Thursday, May 7, 2020

NSV - my face looks thinner when I catch my reflection in the mirror. I am disabled and in lockdown but it still happened. I haven't done anything above CICO and keep moving.

I have two chonic pain causing conditions, one of which limits my mobility. I over eat because I'm in pain and food is pleasurable. Psychologically I'd probably suit a variation on OMAD, but physiologically I need to eat throughout the day. I started by tracking all my calories, worked out what my TDEE is on sedentary days and more active ones and then worked on a CICO difference that didn't leave me feeling awful but just neutral (at least to start with, now the combo of not laying around and not being stuffed makes me feel better and more energetic).

I wanted to share that even with 'legitimate' reasons to find weight loss hard, it's possible. These two photos are a year apart and it's not a shocking difference so just be prepared to be in it for the long haul - after all, once you've got to your goal weight you need to maintain! So it's about finding a balance you can live with. I've gone from around 93kg to 87kg, which at least takes me out of the obese category. I'm being kind to myself by accepting my limitations, not giving up because one day has been very hard and I've gone over my TDEE. I only weigh myself every 2 months and I avoid my period because I retain water like no one's business, but I'd advise trying different methods to find out what suits you best, because we all have different challenges and different mentalities.

So to everyone out there who suffers with their health and can't do lots of exercise, we can do it. It doesn't matter that our journey might be longer than someone else's, it's our journey not theirs and the destination is still important. This sub is great and I'd like to thank you all for being such a kind and supportive community.

submitted by /u/lordofcrisps
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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