Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Weight loss - Food craving help!

Current situation: 26F - 76kg - 1.7m - trying to loose body fat and build lean muscle. Currently lost 5.4kg in 10 weeks. I'm working out every other day - for 10 weeks now. First 30 mins of the workout is cardio on the Cross Trainer, followed by 45-60 mins of weights. This is a mixture of body weight, resistance band and free weight exercises with cast iron dumbbells and barbells. This is our home gym set up, we have a good selection of weights and I am really enjoying my workouts, I have enough variety at the moment to keep it fun and interesting and I've already increased my lift weight within this first 10 weeks. We (me and my partner) also fit in some boxing pad work with each other on a weekend for an extra 30mins cardio.

This is going to be our new lifestyle, I plan on keeping this up, working out every other day, with a healthy amount of cardio and weights. We plan to eat well and still allow ourselves treats in moderation, this is not a diet or temporary plan and we still want to enjoy our treat foods. I feel that once i am happy with my body, I can find a good balance of workouts and food so I can enjoy myself and maintain my body shape. It will be a good balance to allow me to enjoy my fitness as well as my other hobbies and interests.

However, food... food is my weakness! I'm happy with my breakfast, I'm not a big eater in the morning but I make sure i have something high in protein to start the day off, even if its just a protein shake. I'm happy with my Dinner (Lunch), i take this to work and stick to it well, perhaps on the weekends we have something a little different or the odd treat, but we still manage to keep it nutritious and within reason. Tea (Evening meal) however, is a nightmare. We meal plan our evening meal each week, making a list, buying the ingredients or meals and assign them to a day... but i'm terrible for ignoring that and just eating something bad!

It's such a weakness that i come home from work after a good day of eating, and order a pizza or pick up something bad from the supermarket. I instantly feel the regret, especially as i can see my progress slowly starting to show, and then I've just set myself back with one stupid meal. And the cost, I instantly think that the £20 i just spent on junk food could have been saved or go towards new workout gear i need, such as weight gloves and resistance bands. I know it's wrong and I feel it instantly, but I can't seem to get a grip and curb these cravings.

I manage to curb some, some days i want to just skip a workout, turn the Xbox on and order takeout, but i manage to get a grip, take our pre-workout, and smash a great training session. After I feel great and know I made the right choice, but other days I just can't get to grips with it. Fitness folk of Reddit, please help! Any suggestions or ideas on how to fight these cravings permanently is much appreciated! Thank you

submitted by /u/dtolley93
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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