Sunday, November 24, 2019

I look a lot smaller than I actually weigh - any ideas as to why?

Hi guys! Hope everyone’s day is going well. I hope this post doesn’t come off as snooty or strange in a weight loss support thread, but this is a situation that has been bothering me for quite some time.

I weigh probably about 132-135 pounds right now and I’m 5’5. I was once 120 lbs and I’d like to be there again but when I was at that weight, people would constantly skinny shame me, to the point where my teachers would ask me if everything was ok at home and if I was eating enough! This was when I was in my final year of high school. Now, a year and a half later, and about 12 pounds heavier, I still get told I need to put some “meat on my bones”! And people have consistently severely underestimated my weight many times.

It’s quite crazy to me be told that in a healthy range of 120-135 lbs (I start to get eyed at funny at around 127/28ish I’ve noticed/get comments about how puny I am). It makes me feel like I shouldn’t try to lose weight again but I really would like to, for myself, as 120-25 lbs is where I feel my best.

Should I just say screw it and lose it anyway? It’s making me feel sort of bad about myself to hear these comments... also any ideas as to why I weigh more than I look? I know muscle mass is a thing but to be honest I don’t work out a lot and haven’t much in my life, so I don’t really have a lot of muscle and have a BF % that’s borderline on the fitness/low normal level. So it’s not that...

Thanks everyone for the input in advance!

submitted by /u/lackadaisicaldolphin
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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