Friday, February 8, 2019

Need advice.

Hello fellow Reddit users. I come to you for advice on weight loss and dieting. So here are my stats-

Height: 170cm Weight: 86kg Body fat% estimate by a few machines: 24-26%

BMR calc- 1900 TDEE- 2800-3000

I am 20 right now and 2 years ago I was 72-75 kilos with low body fat and high BMI and I used to strength train 4 days a week. But I changed countries and fell off the healthy lifestyle bandwagon.

Now I want to get back to my ideal weight of 70-75 kgs in a course of 4-5 months because I am impatient.

How do I devise a diet plan to lose 4+ lbs or around 2 kgs per week and yes I train hard (cardio+weight 6 days a week).

Can someone please help me decide how much protein per kilogram of body weight (currently going with 1.2-1.5 per kg, is this amount alright?)

Calories around 1250-1500 with 100+/- from it. Or I should increase my intake because literature on starvation nice had me worried very much regarding if I am going to stunt my weight loss. Do I eat different calories on different days or something? Or I up my calories and cardio? Or what? Since I am new to losing a lot of weight every response would be appreciated

Thanks in advance

submitted by /u/TraditionalisticBot
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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