Wednesday, November 11, 2020

How do you stay motivated enough to exercise regularly?

I was doing really good on my weight loss journey until quarantine hit. I had lost over 100 pounds, but I've gained most of it back since the pandemic started. I've never been one to be motivated enough to workout because I'm so busy with work and school that I have no energy by the end of the day. However, because I did so much walking around campus and such during school, and playing on a volleyball team one night a week, I was able to get lots of exercise. But now...I just can't talk myself into making time dedicated to exercising because I'd have to do it so late at night, and I'm exhausted by then (still in school and working online). I've been trying to eat better, but I live in a very toxic household and I am a stress/emotional eater so eating right is a challenge within itself.

Also, I have never been able to do conventional workouts, like treadmills and weights. I get too bored. I have asthma too, so running was never a viable option for me. In the summer, I swim...and during the school year, I'm walking a lot and playing volleyball. I tried jumproping for a while because I loved it as a kid, but that only lasted a couple of weeks since I got behind on homework and I felt that was more important.

Anyway, I guess my question for you guys is - what do you do to exercise and how do you motivate yourself to go through with it? If your willing, I'd also like advice on a schedule that doesn't take up a lot of time. Anything will be much appreciated!

submitted by /u/LadyAwesome713
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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