Friday, May 10, 2019

Overcoming jealousy towards friends weight loss

We're on a weight loss/get fit/get healthier journey with my friend. She is the kindest, sweetest, strongest and one of the most inspirational people I have ever met in my life.

We started this journey of ours around the same time. In the last six months she's had unbelievable success and has nearly gotten to her goal, while I'm struggling really hard. I've been getting to it, but she's losing weight around 3x faster than I am. We have a similar gym routine, eat clean and healthy, etc.

My problem lies in my feelings. I've noticed I've started to feel jealous of her weight loss. Everything just seems so easy for her, while I'm really struggling with the process even though I'm getting consistent results. Every time we're in any group function the topic is always her weight loss, how great she looks or how far she's come and she rarely mentions any struggles. It's gotten really frustrating for me, so much that I'm starting to resent her in some ways, secretly hoping that she gains weight back or binges on chocolate.

These thoughts are absolutely destroying me. I love her to death and am so proud of her, I wish I could just stop and focus on myself and all the good stuff. I've never ever compared myself to anyone or have gotten jealous of anyone's weight loss, I don't understand how she can get under my skin like that.

I also understand the facts. I have a different body type, height, genetics, past trauma, which all affects my progress, but my feelings aren't listening to logic. I'm afraid I'll end up resenting her completely and ruining our friendship because of my stupidity.

Has anyone been in a similar position and gotten over it somehow? I'd seek out help from therapy, but it's very expensive here, so a luxury I cannot afford right now. Thank you in advance to all the replies!

submitted by /u/jealousfthrowaway
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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