Tuesday, December 10, 2019

NSV: Celebrating 4 years of lifting


It was actually really hard to lose. I had my ups and downs, dealing with binging and times got rough - but I always remembered that it's a process.

Sometimes it breaks my heart to see posts of people who did twice my progress in half of the time, but I'm content with the way I did things.

So for anyone out there - compare yourself only to yourself.

So what I did? -Started with prestructured meal plan who helped me lost the first 20lbs, but got super hard to execute after a period of time. -Shifted to Paleo which helped me lost another 15lbs, but the calorie deficit, which is something I wasn't aware of, wasn't enough to keep promoting weight loss. -Started counting calories, which helped me lose another 130lbs, and counting. It is what actually worked for me - being super aware of what I'm putting into my mouth, and understand the sequences of my eating habits.

My lifting regime pretty changed over the years. For the last year I'm working pretty consistent, and manage my volume, using mesocycles with progressive RIR, deloads and diet breaks - and I see a real progress in terms of gains, which is something that I thought for a long time was unachievable for me.

I'm not doing cardio, but during those years I did count my steps which averaged about 8k-11k per week.

I'm here to answer any question :) There are no secrets besides being consistent and content with how you do in your process.

submitted by /u/ronmizrahi
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/359whel

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