Thursday, November 7, 2019

Does anyone else stop visiting this Sub-Reddit when they go off the deep end with their weight loss?

Three and a half years ago I started this journey at 220 lbs in May 2016. I had gotten to 135 by December that same year, admittedly through some healthy ways and some not so healthy ways.

By Novemberr of 2017 I had been maintaining for a while at 130, I was happy and confident there. But then I met my boyfriend and I got happy and gained 30lbs by June of 2018 because I got lazy and I noticed while I was gaining the weight I stopped visiting here, maybe because it was me avoiding holding myself accountable or something.

I eventually got back down to 130 by like March/April of 2019, slower than I would have liked but I was so happy to be back at my goal weight. It didn't last long, by September this year I was at 155, and I once again noticed that I stopped visiting this Sub-Reddit while I was losing the weight again, just I just actively avoided it at all costs, a bit of shame and not holding myself accountable to my actions. As if I were to visit this Sub-Reddit it would make my situation of gaining back weight "real" to me.

Well I am back! I don't particularly comment or post but I used to lurk religiously. I'm currently 143 as of today and I am eager to back to my goal weight.

Hopefully this time I can keep it up, but I think so as later this month I'm moving so I can actually use a real kitchen without anxiety (due to my current living situation and some people I'm with).

Hopefully I can make good meals with my boyfriend, meal prep, and just hold myself accountable, I don't want to gain the weight back and I need to take the appropriate actions to lose and maintain healthily. Probably should go see a dietician or therapist to help with my binging problems.

This post is longer than I expected, but I was just curious if others did the same when they gained weight back .

submitted by /u/Will_Liam
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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