Thursday, November 21, 2019

Loose skin after 180lb weight loss

Throughout my weight loss journey, but especially towards the end of it, I was worried as hell about loose skin. At times I felt I would rather be fat than thin but covered in loose skin that I couldn't do anything to fix.

My loose skin wasn't the worst I've seen, but it was enough to crush my confidence and make me feel like losing the weight was pointless. No matter what I did, and no matter how many tight articles of clothing I wore to 'stuff it in,' there was still a bulge in my shirt where the skin was. I felt helpless.

I knew surgery was a possibility. Still, I couldn't find any pictures of the results I was hoping for - all I could find were pictures of people drowning in loose skin who were still drowning in loose skin after the surgery, or people with distended guts. Even at the consultation for my surgery, they only had pictures of two- or three-time mothers.

For a man in my position, it was difficult to reassure myself that my problem could be fixed.

The best part of this sub, for me, is the progress pictures. It's super motivating to see how much you can transform your body if you put in the hard work and effort. Over the years, I have posted a couple of progress pictures here in the hopes that they can motivate others to continue their journey.

My weight loss journey is at its end as of today (now to focus on gaining 10kg of muscle!), and I'd like to post one last progress picture showing my loose skin and how, with the right surgery, it's possible to salvage skin that has been damaged by a lifetime of obesity.

Thanks for the motivation, /r/loseit!

submitted by /u/Xenofell_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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