Sunday, November 10, 2019

Lost 60lbs for international travel but then...

Hey everybody. For our 1 year anniversary, my husband and I planned a trip to Europe. I didn't want to be the stereotypical typical obese 'Merican so I kicked ass and lost 60lbs in 8 months going from a size 26 to 14. I felt AMAZING. Sure, I was still fat and technically obese but I felt way better about it.

I allowed myself to go on vacation mode during our trip and enjoyed all the food. Then we came back and I CANNOT resume my weight loss.

In fact, I've since gained 7lbs. In one month! You'd think just being healthy would be a great motivator but alas, for me it isn't. It's ridiculous and I cannot seem to snap out of it.

I've talked to my husband and we were planning another trip until I decided to go back to school and as soon as he mentioned money will be tight with paying for that, I again lost any spark.

Can y'all just tell me to stop being stupid, that CICO is doable, that I CAN wake up an extra hour before bed to work out, that I can juggle classes and exercise (and life), and most importantly, that I should be losing weight for more than just looking good in my Facebook pictures. Lol

Thank you for reading my silly post. Appreciate y'all.

submitted by /u/nutria_twiga
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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