Sunday, March 17, 2019

Gave up sugar. Eating healthy, losing weight...but feel like crap

After years of yo-yo dieting, I'm embarking on a weight loss effort that I think is finally going to stick. The big change (apart from this lovely sub reddit and myfitnesspal) was cutting back majorly on sugar. I have a huge sweet tooth and during previous weight loss attempts I'd cut out fatty foods while still eating a lot of snacks, rationalizing that I'd give them up later in the process. Turns out you can lose weight doing this, but the sugar makes it much harder to keep your appetite down long-term and make lasting diet changes (shocker, I know).

So the weight's flying off, I have far more energy than usual, hooray. But I'm having some mildly distressing side effects.

I look pale and unhealthy, and I'm getting red blotches on my face. I feel vaguely weak and unwell, like when you're recovering from an illness. Unlike previous weight loss attempts, my digestion seems to have been thrown off majorly instead of improving (alternating bouts of diarrhoea and constipation). All of this started literally the day after I embarked on my diet.

Is this normal? Am I having "withdrawal" from kicking the sugar and fatty food or something? Have other people experienced similar things?

(In case it's relevant, I'm a 6 foot male with a SW of 248 pounds, currently 242 pounds, goal weight is around 160. Per MFP, I have a target calorie intake of 2,140 a day, although I'm coming in under that by 2-300 some days. I've only been going hard on the new diet plan for a bit over a week, although I was reducing my calorie intake more gradually for about three weeks leading up to that. Eating lots of fruit and vegetables).

submitted by /u/Grace_Omega
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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