Saturday, December 7, 2019

NSV: The jeans I bought exactly one year ago finally fit!

before and after pic

Last Black Friday I was shopping online for new clothes because I had lost enough weight back then (was down roughly 140 lbs at that point of my weight loss journey) that I was in desperate need of a new wardrobe (the most bittersweet NSV there is).

While doing so, I also decided to pick up some clothing in my goal weight sizes that I could look forward to one day wearing as I got closer towards my goal - which included these 34” jeans that now finally fit well exactly one year later!

Had no clue how long it would take for them to fit when I bought them but knew it would only be a matter of time. After some failed attempts to fit into them in the past few months, decided to try them on again and was so stoked to see they were a perfect fit!

This is still so weird to me because back when I was at my heaviest with around a 54-60” waist size, wearing jeans (let alone ripped/distressed ones) was a thought that never crossed my mind AT ALL. Had to always settle for sweat or track pants.

So for those of you on your weight loss journey and feel like there is a long road ahead, I definitely recommend taking advantage of all these sale prices and grab that dream shirt or pair of pants you envision yourself wearing one day! Will give you that extra dose of motivation and is something you will only thank yourself for when the time comes!

Sidenote: It was also coincidentally my birthday earlier this month, so I can’t help but feel like this was my old self giving future me a gift for all the progress I’d make aha. The universe works in crazy ways!

submitted by /u/omarthaherfit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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