Saturday, November 23, 2019

What is changing in your heart

I have been reading these posts for months now. I see picture after picture posted showing weight loss. It has left me with such ambivalent feelings. As truly happy I am about the pyshical progress others have achieved, I can't help buy think, FOLKS the weight loss is only the beginning of this journey. What has your weight loss done to open your heart! How as it opened the channel to allow whatever Higher Power you have to enter and FEED your soul. For you see, if we do not recognize and honor and nurture those changes the soul possession will not ever end. Soon, we will be "filling" the void with new clothes, collecting Likes on our facebook account, perhaps turning to other substances like alcohol. If we constantly seek this External Validation we will never truly heal from the condition that lead us to this dark place. How about we start posting compassion progress. How do we excercise compassion each day. Is there and app for that? How do we log that? How do we measure that?

Each day that you look inside and connect with your higher self is success.

submitted by /u/mmm2007
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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