Monday, March 18, 2019

Looking for advice: coworker keeps shaming me for not finishing my plate

Hi everyone,

I started my weight loss journey in November last year and have lost almost 10kg (~20 lbs), thanks to this sub and /r/progresspics that I check every morning to keep me motivated and CICO.

(rant incoming, tldr below)

I work as an consultant and have to travel to my customers a lot (once or twice a month), which of course makes calorie counting really hard. We also usually go out to fatty food places (burgers, pizza etc) and for cocktails after, so to be on the safe side I try to stop myself as soon as I feel not hungry anymore, which usually leaves about half to one third uneaten.

Last week I was in Munich, where I'm extra careful because it's basically all pork and wheat there. I was there for 4 days and one of the project managers on the customer side started leaning in on me on day 2. "Hey fit-fat-Tony, I realized you don't finish your plate" I didn't really answer, just shrugged it off. But she kept doing it every meal we had together and on day 4 during dinner, when she made a remark about it again, I asked her to stop shaming me for my food choices and she immediately became defensive.

I first try to explain to her that I have a very complicated and unhealthy relationship with food, that I am just learning to pick proper portion sizes in the canteen, and in restaurants you just get big portions. She told me I should order half meals then.

By now I'm really annoyed and tell her it's none of her business to which she replies I should be able to take it as I'm usually so direct as well. Yeah sure about work stuff, stuff that is my literal business. I don't go around shaming people for what they do or don't put in their bodies. I shrug and say, if she really needs to, she should talk to someone else about it, because I won't be listening anymore.

So she proceeds talking to the person next to her about me while I am sitting opposite to her and can hear every word.

I went outside to catch some air and was preparing to leave, but another coworker talked me down and gave me a big ol hug.

She also constantly talks about how she wants to lose weight, I tell her I've lost 10kgs by counting calories, she says she already eats as little meat and fat as possible. I tell her maybe she doesn't burn enough, she says she walks her dogs every day. Clearly she is projecting her insecurities on me, but knowing that still doesn't help.

Now I'm at the customer again, dreading lunch at the canteen because I'm not sure I won't explode when she goes off on me again. I am just so triggered by someone shaming me into eating, which is what my mom used to do constantly.

So does anyone have any tips how to deal with this situation in the moment?

Tldr coworker shames me for not finishing my plate, tells me she won't stop and I have to take it.

submitted by /u/fit-fat-tony
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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