Monday, November 11, 2019

How to deal with fear of regaining weight tied to a difficult time

Almost a year ago ( January 2019 ) I had some relationship issues and was severely heartbroken during the beginning months of this year . Because of this I would constantly binge eat on food , and soon enough the consequences were showing up . I’ve always been thin and no one seemed to notice my weight gain ( mostly around thighs and stomach area ) I believe my waist was around 28 inches . I was “ skinny fat “ . I was 5’3 and around 128 lbs . This caused a lot of insecurities on top of the problems I was already dealing with . Afterwards this summer , I decided I needed to truly move on from the situation and joined the gym . Although I feel like it didn’t do anything I discovered calorie counting . I followed CICO and it truly worked . I learned how to limit my portions and stop binging . I’m now around 106-108 lbs and my waist is 25” . I’m extremely happy . None of my pants fit me properly anymore but I don’t mind it at all , I feel satisfaction from it . Not many people have noticed my weight loss ( most of the weight was lost around my thighs and stomach area ) . But now I feel like I’m a bit stuck with calorie counting , I don’t restrict or anything and have proper meals but I am still young and feel like this has kind of taken over my life . I think what I most deal with is the fear of gaining those pounds back. It’s mostly because I’ve tied that weight gain to those difficult moments and now that I’ve recovered from that time I do not wish for anything that reminds me of it to come back . I’m extremely proud of myself for losing the weight and feel like if I gain weight I would be extremely upset .

submitted by /u/Janeshou27191
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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