Wednesday, November 20, 2019

"If I keep focused, I could be one of the healthiest people I know..."

This thought dawned on me the other day, as I was reflecting on my journey during a depressive dip.

Not in any malicious way, or some cynical ego stroking way, but in a real way, so many people I know have given up and checked out, leaving their health to pill pushers, or their future selves to deal with.

I'm one of a small group who are taking control of themselves at a day to day level, focusing on longevity, and making plans to continue past my goal weight.

It's exciting, and a complete change in pace from being arguably the worst off person I knew. From one extreme to the other, I'm riding a wave I could have never imagined succeeding at.

We're not there yet, but this thought reinvigorated my focus, and it's thrilling to comprehend.

What will my future hold once we've reached our goal and keep going?

Today, it's running my first quarter mile, next year, who knows. 🤷‍♂️

I'm to the point where I'm going to have to have a stock write up of all the anecdotal steps I've taken, to pass on to curious friends, family, and the likes, because it's the first and last thing anyone remarks about in conversation with me.

If nothing else, it's nice to feed their curiosity and hope they take control of their lives as well.

I just can't wait until the story changes from weight loss, to weight maintaining, so that eventually this spotlight of fitness dies down, as the new version of me becomes the norm.

Anyone else have similar reflections/experiences?

submitted by /u/RobustEnigma
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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