Monday, November 18, 2019

I lost 55 lbs eating “junk food” and so can you

17F here, 5’10”. As of today, I am at the healthy weight for my body type on the scale (170) for the first time in years. I was at ~225 five months ago.

I am somewhat of a food addict. I’m always thinking about it and about my next junk food fix. I wanted to lose weight but in my mind I always saw it as an impossible. I knew myself and I knew that I would fail if I didn’t find a way to get my fix. So I found alternatives. I’m on a Keto low carb low sugar diet and have lost 55 pounds eating “junk food” with no exercise. I’m sure some of you out here are like me too, so I just thought I’d list what I do daily and list what I eat.

I use my fitness pal to track calories and I try to eat 1200 to 1000 calories a day.

My average food consists of:


Koia Keto Chocolate Shake. They’re really good and worth the money, and you can find them at Publix or something. Taste exactly like chocolate and give me energy for the morning. 210 calories

Sugar Cookie Coffee by Green Mountain. Delicious and tastes like a latte for no extra sugar carbs or calories. I use 1/4 cup of vanilla protein shakes to give it a sweeter taste too, and Splenda~15 calories


Quest Protein Chips. These are one of my staples, especially the nacho cheese flavored ones. Ideal Protein makes chips that don’t hold a candle to Quest. Quest chips are just amazing. they taste exactly like Doritos, and are 140 calories with less than 5 carbs for the whole bag.

About once a week, instead of chips I frequently have the Chick Fil A 12 count GRILLED nuggets. It’s just cooked chicken with seasoning and no breading for ~175 calories. If I’m feeling special I’ll get the diet lemonade for ~70 calories.

Dinner: I order Keto friendly Green Chef meals as a subscription for the week. They usually amount to ~430-600 calories but are worth it. Super tasty; I’ve never had a bad meal from them.

Dessert: The most important part for me. I have a sweet tooth and binge on sweets when I’m not careful. My holy grails are Enlightened ice cream bars and Halo Top ice cream. I have 1 bar/one serving every single day, for about ~90 calories. This is what keeps me on track because if I’m out with people And am tempted to eat dessert, I know I have some waiting at home. This is what keeps me in check.

Drinks: Water all day, and every 2 days indulge in a Coke Zero.

These probably aren’t the healthiest options but for me they’ve worked wonders for me. I feel like it’s about changing my portion habits and finding alternatives for myself when I know my will Isnt strong. I am still in my weight loss journey but I hope this helps for some of you!

submitted by /u/grumfield
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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