Friday, November 15, 2019

Weight Loss Help with Prescription Meds

Lost my other post somehow so i will repost

Hello people. I am 42 yo male in Canada. Had issues the last 15 years on and off losing about 20 to 30 pounds. Many times i did indeed lose it all and was back to an ideal weight but i always put it back on. I am done with the diet exercise stuff for now. I will try that again in the future. For now i was hoping for specific help on prescription or over the counter vitamins/meds that may help. Also, years ago i was prescribed a drug called Merida (Sibutramine) by my GP doctor. It was in capsules and it was amazing. I lost all the weight super fast and within days of starting it, my mood improved etc. So it helped with weight and i felt happier too! Sadly it was pulled from some countries due to heart attack risks etc. I never had any of these issues.though but i guess maybe long term there are risks as well ? Anyone know if this ingredient, Sibutramine is still available and or legal in Canada to buy?

My other avenue was to consider getting a prescription from my doctor for an ADD med as of course i hear about weight loss on these EVERY day of my life more than once. Now hear me out on the ADD part though too. I actually do feel like i should be on an ADD type med anyway as i have always had issues concentrating and have lost a job before due to concentration issues etc. I do poorly on exams etc and i know years ago i possibly should have been on a med like this. Possibly talk to my doctor about an ADD med if this is another option? Or are other well known prescription meds in Canada i could try to lose weight with? Please help and nice to meet y'all. And thank you !! Any advice on other subreddits for my type of question are welcomed too!!

P.S. - an important note. I fully quit smoking over 1 year ago after smoking for over 20 years. I am very proud about this but since i quit, i have had more issues than ever with weight gain (and shedding pounds) and its depressing. I am proud i quit smoking but i feel depressed about the weight gain. This is why i really want help with an alternative method for weight loss so i don't get an urge to start smoking again over the depression of weight gain....

submitted by /u/jagrmullet77
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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