Friday, May 24, 2019

Weight loss, men vs women

So, I've (m31) been losing 1.2 kg per week over the past month and a half. Generally getting between .1 and .3 kg per day. I have lost 7.3 kg/16 pounds the past 6.5 weeks.

Recently my wife (32f) decided to join the bandwagon. Trying to follow the caloriecount. However this past week she hasn't lost a single pound.

She does light exercise and has been keeping calories at around 900 per day (same as me). She's 1.5 m at 50.6 kg. I am 1.7 m 65.3 kg.

From our rudimentary body fat measurements though, she sits in the comfortable lower healthy margins while I'm close to having a too high percentage.

My question to you is if the bodyfat percentage plays a big role in losing weight, seeing as she is at a more comfortable percentage, I could imagine her body has less reason to lose it.

submitted by /u/XepptizZ
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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