Monday, March 18, 2019

Running with LoseIt - 3/18/2019 - The Running Habit

This is a weekly post for runners of LoseIt. You can be someone who is considering taking up running, or someone who is running sub-20 minute 5Ks. All are welcome!

This post is for all your running related NSVs, training reports, weekly mileage, race reports, complaints, and for seeking answers or advice. Mostly folks come here to report how their recent running/week went.

In addition to a weekly check-in I ramble on about some running topic to stir up convo (and get past the automod).

Last week I was down with the flu. I posted a message but it wasn't long enough to get on LoseIt. I was out cold the minute I posted it. I'm back, though.

This week's topic, how to make running a habit...

The Running Habit

Most runners have a serious running habit. How do they do it? What does a running habit look like?

I've developed a 3-4 run a week habit myself. At one point I was a 5-6 day a week runner but my work schedule blows right now.

I developed this while in my high-motivation period starting running. It's built over my exercise habit. That I built during a high motivation period of my weight loss.

Using Periods of High-motivation

Motivation ebbs and flows. When it runs high, you can do anything... and you often want to do it All. Right. Now.

Running isn't an All. Right. Now. sorta pursuit though. It's an ease into it thing. It's about embracing small changes. From week to week the beginning runner needs to be motivated not by big strides, but by tiny changes in how bad, horrible, theworst! running feels. The tiny changes takes runs from theworst! to horrible, then horrible to bad, finally bad to... "Today's run didn't feel bad."

You have to use you high motivation with some discipline here. Luckily, weight loss is similiar. It is a very slow reward. Losers know patience and discipline. You know how to turn motivation into habits that take you through slow and steady progress.

Get a Plan

Use a training plan early on. Losing weight shows how planning can help keep you on track. Training plans are the same for running.

Start running with C25K - /r/c25K. Anyone who sprinted each minute of running in W1D1 will tell you how challenging that can be. It can whip your butt. Embrace it!

Once you finish that, go to Bridge to 10k. Google B210K or just look up 10K novice training plans!

What does a plan look like?

A running or training plan will have runs scheduled over 6, 8, 12, 18 weeks. They will have described runs for specific weekdays, like --

Mon - 3 miles easy. Tues - Rest. Wed - 40 minute intervals, warmup/cool down 5 minutes. Work: 5 times x 4 minutes hard, 2 minutes recovery/jog. Thurs - 20 minutes easy.
Fri - rest.
Sat - 5 miles, fast finish last 1.5 miles 20-30 secs faster per mile than average pace.
Sun - rest.

That's what a week of a 10K or half marathon training plan might look like.

Sticking to It - Pick a Race

That's all well and good. Anyone can lay down a schedule of training over months and then do nothing. Right? Not you. Time to put a little fire under your butt. (I know, it got a whopping in C25K.)

Pick a race for the end of your plan, and buy your entry now. Then get out there and train for it. A 5K is good motivation for anyone. And going from couch to running one can be done in 8 weeks. Go, go, go, go!

How do you find a race? In the USA -- take a look at local events at

Running is Just What You Do

One of the biggest things I do to keep at something is remove choice from my options. I get up and go running in the morning. I don't think of it as something I want to do. I don't want to brush my teeth. I don't want to take a shower. I just do them. I leave time for them and do it and then get on with my day.

Don't make it a choice. Your day begins when you are done. Your night starts when you are done. Your lunch is a run. It is your normal thing you do.

The Easy, Run-What-You-Can Bridge

Sometimes you don't have time for your planned run. Or you don't feel good. Or the weather sucks. Or it's a Monday.

Just do a short little run. Do an easy run. Something is always better than slash and burn. Losing weight really teaches this. There's always something between all or nothing.

Most people can't run 10 minutes straight let alone 20. If you are short on time, not feeling good, or it's Monday -- just go do 10-20 minutes real easy. You doing C25K? Do half the planned workout. (I do a mile as my 'I've done something') You've run. You are keeping the habit. Next time, next week, you'll be back at it.

What are your habit building tricks?

Share any running habit building tricks you have. How did you make running stick?

Weekly Check in

How did your week go? Complete your first run? Finish a week of C25K? Training for a race coming up? Got a question or complaints? Let us know!

submitted by /u/cmxguru
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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