Thursday, February 7, 2019

Finally under 190 lbs!

F/5’8”, started at 240 ish lbs at the beginning of November.

I’m finally under 190 lbs! I weighed 187 lbs 4 days ago. I caught a nasty virus and haven’t been eating well the last few days. Today, I got myself back on track. Tonight I weighed in at 189, so thankfully, not much damage done.

I gained about 80 lbs during my pregnancy last year (crazy!) and immediately set up a plan to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I’ve got about another 30 to go. Most of my clothes still don’t fit, but I’m pretty ecstatic regardless. I plan to possibly go lower once I’m back to my previous size, but for now I’ll just be happy when my jeans fit again.

I’ve been following CICO, using an app to log my calories. If anyone else uses MFP, please let me know! I’d love to have more friends on the app to help me stay motivated. I aim for about 1700 calories a day. I’ve also entirely cut out anything that contains dairy. In addition to helping with weight loss, it’s had the nice side effect of clearer skin.

Honestly, I haven’t been working out. I plan to, but with a new baby I haven’t managed to find a decent schedule. I work in a kitchen 2-3 nights a week and am on my feet, though, which has definitely helped.

Thank you to everyone in this sub, you help me stay motivated!

submitted by /u/fetuscarnitas
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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