Friday, May 3, 2019

What are your weight loss “tricks”?

I met a girl who had lost a ton of weight (100+ pounds). She looked like a totally different person in her before photos. I asked her which weight loss approach she took and it was basically just calories in/out, but she had some tricks:

  1. Set a “calories in” goal, but don’t stress if you go over or under a little bit (100-200 calories). It’ll all balance out.

  2. Change your mindset on working out. It doesn’t have to be a set time of day every day where you do some crazy workout. Do whatever workout you like, but realize that calories burned throughout the day add up, no matter how minimal. i.e. She said she would take her groceries into her house one bag at a time to get extra steps in.

  3. She struggled with bingeing, so she set some rules for herself. If she had the desire to binge, she would write out a short to-do list and do everything on that list (go for a walk, call a friend, etc.) If, after completing her to do list she still wanted to binge, she would go to the store and pick out all the junk food that she was craving, come home and give herself an hour to eat what she wanted from it. But it had to be done sitting at the table. Once the hour was up, she threw the rest of it away. She said she limited these “binge sessions” but just knowing she had the option to binge if she really wanted to was enough for her not to.

Bingeing has been a life long struggle of mine. The whole, “Diet starts tomorrow so I’ve gotta eat everything I can today” mindset has followed me around forever and I’m trying to break free of it, and just the all or nothing mindset in general. I want to work smarter, not harder at being in shape. So what are your tricks?

submitted by /u/GlamourTits
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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