefully get strong fit and chiseled when it's all over. I keep seeing how important it is to maintain muscle while losing weight otherwise you could still have dangerous amounts of fat on your body aka "skinny fat" even while being at a technically healthy weight. Also I've heard it be said often that increased muscle mass amps up your BMR which will also aid in weight loss as you naturally burn even more calories throughout the day simply existing.

I looked at the wiki but didn't see this specifically so if I overlooked it I apologize and if you know where it is please do point me in the right direction.

The trouble that I have is this...I like most newbs when it comes to strength training don't have the slightest of clues on what to do to actually build muscle, there's only a handful of machines at my gym that I know how to use and even then I don't truly know how much or how little I should be pushing myself with the know high reps low weight, high weight low reps; I simply don't know.

The gym I go to offers personal training but I won't be able to afford it for another couple of months and I'd like to start with the strength training now. I feel utterly lost not knowing where to start and so was thinking of just doing body weight exercises for now to try and preserve some muscle along the way and I need to know if that is actually adequate enough??

If it isn't can you point me to where I can go to find weighted workouts that I can do from home? Like a comprehensive list of equipment like dumbell sizes and weights I'd need, as well as specific workouts to do.

Any help would be greatly appreciated because I truly want to reach my body goals. Thank you!

submitted by /u/Shadows23
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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