Tuesday, May 7, 2019

To Those Suffering From Addiction in Addition To Obesity

I pop onto this sub from time to time, but I feel I should be more active. Not just here, but on the addiction subs like r/stopdrinking.

5 years ago, I made a big change. At 28, I had a crystal clear realization I was headed for an early grave. I had a history of drug abuse through college and after, but it was alcohol that stuck with me thru my twenties. My drinking escalated, and my weight followed suit.

I ended up at 410lbs and engaging in frequent weeklong (or longer) benders that progressively got worse. The last couple years, I was drinking half a bottle of liquor upon waking just to get out the door to work and calm the withdrawals. It's embarrassing, but important for me to remember just how bad it was. I was swollen, red, puffy, sweaty, and my ankles were swollen and purple. When I'd walk into a liquor store in the morning or middle of the day, I know how I was perceived, and they were right. I was choosing a slow death, and it took me years to realize it.

For me, my previous weight loss attempts were in vain without confronting my chemical addiction. I'm sure I'm not the only one here who struggled/ struggles with it. My hope is that posting here can start a conversation for those that are trying to end more than just their addiction to food.

I lost 235lbs, am in the healthy BMI for my height, and will have 5 years sobriety next month. Many things have helped in that journey. I'd like to share with any of you what helped me. I think it's important and grounding to learn from our past, overcome our struggles, but remember why we made the choices we do to better ourselves.

submitted by /u/BigHairyNordic
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2YfLFlp

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