Thursday, March 7, 2019

Special case, emergency weight loss...Help!

Hi, I am trying to lose weight, I have been implementing changes to lose it, like not eating after 7 p.m., cutting out soda and candy, watching calories. I have lost 40 lbs in a year, down from 310 lbs. I have plateaued hard at 260-70. I say 70 because I just gained 10 pounds in a week. I was down to 259 and I felt great and I think I lost my discipline and ate too much and now I'm actually sitting at 270.

I say emergency weight loss because I desperately need to lose as much weight as possible in a semi-short time so I can have a successful spinal fusion. I have had 2 previous failed surgeries, and I live in pain constantly. I want to show up to my next surgery having lost enough weight to really make a difference in my healing, so that my spine can actually fuse and I can work to become not-disabled again.

I feel good about having lost a solid 40 pounds, but frankly it's not enough. If I can lose another 40, if I understand my doctors right, it will drastically improve my odds of a successful surgery.

So I'm reaching out to get some real advice. I feel I need to be on a strict caloric intake to get me to lose weight faster. I can't excercise atm because any movement besides walking around the house, doing chores, showering myself, basic things, cause extreme pain.

Anything you can offer is appreciated, thank you!


I thought I should add I'm 6'3 and large framed, if that matters.

submitted by /u/NWcoffeeaddict
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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