Thursday, November 12, 2020

Anyone have some positive thoughts/context advice for a negative person?

I (29f) guess I'm venting here in the hopes of getting some advice.

I have a lot of weight to loose. I started at 340 around June this year (can anyone say "unhealthy stress coping due to quarantine"?) now down to pre-quarantine weight of 312. I know that even if I'm working hard and don't have any set backs, weight loss is slow and my best case scenario will likely not have me in one-derland until 2022. (Please don't send me comments or PMs about how I can lose weight faster. I'm counting it as a win if I can lose between .8-1% of my body weight per week as most personal trainers and doctors advise.)

I've been really struggling with dealing with all the negative stuff I've carried with the weight, and now that I'll have to carry in addition to every healthy habit I'm trying to develop. I don't mean to downplay the positive reinforcement from friends and family, and even boosts from things like clothes loosening and not gasping going up stairs.


A year from now I will still: -be too large for most clothing stores. (100 lbs lighter my hip measurements were still too big)

-struggle to do physical activities that my friends do without even noticing

-continuously read news articles saying I'm more likely to die from xyz illness and promoting that "obese people are lazy" (just by nature of being obese. Miraculously aren't lazy once the pounds aren't there, but only once the goal has been reached...)

-worry about whether I will always "fit" in a public venue (airplanes, certain restaurant chairs, etc.)

-Etc. Etc.

I know that for some folks this list would be a motivation in and of itself. "We never want to deal with these again and if we keep this up for a few years we won't have to!" When I look at it, though, it wears me down. Knowing that even when I can say "Hey I lost 50/75/100 pounds in a healthy and sustainable way! This is a big deal!" I'll still be obese, and subject to the problems that come with it. Just...any tips for how to battle this heaviness? How to make the journey more positive, knowing there's such a long road ahead? Is anyone in the same boat as me, here?

submitted by /u/slowtrudgebutsteady
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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