Thursday, November 5, 2020

just found out that scale i used was wrong the whole time, i’m so sad and disappointed

i started my weight loss journey august 25th and lost 9kg within the first 3 weeks. i was so happy and so proud of myself even though no one really noticed my change. after these first weeks i couldn’t keep up with how i started out. i got into binge eating once again and developed bulimic behavior. we’re starting our second lockdown over here so i’m not able to weigh myself at the gym anymore. today i tested the scale i have at home but didn’t use because i thought it’s inaccurate by putting on 2 water bottles. and it showed the exact weight of these two, so i stepped on and it showed 75kg. i thought i was at 68kg. i thought i had lost so much more weight. i’m 16 years old and saved up all my money to afford a personal trainer, gave up on all the things teenagers normally buy with their pocket money to afford paying 200€ a month. and now i just realized that i only lost 7kg in almost 4 months. i just hate myself right now, because i didn’t give my best as i did the fist 3 weeks. i rest on having lost a lot at first and then slowed down the progress. i feel like i’m not good enough, disciplined enough, strong enough, skinny enough, pretty enough and never will be. i feel like i’m not capable of ever reaching my goals in the future and that i’ll be trapped in this body i hate for ever just because i can’t bring up the discipline as every other person seems to be capable of doing. i’m so so disappointed and sad.

submitted by /u/pinkpb
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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