Friday, November 15, 2019

A friend said this is a place I could post my weight loss progress, so I hope this will be helpful/inspiring to some of you. Here's old lazy me changing and losing 43 kgs in about 14 months and building some muscle afterwards.

Pics (late may - early august as far as I remember, sorry if that caused confusion together with title)

Sorry for the wasted looks on the right lmao

In short, after getting my mental health and other stuff together, I decided to go ahead and try to lose weight one last time. This time I counted calories and went on very long walks whenever possible (I still hate running and high tempo walking, so I increased the distance to at least 20 kms every time). Never ever been so disciplined and focused on something, it was kinda annoying / boring / painful yet seeing positive results kept me going.

Then realizing I lost about all the small amount of muscle I had, I started lifting again. Mostly did strength training and powerlifting though this time, since I had space on me to bulk and get some fat without looking unhealthy lol

So there I am. If a lazy sack of hot horseshit like me could turn it around, then why wouldn't you, you beautiful person? True that growth curve slows down the more you push like most other things done seriously / professionally, so I expect you to catch up to me some time soon my friend, just start now.

submitted by /u/forHonorDotA
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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