Wednesday, November 13, 2019

How do you regulate eating/exercise for health/weight loss when there are intense mental health factors working against you?

I’m 23 years old, the mom of a 1.5yr old, and I weigh 240 lbs (109 kg). My goal weight is 185 (84 kg). However I’m having a hard time battling my mental illnesses and attempting to tackle my weight.

I have pretty severe Bipolar I and BPD, and the highs and lows both have a major impact on my eating habits. The general trend is a lot of emotional/impulse eating, and an inability to exercise even a tiny bit.

It’s a vicious cycle of eating to feel better, hating how I look, and then eating to feel better. Rinse and repeat.

Obviously this sub is huge, so there’s a good chance there are other people fighting more than just their weight.

How do you handle the relationship between mood disorders/illnesses and food/weight issues?

submitted by /u/SheebsMcGee
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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