Thursday, November 21, 2019

SV - I restarted and i meant it

Hi everyone,

I made a post about two weeks ago talking about starting over. Original post if any of you are curious.

It has been hard to restart for me and i'm sure for a lot of people. I would do great for two days then third day i'd mess up and it would just spiral into me just giving up. But not this time, two weeks in and i am down 11lbs. I am so happy about this, and its not even just the weight loss, i feel like i'm actually doing something to better myself. I smile at myself after a work out, i feel proud after i have a good healthy meal. This is just one small step, but its a small step towards the right direction. I also wanted to thank all of you who left comments on my original post encouraging me and some even giving advise. I always knew this subreddit was filled with awesome people but its nice that you guys keep reminding me. Thank you.

If any of you are curious about what i have been doing, its really nothing special;

Every morning i play Ring Fit adventure - if you are into video games and want something to make working out fun, then i would definitely look into this game.

I have been meal prepping on Sundays to make sure i have lunch for work. Just chicken and veggies.

I stopped drinking Soda all together and only have water. I do enjoy Iced coffee on the weekends, but only one.

Then after work i go running using my C25K app, which makes me run 3 times a week. On days i don't run i go for an hour walk.

And that's pretty much it, nothing too crazy. I know i will have to shake things up for the future so i can continue to lose weight. Hoping to start weight training to build some muscle, but for now this is what i do.

Thank you for reading and i am hoping you are all having successful weeks.

submitted by /u/yimsta
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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