Saturday, November 9, 2019

finding weight loss to be less about will power and more about organization

so i'm finally actually getting somewhere with my eating and taking control of it. i'm starting to feel militant about it because i organize everything. i've been cooking everything i eat for a couple of months now and, among other things, it gives me so much control over food. when i go shopping, i have to have a rough idea of what i'll be cooking and it feels like i put everything i buy under the microscope. like there's no more hidden food somehow; things don't just slip into my groceries.

learning to do all of this takes so much organization and planning and control. it's the kind of thing people take for granted if they've always done it because if it's just your normal habit it seems really straightforward. but trying out a ton of recipes you've never made, sifting through them to find ones you like, training yourself to buy groceries, actually preparing and eating what you buy, none of that is simple or straightforward if you've just been eating bags of chips and ice cream for dinner the past five years. after a while, i'm sure it will all come as second nature but for now i have to be militant about my habits.

submitted by /u/fishnshrimps
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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