Thursday, May 16, 2019

Five Million Steps!!

Hi all,

I began my weight loss journey in April of 2016 and the Lose It sub reddit played a central role in supporting me and my efforts!

By May of 2017, 13 months into my weightloss journey, I was ready to start walking. I was down nearly 200 lbs and weighed about 330 lbs at that time... the weightloss to that point was all about cutting my calorie intake!

Now I was mentally and physically ready to start walking every day... my original goal was one mile at one stretch!

It was an amazing feeling to accomplish that, when I started my journey I was barely mobile, and had difficulty just standing! Now I had walked a mile! Woohoo!

As I persisted and pushed myself, I walked every day, and little more each week. I walked longer routes finding places I could rest as needed.

I found a great 3 mile route with several benches and bus stops along the way.

I set a goal to walk the entire 3 miles without resting. I would do a mile, rest, repeat... when I was comfortable I would push that first mile more and more until I would walk with just one break! PROGRESS!!!

I was on my way to my goal to walk the entire 3 miles without a break. I pushed myself more and more, walking further and further before taking that break...

I walked everyday, I kept losing weight and by the end of the summer I was walking my 3 mile route without a break and more, I was pushing myself. I added more distance and walk now walking 4 miles. Persistence and Consistency were paying off!

A few times, near the end of summer, people at the grocery store or in the neighborhood would mention they had seen me out several times and I was looking good! That was amazing...

Five Million Steps! That is what I took in the last year, from May 2018 through April 2019...

In May 2017 I started from zero, and one year later walking every day, 6 miles or more, some days 8 or 10 or 12 miles.

Today, to celebrate my Five Million Steps I am participating in an American Heart Association walk after work!

Life is Beautiful and this community is awesome!

Thanks for reading and being here!


submitted by /u/RandomExcess
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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