Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Thank you for the inspiration to get started

M 25 SW-301lb CW-292lb GW-195lb

Ive always been fat. Since I was a child I was the fat one. I was always active, loved sports and weight lifting told myself i was never THAT fat. I moved in with my girlfriend and we now keep scales in the bathroom so I've been watching my weight (not really doing a great deal about it though).

This week just past I crept over the 300lb mark and that really hit home with me. Silly as it sounds, I recalled the episode of the Simpsons where homer deliberately increases his weight to 300lbs so he can be classed as disabled and work from home. I decided something needs to be done.

I used to be a regular gym goes and have a fair amount of muscle mass but masked with too much fat and so I immediately signed back up to the gym. I was looking for workout routines and weight loss advice when I came across this subreddit. I saw posts of people and their journeys, their incredible transformation and the honesty and support from everyone that it's not easy but worth it.

I was about to post to ask for a way to get started and lo and behold I found the daily post to get me started. I calculated my TDEE (3000ish) and I was already logged in to MFP which said my daily target was around 1900 but I set myself a target of 1500 instead. One of my biggest failures in the past was "treating" myself for working out. One thing I saw here that really struck home with me is that you can't outrun your fork.

I decided that I would plan all meals including lunch and snacks so that I knew how many calories I was going to eat that day. I've done two sessions at the gym and km working on drinking a lot more water as before i lived on coffee and fizzy drinks. I don't like to weigh all the time since I know water weight can fluctuate vastly from day to day however out of mild curiosity I weighed yesterday (4 days in) and found that I had lost 9lbs. Only 97 more to go 😅.

In summary I'd like to thank everyone who posts to this sub and all the advice and success stories I see. If I find myself feeling like snacking I look through here instead and it gives me the motivation to not do it. I have a belief about losing this weight that I have never had before and that is down to everyone here.

Wish me luck 😀

submitted by /u/saulphillips
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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