Saturday, May 4, 2019

Lurker here, finally decided to make the change

I've been lurking this sub for about 6 or 7 months now, back when I weighed 240lbs in November of last year. Since then, my wife and I have had our fourth child, and I took a few months off of work and just enjoyed life for a while. I found this sub very inspiring and really wanted to make the change a few months ago, but kept making the standard excuses that I've always made: "I don't have time," or "I'm fine the way that I am," or even "I'm happy of where I'm at." The truth is, none of that is true and when I stepped on a scale about a month ago, I winced at the reading... I weighed 270lbs. I had gained 30lbs in 5 months. I knew something was weird when my clothes didn't fit right and walking upstairs sucked more than usual.

Following a decent bout of depression from the scale reading, I said to myself "No more, I'm done feeling like this." I have started counting calories, exercising every night, cutting out the junk food and soda. My biggest hang up for a while was my wife because I really didn't want to go through this journey without her, because I know she would feel self conscious if I lost weight and she didn't, but to my surprise, she is joining me! We both have some minor and moderate health concerns because of our weight but nothing that we can't fix if we decided to get healthy, and so here we are.

I've only just started, but this time is different than all the times before, I don't feel defeated or like this is an unwinnable fight and I think it's because of this community. I would often get a bug in me and get gung-ho about weight loss but would quit after 3 or 4 days. Last year, around January, I even bought a treadclimber for something to do at home, because a gym is just not accessible to me, but like everything else, it just sat in the living room like an obelisk of my failure, gathering dust and reminding me every day that I'm lazy, daring me to touch it. But now it's been about 9 days so far, and I've stuck to my plan religiously, practicing CICO, counting calories, planning meals, exercising every night, stepping on a scale every day, twice a day, etc. I've even just purchased a rowing machine for my home so the wife has something to do that isn't as punishing as the treadclimber. The best part about all this is I am feeling great, motivated, and can't wait to see the end result.

This community is an inspiration to me, and I thank every one of you that has shared their story. I hope to have a story to share myself. Wish me luck!

SW: 270 CW: 263 GW:170

submitted by /u/subjekt_zer0
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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