Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Lost my first 15 pounds in a long time

I grew up playing basketball and even got scholarship money to play for a small college. I was fat through elementary school then thinned out a little in middle school then even more so in high school with all the basketball I was playing. I was 6’7 240lbs my senior year of high school. I’ve never been thin always just a really big guy. But I looked good and was popular and all that. I played college basketball for a year then suffered from depression (without knowing it for over a year), quit, moved home, and started getting fat. I went to 300lbs in about 12 months and got serious stretch marks.

Over the years (I quit hoops in 2007) I’d go up about 25-30 lbs then lose 10-20 then gain another 25-30 and that cycle went on for about 10 years. Recently, after having my first kid 3 years ago, I ballooned up to my all time high of 385 lbs. I gained 145 pounds since my 19th birthday. The 385 weigh in was last September (2018).

My boss started a weight loss challenge for me, him, and the third guy in our team. All overweight some, but I am definitely the fattest. I also smoke and my boss and I are really close (he’s 59 years old). He keeps telling me and encouraging me to stop dipping, smoking, and tells me I need to take my health seriously while I’m still young (31). Good dude.

Ive been losing about 2-3 lbs per month since October (5 months ago) and am down 18 pounds to 267. Not doing much as far as exercise goes just taking the stairs a little more and taking longer routes around the office. The main thing has been my portion sizes. I stop eating when I’m satisfied. Not when I’m full. I still snack unhealthily 1-2 times per week and eat a couple mini chocolate candies a few times a week at night, but no more soda and no more cream and sugar in my coffee.

I started doing some push ups in my office the other day and today woke up sore in my arms, shoulders, chest, and core. It feels AMAZING to be sore again.

Anyway, I just wanted to get this out here. Not sure why... it feels nice to share, though. My wife is amazing and tells me I look fine, but I want to feel better and am so tired of the way I look in pictures. Better sleep habits along with a few pounds lost already is making a difference in how I feel day to day.

Wish me continued success!

submitted by /u/Bubba_Leon
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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