Tuesday, December 24, 2019

A one year progress post that might be reassuring for peeps worried about Christmas &/or maintenance phase

I started my weight loss efforts this time last year. I was 144lbs and my BMI was overweight for the first time in my life. Throughout my twenties and early thirties I’d always been 100-105 pounds and thought of myself as “petite.” I couldn’t deny that wasn’t the case any longer, I just felt short and dumpy! My dad is morbidly obese with lots of health problems and no way did I want to take after him. So I aimed for 1200-1400 calories per day and started actually using my long-neglected gym membership! I lost 30 pounds in the first 6 months of this year, reaching 114 pounds by the end of June. I wanted to lose just five more pounds. But then life took a turn…

The second half of this year has turned out to be the worst time of my life. Nothing dramatic happened, nothing I was sad over was new, but I have never felt as depressed as I have these last 6 months. Things are a little better already and I’m very hopeful 2020 will be better again.

Here’s the mildly interesting data dump (dump hehe! don’t mind my toilet humor!):

Over these last 6 months, I kept calorie counting. I went over my TDEE of 1400-1500 cal almost every day; average daily intake for July was 1753 calories, August: 1821, Sept: 2175, Oct: 2175, Nov: 1723, and Dec so far the average is 2192. Using a TDEE of 1500, I’ve gone over by at least 76,000 calories total in the last 6 months, probably more (there’s a few junkfood binge days that I didn’t track). I should have gained around 21-22 pounds or 10-11 kgs, BUT I’ve only gained 2 pounds in that time and 1 inch on my hips (I care more about this measurement than weight TBH haha!) So I hope that these stats are reassuring for anyone worried about indulging over Christmas - you definitely can go over sometimes and you may not gain as much as you fear. And even if you do, starting over is possible. It’s not the end of the world. I’ve started restricting again this week (though I’m not strict about it) and am trying to go to the gym more often. I see lots of people posting on r/progresspics who say they achieved their weight loss in phases too, so that gives me hope I can get back to it.

To everyone reading this: hang in there, be kind to yourselves, and thank you from the bottom of my heart for being the supportive community that you are. I lurk more than I post, and I see so many wonderful comments to people who are struggling and it buoys me too. So THANK YOU!!! Here’s to a wonderful 2020!

submitted by /u/the_petite_pear
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2QkfMWy

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