Thursday, November 12, 2020

How do you battle Fear of Failure on your 5th/6th/7th weight loss/wellness journey?

Hi all, I (33f) am doing better than ever with loving myself and growing past "all or nothing" thinking, and Noom has been a big part of that healthier mindset for me. This is my at least 5th attempt of weight loss over like 10 years where I lose it but then gain it and while this time feels healthier and more kind to myself than ever, I keep feeling afraid I'll slip at any moment. I find I verge to the point of obsession at times. I gained 60, lost 60, gained 50, lost 30, gained 50, etc etc and am now around the midway point. I'm going slower and care about so much more than just pounds, while also literally only caring about the pounds (I want my body positive talk to be rewarded with a good scale- clearly I'm still in my head!) Just wondering what anyone else who struggles with consistency does in regards to battling their fear of losing it all. I love the quote "nothing in nature blooms all year long so why expect the same with yourself? Be patient". And yet I worry I'm one cheese platter away from saying fuck it and going back up. Any one else? Wishing you all a beautiful evening :) (5"6, 33f, 175 now, was 208 after a broken leg and dad died. Was 146 for maybe two minutes in 2014 and been zigzagging ever since).

submitted by /u/happybalsam
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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