Sunday, March 31, 2019

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Monday, 01 April 2019

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is there any collection of authentic progress pictures available?

One of my favourite things on this subreddit is seeing posts from people who are "completing" their weight loss journey. It's incredibly inspiring and motivating to see people success in their goals, a goal that we all have in common. In particular, I find that there's something very therapeutic about seeing progress pictures, whether it's a 10 lbs difference or a 100 lbs difference, it's still inspiring.

I was wondering if anyone knew of a collection of these types of progress pictures or even these types of posts? I know you can go on google and search for it but I always feel like there's fake pictures or manipulated pictures thrown in the mix for other purposes like advertising services.

submitted by /u/chrisd848
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lost. F28 5'2 about 240pounds

Ive always been chunky, preteen is the only time i dont remember being fat. And im scared of being thin cause ive never been it when it mattered.

I have lots of depression and anxiety and gone through therapy (for other things) but weight loss has always come up for helping with both depression anxiety and im all for it when im in the office and days later im telling myself to go outside and exercise (walking/running my dog maninly) i do just one lap around my Apartment complex and call it good. It take 12 -15 minutes to walk the whole complex (she likes to sniff and do her business on every bush/rock)

When my dog was younger i would walk for hours and loved it, just walking around my neighborhood. But life change for the better but my state of mind change too and i was able to go to therapy and was told that im schizoaffective bipolar type and got on meds to help with that. Life was numbed and i lost all joy in my hobbies that was for two years and towards the end of the two years i got a new gp doctor and shes great! And i asked for help with weight loss and she got me on somekind of meds that would help with appetite suppressing and it was great i didnt want to eat and lost 13 pounds in a month from not eating as much. but it was only a short term med as the effect would lessen plus it was like one chemical combination away from meth. So i stopped that apperite suppressant and gained all my weight back.

Im at a point in life that im sad about my weight and i cant get out of my depression enough to go and walk, like its looping and im stuck. Im getting my indoor hobbies back and thats really good but if i get back on psych meds and anti depressants i might lose the hobbies again and just eat more cause its the only thing that i feel like doing.

I dont know what to do. I cant commit to diet and exercise cause of the depression.

Im sorry for rambling. Im sorry if this isnt the place for this post.

submitted by /u/CallMeProperty
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Just a reminder: there will always be an excuse

I mentioned in conversation to someone today that I've lost almost 20 lbs (hit down 18 lbs a couple days ago) and am still losing (I have 130 lbs to go lol). She was impressed and asked if I could share how I'm doing it. I explained CICO, that I was weighing and measuring the majority of my food, and that meal prep was helping me immensely. I explained that I was focusing on reaching my weight goal before I added in exercise so it didn't feel overwhelming. I told her about the app I use to track calories and several subreddits, including this one, that have helped encourage me to stay on track.

She said that all sounded great, but it was harder for her because she didn't have a husband, so she didn't have as much time. And she started talking about how she'll go from one job to the next and have to stop to pick up food in between jobs, or she'll prep food but forget it, etc.

I lost weight while in grad school. I was on campus from the morning until late evening. My then fiancé was hundreds of miles away and I was constantly working, in class, or studying my brains out. I had time for NOTHING. But every day (or night before if I was really on it), I packed enough food for sometimes all three meals and more snacks than I would need. And days that didn't happen (because yeah, it happens, we've all been there), I made choices that fit my goals. It wasn't easy. But I did it. That's essentially what I told her. I've been there. I've been single and crazy busy. But I did it.

Here's what I didn't tell her that I wish I had: being married changes nothing. It often makes staying on track harder. Between my two jobs and volunteer positions, I work more than full time. And many of my hours are worked before the sun comes up. And, my husband and I share a car, so drive him to and from work and often spend over an hour in a Wendy's parking lot waiting for him to tell me he's off work (don't even go here please lol). I'm constantly driving, constantly surrounded by temptation and opportunities to go off track.

I'm constantly exhausted. When your main job starts at 3 am, you're never not tired. But I still make time to prep and freeze enough food to last me for a couple weeks of dinners (and the instant pot makes it super easy). My husband is hardly home and when he is, he just wants snacks. I still make it work. Just because he's eating something or a certain amount of something, doesn't mean I have to match it.

That job, that situation, that relationship status, or whatever that thing is you wish you had doesn't always make things easier or better. Marriage is work. A job is still work, even if it's your dream job. A goal takes work. All of us on this sub could write a post like this, talking about every barrier in their life that makes working towards your goals harder. There will always be an excuse. Weight loss takes effort. It takes discipline. It takes saying no to certain things because they don't fit your calories for the day. It takes turning down a night out or sleeping in so you can hit the gym. It takes making sure you're prepared for a busy day away from home. It. Takes. Work.

You are always going to find an excuse. At some point, all of us have to or have had to realize that we have to be stronger than our excuses. You don't have to eat the elephant all in one day. Take it one bite, one babystep, one day at a time. You'll be glad you did.

submitted by /u/littleroseygirl
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Just wondering if anyone else has had this self esteem issue after a plateau...

Hey there! So I (28F) am someone with a fairly significant amount of weight to lose. About 3 years ago, I lost 50 lbs. Though I still have a long way to go before I achieve what I would consider a goal weight, at the time that I hit the 50 lb mark, I felt absolutely amazing. My self confidence was at an all time high. I just generally felt so much better and I was fitting into clothes I’d never been able to wear before. I really felt fantastic about myself. Since then I’ve maintained that weight with a small amount of fluctuation, but I feel totally different. I’ve realized that I think it’s because I’ve become accustomed to this weight as my new norm, and because it’s still not technically a healthy weight, I now feel terrible about myself. I’m so unhappy with my appearance and the way my clothes fit despite being the exact same weight I was at the tail end of my 50 lb loss several years ago.

I’ve recently gotten back into the weight loss groove but I’m so impatient to see progress and start to feel good again. Has anyone else experienced this? A self esteem dive after a very long plateau? I know as long as I stick with it, I will start to see changes and feel better again. It’s just hard at the moment. Any sort of encouragement would be welcome!

submitted by /u/Pharmkitty18
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Week 2 of 26] Nailing it so far - 50 pound plan

Last post:

More or less was fat, got skinny, got injured, got fat, going to get skinny again. Now I'm starting a 26 week plan to lose weight. Will post a weekly update mostly to keep myself accountable.

Week 2: Biked to and from work Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Wednesday I took the bus so I could donate plasma. I walked home. Friday I slept in, took the bus but eventually walked home after some drinks. Saturday I did a 25 km bike ride and followed it up with an hour round trip walk (to McDonalds...). Sunday I biked 10 km to meet some friends for a 5 km run and then biked back. Exercise I think was about as good as I could have done. Food wise, I believed I ate pretty much my calories burned exercising (again not logging calories yet) however the nutritional value was pretty low. With a (non exercise) TDEE of 2000 I was expecting to lose 4 pounds this week, ended up just over that losing 4.6.

Next week: Work on incorporating more vegetables and fruits into my diet, otherwise I'll be more than happy to have another week like this one. I will also not be getting a bus pass for April so any day missed biking in will end up costing me (although I save significantly on the pass).

Future: No changes to the plan, will start logging food and exercise eventually. With the quicker than expected weight loss, I might have to readjust my target goals in the future.

Week Date Target Actual
1 03/24/2019 180 179.0
2 03/31/2019 178 174.4
3 04/07/2019 176
4 04/14/2019 174
5 04/21/2019 172
6 04/28/2019 170
7 05/05/2019 168
8 05/12/2019 166
9 05/19/2019 164
10 05/26/2019 162
11 06/02/2019 160
12 06/09/2019 158
13 06/16/2019 156
14 06/23/2019 154
15 06/30/2019 152
16 07/07/2019 150
17 07/14/2019 148
18 07/21/2019 146
19 07/28/2019 144
20 08/04/2019 142
21 08/11/2019 140
22 08/18/2019 138
23 08/25/2019 136
24 09/01/2019 134
25 09/08/2019 132
26 09/15/2019 130

submitted by /u/CautionaryLoseItTale
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Another Long Ass Lurker Post: Teen Edition

Okay, so I really thought not to post at all because some of the things I did during my weight loss journey I’m starting to recognize as playing with fire. And of course that isn’t something I’d advocate to other teens, strangers, anyone. However I think it’s it’s important that I at least acknowledge my mistakes in a public fashion, point out things I did to make sure I wouldn’t truly screw myself, and hopefully someone will learn from me. frankly I’d be honored if any of you guys read all of this, It’s a lot. I’ll try to separate out this post into subtitles that would help those that just want to see specific sections.

I’ve been a lurker for a while now and I might as well give back to the community I have taken so much from. Also I’m sorry I don’t have actual body progress pics, because I know that’s what people like about these posts. I’m still a minor, and still trying to keep this account kinda private. so with that out of the way, Stats!

F17 5’5’’ (165 cm) SW: 200 lb (90.71 kg) CW: 149 lb (67.58 kg) GW:130 lb (58.96 kg)

From August 2018 to now, I’ve lost around 51 lbs (23.1 kg)


So I’m part of the faction who, for as long as they could remember, they’ve been overweight. I remember being shamed for it way back in elementary school - but in terms of school, I think elementary school was the only time I was ever really made to feel ashamed for my weight^ ( little shits). The only other times was my dad and his side of the family. type two diabetes runs wild there, so at a young age my dad berated my eating habits.

Yeah, uh, a little side note here: I don’t know how to convince your daughter to lose weight, but here’s how not to do it.

From at least ages 9-15 expressing any type of sustained enthusiasm or preference for a food got me criticized. If not at the table, he would tell me later that “pasta/rice/bread/ketchup/mayo/mashed potatoes/chicken/apple cider vinegar on salads is why you’re fat - stop eating it.” I loathed every second of it, especially when i’d be singled out for eating my favorite foods when my siblings were doing the same. That, combined with the insistence of my relatives that “I’d be prettier/be more desirable If I lost weight” made me feel a bit defiant in a way and -- and a bit helpless. I hated the idea that everyone saw me as something that needed to be fixed.

I did want to be thin then, I wanted to be fixed, I wanted to be just as pretty as my sisters. but I had no idea how to do it, and their ‘encouragements’ weren't exactly convincing me, gluttonous monstrosity that I was, that I could even dream of the ‘discipline’ required. My Dad would also go on fad diets now and then that, of course, would never work, and that also cemented my idea that weight loss was a herculean task that a mere mortal like me couldn’t fathom until I was at least an adult that had more control of the food I was around.

I had gone up to 183 lbs (83 kg) and I basically thought of 183 lbs as my standard weight, but I never weighed myself. In 2017, I was put upon a scale for drivers ed, and I was sickened to find out I had risen to 192 lbs (87 kg) I felt horrible about it, but still felt that I had no control over my weight. In my mind I was eating the same food as my siblings, I didn’t really grasp the idea of calories or portions.

That changed over last summer, when I got invited for a tech internship at the local university for a really cool project on ocean discovery. We weren’t paid, but we got a card to eat around campus for lunch.

I think you know where this is headed.

I abused the hell out of it, got panda express nearly everyday, and still ate dinner with my family afterwards. Frankly I don’t have much regrets, free Chinese food is free Chinese food. But when I got on the scale after the internship was done I had gone up to 200 . 200 seemed to be my mental limit and I just couldn’t let myself be that overweight (at that point, my BMI put me in the obese range), and unlike when I got to 192 lbs, I knew why I had gotten bigger. I also no longer had access to free food, so I felt uniquely prepared for the challenge of fixing my eating habits (lol).

Starting Out

I’m going to tell you right now, what I remember from early August to December, when I started was that it really was hard in the beginning. You see, I wanted to lose weight in secret, I didn’t (and still don’t) trust my dad with my health. I knew that if my dad found out I would be instantly be put on whatever fad diet he was on and everything I would do, my goals, and what I ate would be blasted to literally everyone he knew, which apparently includes the entire East Coast and Northern Africa. Privacy and boundaries aren't words ‘round these parts .

Of course that meant that I couldn’t ask to see a doctor (my dad doesn't trust doctors and think that they are a waste of money too, so there is that as well) or ask for a food scale.

Listen, I really don’t recommend this approach. I should have lied or something to get a food scale (‘its for a project, I swear’) I don’t think there was any I could have seen a doctor, but If you can please do. The most frustrating thing about my entire fiasco was that my dad and aunt (both capable adults) were ignoring my denials of conscious weight loss from December to just about two weeks ago when they were cornering me about it (lies, but so am I at this point) and pointedly ignored my insistence that they see a doctor/ dietitian. I know It’s hypocritical to ask this of y’all, but please, it takes care of a lot of problems when you get advice from someone who actually knows what they are talking about.

I did have some checks on myself and it’s probably the only reason why my relationship with food isn’t as messed up as it should be, what with my medically questionable methods. I had an almost borderline irrational fear of having an eating disorder (I know, I know, the irony is real) but because of it I was dedicated to the 1200 minimum for women (I wasn’t aware of the 1600 minimum for teens, again, another mistake), I felt that no matter what I did I COULD NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES eat below 1200 a day. In fact, the way I used myfitnesspal was that I had an established minimum of about 1230 ish and I would log everything I ate as accurately as I could without a food scale (1230 was what was recommended by myfitnesspal and to lose 1.5 pounds a week). My logic was that since most people overestimate eyeballing food, if I eyeballed 1230 I would hit the 1200 minimum for sure and eat a bit more calories and still be at a deficit. I was aiming for 1 lbs a week, so I was kind of hoping that eyeballing would make me eat around 1400 cals a day.

Again, - I don’t fucking recommend this - if I’d have been a little smarter about it what I probably should have done was eaten at a minimum of 1700 cals for 4 months consistently and see whether or not I lost weight, if not lowering by 100 cals and tracking again for 4 months etc. that would have given me an idea of my true TDEE and would have at least been a bit safer. (If I was actually smart I would be able to convince my dad to let me see a doctor alone for a ‘private -reason-that-needs-to-remain-confidential-but-still-isn’t-a-big-deal,-don’t-ask-me-about-it’ but hey, we can’t all have a silver tongue)

There is another component to this, eating a minimum of 1230 ish a day ment that on most days I was logging about 1250-1350 a day, remember a guesstimate. The way I had structured this was that I’d eat an approximately 6xx cal lunch and 6xx cal dinner (I’ve never eaten breakfast ever, even when I was bigger). If I ate more I’d always console myself with - “well you’re still probably at a deficit, you still made progress - you didn’t even wipe off a day” which was definitely a good mentality to have throughout the process. Likewise the scale our family has is an old ass fossilized goodwill relic from the 90s that isn’t digital and makes your weight vary depending on which leg you lean on (it’s the scale in the pic above). I thought this scale was going to be a chip on my shoulder, but it really helped me not focus too much on the number. I mainly payed attention to 5lb markers so extra water weight, plateaus, food I ate, etc. didn’t stress me out as much as it might have if my scale was fully functioning. Also another unexpected win.

Negatives that I’ve found was a lot to do with still being in school. Since I participate in robotics and I would sometimes be at school from 8 am to 7-8 pm. (robotics build season is also on top of Fencing season. My exercise of choice, that I don’t do as often as I should). That ment from noon till 7 I wouldn’t have food on hand to eat, or money to buy food with. Poor choice, since on those days my TDEE would be a lot higher then on days in the weekend when I’m in bed all day (and -- no shit -- have a much easier time sticking to 1230 -1350. Fucking magic /s)

Likewise, being hungry at around 4-7 is a great way to feel sluggish during homework and after school clubs. Eat enough guys.

Fixing Your own Bad Habits Should be your Goal.

Something that I’ve really noticed, and had found out as I was losing weight is that I had bad eating habits. After all, If I truly ate like my sisters, I would have looked like my sisters. It's something that I feels isn’t represented in so many weight loss advice articles were there first advice is “stop drinking soda, and quit fast food!!!” Your extra pounds might not have been caused by those specific habits, but other ones that you need to target. For an example, I hardly ever drink soda. Even when I was big I avoided it, but I drank an embarrassingly shit ton of milk. It became an inside joke in my family how much I drank milk. As r/gainit has found out , it is an excellent source of extra calories if you are trying to bulk, but I didn’t exercise much so of course it became fat on me. I realized when counting calories that when I craved milk and drank water instead, Instantly the cravings would go away, I just preferred milk because it was always cold and always refrigerated. Once I understood that It was an easy habit to nix.

Another thing that was a problem for me binging when I got home from school/ or at dinner. My lunches were very bare bones as my mom would make them super early in the morning before school. No shade to my mom, she did what she could for me, but when you only eat 400 calories from 6:30 am till 4-5 pm your going to eat anything and everything when you get home. I was in the habit of binging the night before so I wouldn’t be hungry during school the next day. Making my own lunches meant I had more to eat at school and made sure I wasn’t in a constant unintentional deprivation - binging cycle.

Sometimes I would just overeat anyway in the afternoon even when I had a proper lunch and for that what I’ve found useful is tracking why I binged. I needed to keep track of triggers I could avoid to minimize my bad habits. I found out I binged when I was: over stressed with homework I procrastinated on, there was special food in the house (birthday, holiday, etc), and there was a certain type of food (chocolate, chips, etc) that I knew would disappear quickly if I didn’t have some right now. Each of these I had to find a different ways to cope with, because I couldn’t completely get rid of my triggers, or avoid all unhealthy option that appears before me - but just recognizing that the reason I wanted to eat wasn’t hunger based helped me avoid them.

By January I had lost some weight at a rate of about 1.6 lbs a week. It was not above the danger level of 2 lbs a week, but remember, my goal was 1 lb a week. I realized at that point that I was doing something wrong, either my TDEE was higher than I thought, or I was way better at calorie counting than I thought - either way I needed to eat more. I tried to put my minimum at 1500, but I felt physically terrible afterwards. when you are used to packing a certain amount and eating a certain amount at a certain time changing on the fly is hard. so I’m started back again, trying to eat more in that 4-7 pm window but not setting myself a hard limit. That is where I am at the moment. I’m still trying to lose that 19-20 extra lbs but I still noticed some

Unexpected Things

I made the conscious decision not to take any body pictures. Other people in my family sometimes use my phone and a pic of my flabby ass on the camera roll is going to be really hard to explain away. The only picture I have of myself in a higher weight is my senior pictures, where I am, of course, fully clothed in my traditional baggy attire and I’m planning to maybe burn before anyone remembers they exist. As a consequence I still feel fat in a way, even though I am at the lowest weight since - 5th grade? 4th grade? (I remember in middle school being weighed at 164 lbs (74.3 kg) so at least since elementary school). I have finally reached the top end of a healthy BMI, and It nearly feels like I haven’t changed at all. I still got stomach rolls, I still got grandma flaps, I just have to keep in mind that there are not nearly as bad as they used to be. I have to remember that I’ve made progress, that in the midst of an obesity epidemic, in the abyss of cheap fast food and comfort meals, I’ve wrestled back a jawline.

I can cross my legs now, running doesn’t sound as hell now, most of the changes I’ve experienced are small and inconsequential, which leads me to the next topic -

Losing Weight Won’t Fix your Spiraling Sense of Self-Worth. Especially When You’re No Longer Using Food as a Mental Crutch.

Yeah, ya girl got her her admissions letters back (my face when good engineering schools reject my calculus failing ass) so this has definitely been a huge weight on my mind.

So obviously I didn’t think weight loss was going to solve all of my problems, but I was so so relieved when I realized that I could control my weight. Remember that part in that old movie Princess Diaries where Mia looks in the mirror, sighs, and says something along the lines of “well this is as good as it’s going to get”? I felt that way for the longest time. I’d browse this subreddit bitterly because most people here can do whatever they want. It must be nice to just ‘buy’ a food scale, and just ‘go see’ a doctor, and just ‘join’ a gym. It must be nice to buy well fitted bras, or go to a thrift shop to buy dresses and shorts. Walk wherever - present yourself however you like. I’m seventeen, and don’t have the freedom or cash for that. But finding out that I could lose weight with what I had (phone, r/loseit, walking during lunch, etc) felt like one thing in my life that I could fix, something that I didn’t have to wait until I was 25 for. There was finally something I can do to look more like myself.

Of course, CICO works, I physically have less weight on me, but it isn’t Jesus. I just have broader shoulders than my sisters, I just have no hips. Your always going to find something wrong with yourself. -- after all, thin people have body image issues too! I don’t have much advice for you guys with this one, It’s just something that I’ve noted, despairingly, many times.

Communities are Genuinely Important. Don’t be Me

r/loseit has meant a lot to me, as a group that I don’t have my actual day to day life, as a touchstone to things that I was doing that weren’t healthy, for questions that I had. You don’t know how many people you are effecting when you write all your NSV and your onderland posts.

I regret being a lurker for so long -- whether I felt like I had nothing of value to contribute or feeling that a lot of these posts and situations don’t apply to me. There is nothing harder than struggling and fighting your demons alone. I browsed and read a lot of posts on this sub, and after all those weeks and all those months I really wished I had responded to some, ESPECIALLY to all those posts of people with frighteningly similar stats and backgrounds as me. The same height, or age, or SW, or GW, making the same mistakes, in the same situations. So I want to mention the last post of that nature, by u/StarryEyedConfidence. This one. I can’t go back and ping all of the users that I shouldn’t have ignored, but that one was the one I saved before writing this.

Thanks r/loseit.

edit : formatting

submitted by /u/saepe_sapientia
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Why I'm neither fat nor skinny [a post about eating habits]

Recently I've been reading about the habits of the naturally skinny. This has caused me to think a lot about my own eating habits and I really felt like writing my thoughts down. So, since I've been enjoying this type of content, I decided to make a post here. I hope someone enjoys it, or finds it informative. BTW sorry about a long post.

So first some background and stats. I'm 20, female, 167 cm and probably around 62 kg right now (that's BMI 22 for any americans). During my teen years my bmi has fluctuated between 20 and 24. Some of this was because of restriction, but a lot of it just happened naturally and I doubt I would ever reach a weight higher than perhaps 70 kg without the addition of serious mental turmoil, or pregnancy. Now in the eyes of a lot of people this would probably classify me as "naturally skinny". But growing up in the 21th century swedish middle class, I was actually on the "chunkier" side for my age. Now I think this is mostly due to some bad eating habits I started in childhood and it's those, as well as the habits that have kept me from really blowing up, that I want to analyse here.

The Good [aka weight loss tips]:

  • Homecooking has always been the norm... I would never dream of eating junk food several times a day, or even most days of the week. In reality I probably eat it twice a month in the form of swedish pizza or a burger with onion rings. And the usual dinner is a boiled carbohydrate, baked/boiled/fried animal protein, a side of plain vegetables and a sauce. Richer meals are eaten during weekends and even then it's nothing extreme.
  • I usually drink water or full-fat milk. Sugary drinks (inc. juice!) are a once in a while thing. I drink them maybe 2-3 a month and even then I struggle to finish a 33cl can of soda.
  • I've never been a picky eater and I truly enjoy what others might consider disgusting diet/health food. For example, I considered cabbage soup one of my favourite meals for years. Not joking.
  • My portion control is somewhat sane. It was far from great (more on that later), but I never even considered demolishing entire sleeves of cookies, several bags of chips, a whole pint of icecream or a family sized meal. In fact
    I didn't even realise that it's something people do. I would be hanging over a chair, never wanting to see food again and low-key wanting to die before I even got close. Because I don't like being stuffed, it's super uncomfortable. I still do it, but I also hate it.

The Bad [aka what I want to change]:

  • The Clean Plate Club. I was a gold-card member for YEARS. I couldn't stand the thought of throwing away even a few morcels of food even if it meant stuffing myself to the point of pain. It's become a lot better now, but I still catch myself finishing things I'm no longer enjoying, or eating past the point of satisfaction and even fullness. My wish to clear a plate is also made worse because..
  • I often pile too much food onto my plate. I want to a have a bit of everything and don't always consider how much food it will be when it's all put together. Buffets are especially hard.
  • I'm obsessed with food. I think about it A LOT. If I don't keep myself occupied it's usually where my mind strays, even if I'm full. And If I think about it, I want to eat it. Most of my snacking comes from this obsession, rather than hunger.
  • I want more, more, more. Instead of savouring every bite I'll hurry to get another one in my mouth, like it's somehow going to taste even better than the one I'm already chewing on [spoiler: it won't]. When I'm eating something good I'll start thinking about getting more, even if I just started and even though I know I'm probably gonna be satisfied by the time I'm done. I rarely have just one piece of something, even if having more is a game of diminishing returns.
  • I often struggle to respect my hunger signals. I eat meals when I'm not hungry so as to not worry friends and family. I often continue eating when I'm full and occasionally to the point of discomfort. And I'll give in to cravings even when I'm far from hungry.

That's all I could think of right now. I think it can be summerised into something like this: I have a bad relationship with food, but I'm saved by some decent food habits I learned in childhood. And to those who recognize themselves in my bad habits, I've been making a lot of progress. For me the key has been to be aware and to communicate with myself. For example, when I notice myself overeating, I'll gently remind myself I don't like feeling stuffed, and that it's okay to stop. I try to avoid anxiety and stress around weight and food, because having a relaxed attitude makes it so much easier for me to let go of bad patterns. Think about it, if you crave something, what would be the most effective method? Taking a deep breath and saying to yourself "I can have some of it later, when I'm hungry", or repeating to yourself "I can't have it. It's a bad food. If I have one bite I won't stop", all the while terrified you might give in? Well in my case the latter would usually lead to a fixation on the food until I finally gave up and ate too much of it...and probably too quickly to enjoy it... And if I do it the first way? I usually forget about it, and if I don't I just make it a reasonably sized part of my next meal.


submitted by /u/sagaisaname
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Do you need accountability and want to motivate each other? I lost 22 kg (44 lbs) so far!

Sex/Age: Male, 25 years old

Height: 174 cm (5'9")

Weight loss: From 92 kg to 72 kg (203 lbs to 159 lbs) - On average it has been 1 kg (2.2 lbs) each week.

I still remember the first day I started, what a struggle. But when you are in the middle of it, it is actually so easy! Now I've maintained my weight for 6 months and it's time for me to lose the last 4 kg's. Starting from tomorrow, April 1st :-)

Six pack is my goal. I've never had it, so I'm excited for it!

Accountability and Motivation

If someone out there is starting out or already in the middle of a weight loss, let's keep each other accountable and motivate each other! Either through Reddit, Messenger, daily Snapchats or whatever. Let's keep each other going until the goal has been reached. Send me a message :-)

How did I lose weight?

Eating healthier and doing "Insanity Workout" at home on . I'm very busy in my daily life with 2 jobs, so I get myself going with home workout instead of Fitness. I don't have an excuse of being lazy, when I can just turn on the TV and workout :-)

submitted by /u/Nafei93
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Questions and Answers on Run Eat Repeat visors, podcasts and recovery days

Hello! Here are the answers to all your questions from the @RunEatRepeat Instagram stories this week. I cut it into 2 parts because I got a call mid-video (um, mideo?). Part 1 covers the RER visors and how long to recover for a half or full marathon. Part 2 is about tips for new bloggers and fun personal questions like “What do you like to do on Sundays?”.

If you have a question for me… Ask!

Email: or

DM me on Instagram @RunEatRepeat

Thank you for watching! You’re my favorite!!

Run Eat Repeat questions March blog instagram

Question and Answers Part 1 video

Any updates on the visors?

Yes – RER visors are in the works! I asked on a recent Instagram post for your color choices and am trying to get that going. It will probably be 30 days until they’re available (per the company I’m working with).

(I asked for color requests on Instagram a few weeks ago. If you want to chime in with your vote comment or DM me but I’m not checking that post for new color suggestions.)

How long do you recover after a half marathon?

The usual rule for post-race recovery time is one easy day for every mile of the race. So for a half marathon you’d take 13 days easy / recovery type days.

Every body is different and YOU should do what is best for your body.


Ran my first marathon last weekend. How long do you take off after 26.2 miles?


Question and Answers Part 2 video

What are your tips for a new blogger just starting out?

Congratulations on the new blog!!


Hardest thing about Diego? Best? Puppies are great but HARD?

golden retiever puppy st. patricks day

Does Diego know any tricks yet?


Run Eat Repeat podcast fitness running food (800x671)

When will the podcast be consistent again? It’s so inconsistent now.

I love listening and doing the podcast!! But I haven’t made it the #1 priority because I have other projects right now. I’m hoping to get it back to every Friday and eventually build it up to 3x a week by June.

If you want to listen to the Run Eat Repeat podcast… and are new to podcasts…

How to listen to the Run Eat Repeat podcast:

*If you have an iphone:

Open the Podcasts app on your phone.

Search Run Eat Repeat…

Listen to me talk about running and life and stuff.

Oh and – Subscribe to the show!


*If you have an android:

Download the FREE podcast app Stitcher.

Search Run Eat Repeat…

Listen to me talk about running and life and stuff.

Oh and – Subscribe to the show!


What’s your favorite thing to do on a Sunday?

I love Sundays!! Oh! It depends on the day…


Do you have one day a week where you go grocery shopping or multiple days?

Check out these Easy Meal Prep posts for tips on meal prep!

Meal Prep for Runners Tips

Meal Prep for Runners and everyone else

meal prep for runners

Do you listen to audio books as you run or do you prefer something else?



cute golden retriever bunny ears


What are your favorite running shoes and gear?

– I’ll talk about all my favorites soon!

Got a question?


Ask in the comments or email

The post Questions and Answers on Run Eat Repeat visors, podcasts and recovery days appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat

Anxiety when working out in public

I started my weight loss journey this week. I am very determined and feel like this time I will definitely succeed. Especially with the inspiration, motivation an support I will gain from Reddit. Today I felt absolutely amazing and full of energy, so I decided I wanted to go to the gym. And that's when I nearly had a panic attack. I wanted to try and do some running/walking to the gym, lift some weights and walk back.

I have never ran for anything in my life. Always used to skip gym class and just never really liked running, but read so many good things about it when it comes to mental health and of course weight loss. I walked a little untill I worked up the courage to run and started to slowly gain speed, while all of a sudden my mind started noticing how heavy I felt, I was afraid people would hear me stomping on the ground. Then I became extremely conscious about my breathing.. I didn't want people to see I was struggling so I'm holding my breath as I run. To top it off I all of a sudden got extremely shy because I felt like an idiot and as if everyone was watching me and judging me. I really almost had a panic attack and just returned home crying.

I am writing this so I hope people might recognize whatever was happening and maybe even have tips, because it really bothered me. I have experienced the same type of panic in the free weights section of my gym before, and it causes me to not doing anything at all.

Also, if anyone has great tips for people that are starting out with running I would appreciate it a lot. I am a total noob and have no stamina at all. Thanks a lot!

submitted by /u/GuiltyofMurder
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“Everything in moderation” what if that’s not possible?

I’m M/39/5’11/270 and I’ve been fat all my life. The only time I’ve lost weight was about 3 years ago doing Keto. It was too hard to sustain and ultimately I fell off the wagon and now I’m heavier than ever.

I have attempted to purely concentrate on healthier choices and CICO and I can see how that works for a lot of people. However my problem comes when I attempt to allow myself a treat or whatever you want to call it. Even if it’s something that’s calculated into a calorie budget, when that first mouthful hits my tongue it’s game over. I know that psychologically we’re always told not to cut out specific foods etc because it will make them too tempting but what if it’s better that way?

Keto worked for me in terms of weight loss but it also had an amazing effect on my appetite and desire for junk. I know part of it is to do with blood sugars etc but part of it is to do with knowing that I literally couldn’t have even one bite otherwise I would have been knocked out of Ketosis and would have to spend a few days getting back into ketosis.

So I’m just wondering if anyone here literally doesn’t eat the stuff they have a problem with at all? Not in terms of Keto or anything else but just as a part of their weight loss?

Or how does everyone cope with having stuff they want to demolish an entire pack or bag of in moderate amounts?

I’m hating the fact that I’m gonna be fat at 40 (swore I wasn’t gonna be fat at 30 and that didn’t exactly go to plan) so I really want to find something that works for me.

submitted by /u/LastBlueDragon
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

We’re still losing, but we’re making progress!

In January, my husband and I decided that we needed to lose the weight that we had packed on during my pregnancy (baby weight for me and sympathetic baby weight for my husband). I didn’t realize how far we had come until I was looking at pictures from a Resolution 5K we did together on 1/1/19. Progress pic

F/29/5’1”/SW 173/CW 157 (-16)/GW 120

M/28/5’6”/SW 178/CW 164 (-14)/GW 150

We have been doing CICO. Our weight loss got off to a rocky start and it took a good 3 weeks to actually start losing weight consistently. Our bodies couldn’t figure out what to do for the first week or so and we were dealing with vicious cravings. At the beginning of our journey, we didn’t really have any strategies to deal with the cravings so we would ultimately give in to them easily. Once we realized that we weren’t making progress, we looked at what our obstacles were and adjusted from there.

Our main obstacles were eating out frequently (we’ve been trying to get out of debt so this obstacle was getting in the way of two goals we had for ourselves), eating over our daily calorie goal set on MFP, and being too sedentary in the evenings.

My husband came up with the idea that to help us overcome these obstacles, we should design an incentive program that rewards our weight loss efforts with monetary gains. Since we are skimping on personal spending money while we get out of debt, it was extremely motivational to earn extra bucks! Here’s how it works: you earn $1 for every day you are on calorie. 30 minutes of exercise equals 50 cents, 1 hour earns $1. If you are on calorie for 22/28 days, you earn a bonus $10. 28/28 days earns you a bonus $20. Last month, my husband earned $35 and I earned $25. Hoping to get the $20 bonus this month!

What we’ve learned: If something isn’t working for your weight loss, look at your obstacles and come up with a plan!

submitted by /u/aewfranks
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Fell off the wagon. Hard. For no reason at all.

F, 5’3. SW: 215; CW: 187.

I have been so committed to weight loss since I started in January, 3 months after the birth of my second child. I was just tired of feeling exhausted, tired of not being able to wear the clothes I wanted to wear, tired of feeling unattractive and sloppy. I had been obese for over a decade and had enough.

Anyway, I did C25k and completed it at the beginning of March, since then running 5K 2-3 times a week. I almost never eat under 1500 calories, log everything scrupulously into MFP and intermittent fast 16:8 every. Single. Day. And my hard work paid off: I’ve lost nearly 30 lbs and gone down a dress size.

So I totally didn’t see it coming when midway through the day on Friday I just decided fuck this, I just really want a glass of wine. Which turned into four glasses, a small bag of crisps, and a bowl of pasta. Okay, I tell myself - no problem, I’ll just start over tomorrow. Except I wake up on Saturday still on a mission to eat everything in sight. It was honestly like a strange, hypnotic self-destructive mode and I ended up consuming close to 2000 calories yesterday. Today is a write off because it’s uk Mother’s Day and we’ve had lunch reservations for ages, and I AM having a roastso basically this entire weekend is shot. I haven’t run since last Tuesday, either.

I know it’s fine, I can just start over. But I AM mad at myself. And I can’t work out why I did this. It was like being possessed! I really, really want to keep losing weight and getting fitter. But is this devil always going to be on my shoulder telling me to just give it up and go on eating/drinking benders? am I doomed to be a self-destructive glutton forever? How do you all cope with these urges that seemingly come out of nowhere?

submitted by /u/bellicose-butcher
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Saturday, March 30, 2019

Tell me your weight loss/regain stories

I feel like in most weight loss forums, the people who are/have successfully lost weight have the spotlight, and those who have tried and encountered hardships are pushed aside.

The point of these forums is to learn from and support each other, so with that in mind I would like to ask the following of my fellow r/loseit subscribers who have lost a substantial amount of weight then regained some/all of it back. Did you know it was happening? Were you aware you were in the process of gaining back and didn’t have the power to stop it, or did it suddenly dawn on you that you had gained back, and it came as a shock. Are there any warning signs you would tell people who have lost weight to look out for in regards to regain, and is there anything you wish you had done differently.

I myself had (past tense) lost over 70kg, and during the past 3 stressful months at university have regained around 5. I am fully aware that my old stress eating habits have come back with a vengeance, and what’s worse, I keep telling myself I will be able to undo the damage I am doing now because “I am so close to being finished at uni, and then everything will be better.” I have returned to the old cycle of, “As of Monday I am back on the wagon”. Well, 20 Monday’s and counting...🤨

So how about it r/loseit, tell me your stories. How did you avoid/ not avoid the dreaded regain? I have no intention of sharing them, but maybe we can find wisdom in each others experiences.

submitted by /u/rx_coffee
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I hit the -25 pound mark today meaning i'm halfway to my goal!!

I hit the 25 pound weight loss mark recently, which means that I am halfway to my goal! 5 years ago, I gained 50 lbs in a little over a year. I grew up always being careful about my weight, but let myself go because I never learned to cope with emotions in healthy way and went through a difficult time that I coped with via emotional eating. This weight loss means so much to me because if I didn't learn how to be healthy emotionally, I would have never been able to control my unhealthy eating. 25 pounds ago I saw how long I had to go and felt despair because I felt like I would never have the self control to lose 50 pounds let alone 25 and that I had ruined my life for good due to one bad year. However, I PROVED myself WRONG. I used my goal of weight loss to give me a goal......something to look forward to in life and lift me out of depression. For the first time today, I was able to fit into a dress I haven't been able to fit into since college and for the first time in 5 years, my BMI is no longer obese. I have continued to eat give or take around 1200-1500 calories a day for the past week and it seems as though i've hit a plateu but I will not give up until I am no longer overweight and just healthy again! I decided to stop weighing myself daily while continuing to diet and just praying a whoosh happens in a couple weeks. I can't believe i'm halfway there!!! I never thought I would be able to do this holy crap.

submitted by /u/4gotmyusernam3again
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[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Sunday, 31 March 2019

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

Interested in some side quests?

Community bulletin board!

If you are new to the sub, click here for our posting guidelines

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

SV/NSV It is so amazing to watch the body actually get healthy and heal itself after weight loss!

I have been a long time lurker of this sub. I have been following the cutting instruction on the TDEE calculator and been losing my weight only by diet. I have lost 20 pounds which has put me at 160. My phone screen actually broke which sounds bad but it is actually a good thing. I only wear skirts at works and as we know, very few skirts have pockets so I would always put my phone in the band where it would stay snuggly and securely between the band and skin, well now all of my skirts are too loose to hold my phone. Lol. I can actually fit in skirts that I haven't been able to fit in for two years!

The better news is yet to come! I have periods that don't stop, slowly through my weight loss journey they have regulated themselves back to where they are supposed to be. I previously had to have surgery for this issue and there was a ton of talk about infertility and the fact that my hormones are out of whack so I would need to always be on birth control or the bleeding wouldn't stop. My doctor was gobsmacked that I was able to get back to being normal. She then mentioned that when a person who is overweight gets back into a healthy weight their hormones function better, ect. I might still be infertile and they are keeping an eye on me but I may not have to constantly be on birth control (I am not on it now) and my bleeding has stopped!

What makes this even more hilarious is that afterwards I told my Mom (Who has been my biggest supporter, she keeps telling me "I am so happy you are losing weight the HEALTHY WAY!) and she said that whenever she gained weight she kept bleeding too. All I could really think was "And you couldn't have told me that in the beginning?" She said she had never put two and two together until now. I love my Mom.

And my favorite coffee shop makes a light version of my favorites that come in at 200 calories. My friend works there and she is doing CICO. She actually ran around adding everything up to make sure she was telling me correctly. I hope everyone else has had a wonderful day! I am just feeling like spreading the success!

submitted by /u/SignificantSwimmer
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Unexpected side effect of 160 lbs weight loss transformation


So over the last 5 years or so, I've managed to lose 160 lbs and build a decent physique that I can be proud of. Obviously, losing the weight has had a ton of benefits, such as improving my quality of life, increasing my confidence, boosting my self esteem, and improving my health.

However, one thing that has been bothering me is that losing the weight and basically having a different body and lifestyle has changed my interests in life and opened up doors that were previously closed to me. For example, when I was at my heaviest weight, I basically had no choice but to get an office job because I couldn't handle physical labor. Sitting behind a desk all day wasn't a big deal to me so I pursued a career in Technical Sales. Now I basically dread sitting at a desk all day, and essentially hate my career. I realize that I have the opportunity to change, but I'm not sure what I would want to do at this point. My current career pays really well and it will be hard to walk away from, but I have this deep feeling that there is something else I'm supposed to do with my life now. I've thought about changing to a career that helps people, such as a life coach or something like that. I created a YouTube channel to share my story and put content out to help others.


Just curious, has anyone else experienced something like this after losing a lot of weight or going through a major body transformation? Is this normal?

submitted by /u/joshtransforms
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

1 April is a new quarter. Is anyone else setting a “new quarter resolution” (i.e. to achieve between 1 April and 30 June)? Mine is to lose 10lbs. You can share here and we can keep each other accountable.

1 April marks the beginning of Q2, 2019 (going to use calendar year, not financial year here). So it’s a new opportunity to set a new intention.

I know goals can be set whatever the date is, but sometimes our weird brains like to align goals with a bit of a momentous date, hence the popularity of New Years resolutions on 1 January.

Well, why not a New Quarter resolution on 1 April?

On 1 Jan, the first day of the quarter, I weighed in at 130lbs. Today, on 31 March, the last day of the quarter, I weighed in at 125lbs.

5lbs weight loss in 3 months is not fantastic progress but the truth is... I actually weighed in at 125lbs on 10 Feb. I then fell off the wagon a bit and spent the rest of Feb and all of March in maintenance land. This is fine though, the past is the past.

115lbs is the ideal body weight for a 29F who is 5’3”, according to the Devine formula. That’s 10lbs away for me. If I can lose 5lbs in 6 weeks, I can lose 10lbs in 10 weeks.

I took a good hard look at my life. I thought - why can’t I lose these pesky 10lbs? I practice OMAD, I am moderately active, and I don’t drink calories.

Well my vices are: 1) eating out, and 2) eating processed, shelf-stable packaged, foods.

Now, I can’t give up eating out. Going to cafes and restaurants is a big part of how I socialise with my friends and family, and go on dates. I love exploring new places and a big part of that is exploring new things to eat.

I’d honestly rather be fat and have an active dating and social life rather than slim but lonely at home by myself (I live in a small condo with a tiny kitchen so it’s not great for entertaining groups).

So, here is what I’m going to do differently this quarter:

  • Give up buying processed, shelf-stable packaged foods. No more shopping in the centre of the supermarket. Those foods are not necessary. I’ll only shop in the produce, deli/seafood, bakery and refrigerated/frozen sections of the supermarket.
  • Join a gym and actually go. Every evening I don’t have a fitness class on (I do yoga and dancing), or a social occasion, I’ll go to the gym and run.
  • Write down everything I eat in a notebook. I’ll keep doing OMAD since it works with my life, but calorie counting doesn’t (because I eat out a lot). However I will write down the situations in which I eat. For example, was my OMAD at a restaurant or at home? What kind of cuisine? Who was I with? etc. then hopefully I can see trends. I already know I tend to eat more (volume) when I take my OMAD at home because I supplement it with the aforementioned processed food snacks, which I could not do if I was sat in a restaurant and just eating what’s on my plate.

What are everyone else’s “New Quarter resolutions”?

submitted by /u/MundaneCommission
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I can't stop fueling my weight-loss with self hate and I want to be able to work on both my physical and mental health

Hi! I was just wondering if anyone has had similar problem as me. I've lost nearly 50 pounds now (345-300) and I'm hitting a wall mentally. I feel like so much of my weight loss is fueled by how unhappy I am with my body.

I'm proud of how far I've gotten but it's a constant barrage of "don't make the wrong food decision because if you do you'll fuck it all up" or "you don't deserve to be loved until you lose more weight".

I wish I could be "body positive" like a lot of women my age but it's so hard. Im scared if I'm positive about my body I'll give up and if I'm not I'll be able to reach my goal.

I wish I had enough money to seek out therapy to help with all this but im not in a position to do that. Is there any advice anyone has or similar experiences?

submitted by /u/gracemclachlan
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Since starting my weight loss two months ago I’ve lost 20 LB and while that’s a mere blip in the amount of weight I need to lose it has entirely changed my relationship with food

I started the OMAD (eat once a day) “diet” two months ago. I previously tried intermittent fasting and while I found it helpful, it didn’t fix everything because I felt like when I had the opportunity to eat after 16 hours it was a license to just chow down on whatever. When I started OMAD I wanted to course correct every problem I had while on intermittent fasting.

For one, I decided I was going to consume mostly veggies and limit meat intake and try to cut out dairy entirely. Not necessarily abstain from meat entirely, but not make it the focus of my meals or my main source of protein. Second, I was going to consume healthy fats such as nuts for the extra protein to help get me full. Third, I was going to research what calories I ate when eating out.

All of this has been paying off.

More than anything it has exposed my (and others’) relationship with food. I would often eat out but not just that, I’d also include the two other meals too. I’m guessing that by not counting calories while I eat out I would sometimes eat somewhere between 2500-3000 calories. My realization has been eye opening in how bad so many peoples relationship with food is. We, as Americans, eat so darn much. I deliver food for people and get to witness peoples bad food habits personally, as well as my own, which has allowed tremendous amount of introspection.

I just delivered pizza to a family of three and to be honest, while everyone is different, three people do not need to eat two large pizzas. You don’t need a big gulp drink. When you eat a fast food combo that’s like 1500 calories in all honesty that might be the only thing you should eat that day. This isn’t to say you shouldn’t eat pizza - one is fine, add a salad on top. Or that you should’t Drink soda - a small should be satisfactory. But more and more I see just how my myself and others have drowned in gluttonous excess. A lot of us, as a culture, eat far too much than we need. I apologize profusely if this sounds elitist or anything.

Through OMAD, I’ve learned what true hunger feels like. One time I went 28 hours without eating. I was really, really hungry but I could also push it aside and control it. I’ve seen a lot of people that do OMAD that think it’s an excuse to eat a mountain of food and while preferences are preferences, I think this does nothing to change one’s overall relationship with food.

I’ve found that a lot of diets factor into this unhealthy relationship with food - OMAD included - and that they seem to be about total abstaining or going full on. Meanwhile countries like Japan still have access to fast food joints and eat there, but still manage to remain thin. There’s other factors of course such as the fact that we drive a lot in America, companies put tons of preservatives and sugar in our food and drink, but ultimately it lies with us and something about the way we Americans consume our food in the past few decades is just broken.

TLDR: losing lots of weight has started to change my overall relationship with food which in the past was ecessive and gluttonous. Many are eating more than they need to and we just don’t know or care. Hopefully what I wrote was not pretentious and I apologize if it’s construed as such!

submitted by /u/spacelionfgc
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My weight loss isn't going the way I planned.

Hi all. I have used CICO to lose weight to great success in the past. It works for me. This time, I also added exercise and some light strength training to the mix. I've been going to about a month and have actually gained a few pounds. I have been eating at a small deficit, not pushing too hard -- but the fast food, eating out, sugary snacks, and binge eating has stopped.

Can anyone relate? Is the working out (30m of elevated HR 3 times a week + a combination of things like squats, lat pulls, overhead press, chest press, and body weight exercises) preventing the weight loss? Am I gaining muscle weight, or just not doing it right this time? The scale has become my worst enemy.

Any ideas?

submitted by /u/thegreenpizza
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Vanity weight/skinny fat can’t keep committed

Alrighty, so I know I’m not obese or anything. I’m 5’6 and 130 lbs which sounds reasonable, however, I have an EXTREMELY high body fat percentage. According to my last DEXA scan, I have 32% body fat which puts me one point away from being obese as far as fat percentage goes.

Now, to my issue. Because I’m technically normal weight, I have the hardest time motivating myself to lose weight/be healthy. I’ll do great all week (~1400-1500 cal, TDEE is around 1900) and then every weekend I’ll go WAY over and wipe out my deficit.

Has anyone else been in a similar situation where you’re unhealthy but since you’re just skinny fat you’re not super invested in weight loss? Any ideas how to motivate yourself? I want to lower my body fat percentage to be healthier but I just keep screwing up!

Edit to add that I do lift weights 4X/week and have for a couple years and haven’t seen any progress in my body composition. I guess I’m just feeling like nothing will ever work as far as that goes so I might as well try to lose the fat vs gain muscle

submitted by /u/tswizzle1322
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

30 Day Accountability Challenge - April Signups!!

Hey. How y'all doing?

Its officially spring but I need Mother Nature to get with the program. Another month is about to happen upon us! That means a new Daily Accountability Challenge.

To reiterate, there will be a daily post for you to check in on goals you set for yourself. You can also read everyone else's progress & commiserate, congratulate & whatever else needs-ating. Your goals can be weight loss or general health related, creative, self care or whatever else you need to focus your mental energy on. We try to foster a supportive place to chat about your successes & failures & what you've learned from both.

I'll start us off with my goals for April!!

  1. Write the next Ă©pisode for my show. It’s that time and I want to do a rough first draft of my black comedy idea.
  2. Workout at least 5x a week
  3. Weigh 245 by the end of April. Time to gun it, friends.
  4. Start my podcast. I had the logo for months, time to put it to use.
  5. Do thé 30 jump squats a day. My legs...

Don't be shy, chime in with your goals! And feel free to jump on the March post if you want to get a head start.

submitted by /u/cynisright
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Could do with some advice on a possible Plateau?

Hi Peeps,

Stats: 6ft1" Male, 232 Pounds, 19 Y/O, Sedentary Job currently doing a Push/Pull/Legs split 6 days a week training (20mins HIIT on Push days).

Currently lost about 28 pounds and went really smooth, was tracking religiously through MFP which had me at about 1700 calories a day and was losing on average 2/3 pounds a week whilst noticing some newbie muscle gains. Always try to be on point with macros and food choices are 80% good (3 meals a week may have chips in and salt which im trying to reduce and replace for more healthier alternatives).

The problem starts a couple weeks ago, Hovering at the 230 ish mark still training 6 days a week weight training with 2x HIIT sessions on top of that, i fluctuated my calories to see what my ACTUAL maintenance is (which through a week trial and error was about 1850/1900 roughly, HOWEVER, TDEE calculators say my maintenance should be around 2300?), so i have been eating around 1700 whilst burning more calories off through cardio but the weight won't shift, nothing drastically has changed in my diet if im being completely honest so im confused as to why the progress has stopped, i don't drink fizzy drinks or anything (just water) or alcohol or any liquid calories for that matter (apart from milk with protein shake but i track that). Any suggestions would be brilliant as i really dont fancy dropping my calories to like 1500 a day because i dont feel like that is sustainable.

Any feedback would be much appreciated as it's really de-motivating to see no weight loss when im working hard for it.


submitted by /u/RootsReps420
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Emotional eating

I'm back on the weight loss train... Or at least I'm trying to get there. F/29 CW: 177lbs GW: 140lbs I sit at a desk most of the day, but have 2 dogs so we're walking ~20min everyday in the evenings weather permitting. Trying for 3 days a week in the gym right now.

Back in November my Dr approved me coming of my cholesterol meds, but said I had to get my weight down and keep my cholesterol down. December to now have been very stressful in my personal and work life so I haven't done much. I started going to the gym again this week and it reminded me that I don't hate it, I just have to make the time. My biggest struggle is eating. I can prep breakfasts and lunches, and even make healthier choices at dinner (I'm not normally the one cooking), but when I get stressed I start snacking. I have an awful sweet tooth, but the bigger issue is emotional/stress eating. I had a realization this week when I felt like I needed to hide my snack that it has gone too far. Anyone have tips or tricks to get over this hurdle? I know l will never make it to my goal in my current state. MyFitnessPal right now is set to 1400 calories. I've started seeing a therapist for other things, I'll add this to the list of topics. Anyways, hoping someone here has some helpful suggestions to get started.

submitted by /u/xcharityx
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Frustrated with This Week's Results

I just wanted to give a quick rant. The last two months I've been kind of off my game due to being in a relationship (which is now over). Two weeks ago was my spring break so I allowed myself to eat with intuition (this meant I ate about 2000cals a day, still much under my TDEE). This week I got back, ate right every day, and worked out 5x this week. Last night I also took laxatives due to constipation (not to lose weight, please no one comment about this. I don't feel like getting lectured about laxatives and weight loss shit) and I weighed myself for the first time this week. only two pounds down!!! When I'm eating WAY UNDER MY TDEE. God. I just... can things work out for me??? I want to thin so badly.

submitted by /u/coyotea72
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I think I’m scared of losing the weight and I need to get it off my chest... (Long Rant-ish Thing)

Okay, so some of you might notice this is my first post, but fear not. I used to be an avid Redditor until I realized I spent too much time on it and deleted it. New account, because I think the support I’ve gotten over the years has been really helpful. Now, onto the meat and bones.

I’m around 20 lbs down, was at 25 not too long ago and feeling simultaneously great and very awful at the same time. I’ve been overweight my whole life (or nearly my whole life- officially diagnosed at 8 years old) and upon moving out for college I gained 40lbs in just 6 months. It was super worrying for me, and highlighted the severity of the issues I had with food. So I decided I would not give up this time. I would become a healthy weight and finally be able to experience the things I’ve missed out on because of my weight.

Weight loss was easier than I expected, at least physically. I can keep a healthy calorie deficit and workout routine no problem for weeks and weeks. Balancing vitamins, proteins, fats, water intake? I’ve got it. But then there comes the crash. You see, when I hit a specific milestone it’s like my brain shuts down. All the steady progress and goals are shut down and I struggle all of a sudden. In a lot of ways I think I’m scared, but I don’t know how to explain it. Maybe the worry about losing leads me to comfort eat? You might ask why I’m so worried about doing something that makes me happier and makes me feel better- I wonder too.

I feel like I’ve missed out on so much. I missed out on years of feeling pretty growing up, because I always felt like the fat friend. I missed out on feeling confident, because I felt like a failure. I missed out on years of my hobbies, especially cosplay which I enjoy but feel too fat to do well. I missed out on playing the sports I actually enjoyed because I couldn’t keep up. I’m freaking out about turning 20, because I feel like I’ve missed out on so many things I wanted to do while I was a kid/teen. Part of me feels like it’s already too late. Another part of me fears the unknown. My girlfriend says being lighter feels like flying compared to being heavy. She used to be an athlete and says that she regrets her (smaller than mine but significant) weight gain because every movement sucks more. A huge part of me wants to experience that lightness, but I find myself discouraged during my workouts. I think to myself “will this actually feel better someday?”. Finally, I worry about how I will look. Sounds a little vain, but I’ve never seen myself slim. What if I hate how I look? Will I feel good about it? Maybe, just maybe I’ll look worse?

But most of all Reddit, I fear I will continue to hinder my own progress. I fear I will continue to self sabotage because I’m caught up in the what-ifs. Seeking therapy hasn’t helped as much as I wish and while I have been trying to work on self-love and anxiety management, I just want the strength to set those fears aside and just do it.

I made this post to let this weight off my chest so that maybe, hopefully, it will help me move on. I’ve bottled up these feelings for so long that it’s nice to let them go.

If you have any tips you can share about how you’ve done that or can tell me if it gets better, I’d really like to hear it

Thank you for listening to me r/LoseIt

submitted by /u/loseit_or_loseit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I [24F] lost almost 30 pounds in 11 months

Without even trying that hard. And I feel bad saying that.

I started out at 234lbs April 2018. Between then and now I have lost 26 pounds, mostly by changing jobs to a big box retail store where I walk on average 5 miles a day, 5 days a week. I also ended my marriage so I basically stopped the NEED to drink, experimented with some gluten free foods because I figured out it makes me feel like crap, and am monitoring my sugar intake to basically not sit and binge on sugar.

Last week, realizing I had 8.3 pounds to go to be under 200lbs, I started taking a multivitamin to hopefully curb some hunger and bring my calcium and potassium levels up. I don’t know what my weight is now (I don’t own a scale because I know I’ll become obsessed with it) but I put on a size medium shirt yesterday for work and it fit great! I have been a extra large for as long as I can remember! I put on a shirt that I’ve had for 10 years, and it fits better than when I first bought it!

Eventually I’ll start going to the gym. I already have a membership, I just need to actually go.

But hooray for small victories! I never had the courage to make sweeping life changes like this in the past. Thanks for tuning in—best to you on your weight loss adventures!

submitted by /u/rainmaker291
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Everything I eat hurts my stomach (post-weight loss)

So over the past 6 months or so, I’ve went from 180-190 lbs to ~140 lbs (5’10” male). I used to have a really strong stomach and dealt with binge eating problems most of my life.

For the past 3 ish months, I’ve overhauled my diet and have been eating a lot of vegetables, lean proteins, low carbs etc.

At this point, I feel sick unless I eat at a caloric deficit. Like everything I eat makes my stomach churn, diarrhea, etc.

Currently feeling sick after 1 chicken breast, all I’ve eaten today.

Have any of you guys experienced something similar after losing weight? Like I used to eat 3-4000 calories a day (estimated) and feel relatively fine, but now even when I exercise (so I should need to eat even more), food makes me feel sick.

Also this isn’t an eating disorder (I used to have one and would know), it’s purely physical

Edit: I’ve been doing almost daily cardio for 2 months, inconsistently for a while before than

submitted by /u/dat_boi_128
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I maintained this week!

I was terrified to step on the scale all week. Last weekend I went to a three-day bachelorette weekend in Austin and felt like I ate and drank nonstop. This week has been particularly stressful at work, culminating in a 250 person party that I was mostly responsible for planning. There has been a lot of drinking and indulging around that and I gave myself permission not to count calories and just focus on treating myself ok. I had no free time for exercise. On top of it all, I’ve been on my period. It was stressful and I didn’t want my food to stress me out as well. So I didn’t. I let myself not worry but I also told myself not to eat when I was full and mostly I did not. The food I was eating was far from healthy but when I wasn’t hungry, at least I didn’t eat mindlessly.

But I told myself this morning after my run (a particularly bad two and a half mile run that I dragged myself through) I would step on the scale and assess the damage to prepare for next week. Lo and behold, I am the exact weight I was before I left for the weekend (158.6).

It’s a relief for a few reasons. First, because I can continue on without getting sidetracked, but more importantly: it’s a lesson in maintaining. Once I finally get to my goal weight, I know I can eat intuitively and until satisfaction and then stop. That’s AMAZING. My weight loss has been SLOW (it’s been almost eight months and I’ve only lost about 25lbs) but I think because of that, I have the skills to keep going and maintain once I get there.

Just wanted to celebrate that a bit. Now time to carry on and go back to CICO and exercise!

submitted by /u/quish
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Superfood Saturday: Berries

Americans love their berries so much, they actually have festivals every year to celebrate the year’s harvest.

Berries are celebrated in science labs around the world, too, because they contain high—in some cases, the highest—levels of antioxidant chemicals which are linked to everything from lower risk of heart disease and Alzheimer’s to better digestive health and lower rates of depression.

The good news is, if you’re on a Nutrisystem program, you can count one full cup of berries as one SmartCarb.

The 10 Best Foods for Weight Loss (and Your Health!)

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Low-calorie, super healthy berries are in season now all over the country. Here’s your guide to some berry good eating:


Superfood Saturday: Berries

Americans love these sweet little red morsels so much we eat eight pounds a year on average, according to the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Strawberries have a lot going for them. One cup of strawberries (about eight medium sized) is only 50 calories and supplies 160 percent of your daily requirement of vitamin C. They’re also rich in folate and potassium. A cup also contains over three grams of soluble fiber that can help lower cholesterol. Like other berries, they’re also especially rich in plant chemicals called anthocyanins, which give them their red color and provide protection from diseases including cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

Strawberries don’t ripen once they’re picked so look for berries that are bright red and shiny. Those green and white patches you often see on them aren’t going to turn red.

Ripe strawberries are sweeter than non-ripe berries, but don’t just save them for dessert or your breakfast smoothie. Toss them into your favorite salad or try this Strawberry Feta Spinach Salad recipe > for a savory-sweet treat.

10 Fresh (and Tasty!) Ways to Enjoy Strawberries

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Superfood Saturday: Berries

Blueberries are among the highest in antioxidants, supplied in part by the chemicals that give this fruit its distinctive dark blue color and is actually one of the few naturally blue foods we eat. Native Americans used all parts of the blueberry plant for medicine.

Though very sweet, blueberries are low in calories. One cup is only 84 calories. They’re also high in vitamin C, K, manganese and fiber.

Studies have shown their abundant plant chemicals may help protect memory and cognition. One University of Cincinnati study found that eating a diet supplemented with blueberries helped improve memory function and mood in older adults who were losing their memory.

In a Harvard School of Public Health study, blueberries reduced the risk of heart attack in women by 33 percent. Again, plant chemicals were at work. Other research has found that these chemicals can help eliminate cholesterol-induced plaque to widen arteries and allow blood to flow smoothly.

One of the staples of the breakfast smoothie and cereal bowl, blueberries are extremely versatile. One unusual, yet delicious way to enjoy them is in this unique and delicious take on toast, made with sweet potato and nuts. > You can also bake them into luscious breakfast bars > like this Blueberry Lemon Baked Bar > for a quick to-go meal. For an afternoon boost of energy, try these delicious blueberry energy balls. >

You can always grab a handful when you’re feeling a sweet craving coming on. Just wash and eat!

Red, White & Blueberry Pancakes

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Superfood Saturday: Berries

Don’t let their pretty pinkish color and sweet taste fool you: Raspberries are no slouches in the health department.

A 2016 review study found that raspberries can cool inflammation, the kind that can lead to chronic disease such as heart disease (including high blood pressure and atherosclerosis), type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and even obesity. They also have been shown to reduce oxidative stress, which contributes to these diseases and more, and may help stabilize both metabolism and blood sugar.

Like other berries, raspberries are full of beneficial plant chemicals, low in calories (52 per cup) and they have a whopping seven-nine grams of fiber per one-cup serving. They’re also a good source of vitamin C, supplying 44 percent of your daily needs. They also contain calcium and iron. What makes raspberries special is they’re among very few foods with the same precise combination of healing compounds which is what boosts their antioxidant power.

You can enjoy all of their health benefits as a flavorful addition to your smoothie: Try this raspberry smoothie bowl recipe that you can easily make right at home >

Also consider adding them to salads, bake them into muffins, making them into sauce for meats such as chicken and pork or try them in this fabulous summer treat, a fresh fruit popsicle. >

6 Delicious & Nutritious Smoothie Bowl Recipes You Need to Try

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Superfood Saturday: Berries

That dark color is a dead giveaway that blackberries are high in antioxidants, specifically anthocyanins, which are common to most berries. Since they supply the berry’s color, the deeper the color, the more anthocyanins.

In one University of Kentucky lab study, blackberry extract added to colonies of cancer cells made the cells stop growing. Cancer proliferates because cells fail to follow their own programming, which tells them to die at some point. The blackberry extract turned that programming back on.

In other studies, blackberries reversed age-related motor and cognitive performance in rats and were the best of all the berries in lowering levels of bad LDL cholesterol in another study.

Low in calories (62 per cup), blackberries have seven grams of fiber per serving, contribute to 35 percent of the daily value for vitamin C and also contain calcium, potassium and iron.

Blackberries are naturally sweet (they have five grams of naturally occurring sugar) so they don’t need any extra help to become a delicious dessert. But if you want to enhance them a little, try this recipe for blackberry-peach upside down cakes. >

10 Reasons You Need to Eat More Fruits & Veggies

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The post Superfood Saturday: Berries appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf