Thursday, November 12, 2020

Unsupportive family and sister with eating disorder

I guess I've always been "the fat one" in my family, but lately I decided I'd like to be fit. I started running for about 5 minutes a day and have slowly built up to half an hour a day. I have also only been eating when hungry rather than helping myself to seconds. I started doing it in secret, I guess I felt self-conscious, having been known as the unfit, fatter one in the family. My mother and one of my sisters have also been bigger than others in the family and now I'm starting to see results they are making me feel awful. My sister is clearly bulimic, and my mother is in denial of it, so they are both sort of focusing in on me as the issue. They emotionally manipulate me to get me to eat multiple helpings and act like I'm starving myself if I don't. My sister constantly looks me up and down and tracks my activity. I can tell she emotionally spirals if I don't eat more than her or if I exercise. When I didn't want to have some food at an extended family gathering because I had eaten before, my Mum acted like I was lying in front of everyone. I even told my Mum about suspecting my sister is bulimic, but when she found vomit on the toilet she asked if it was me. They are acting like I am sick when I was so sensible and slow about my weight loss. I've been so proud at having achieved something I never thought I could, but now I have these complex feelings of having to undo all my work to please my mum and sister and it's making me feel depressed, think about food in an unhealthy way and alone because no one else is proud of me, there's just all this negativity. Does anyone have any advice?

submitted by /u/throwaway_towelettes
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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