Friday, November 6, 2020

[NSFW] I'm eating half the calories than I had been. It feels so good.

Sorry for TMI in advance in this post

F, around 240 pounds.

I started my weight loss decision about 2.5- ish weeks ago. I also started walking every day a little further each time. (With walker, recovering from major surgery) No matter what, even when it was pouring rain, I make sure to get that walk in.

I cannot believe I'm actually eating half (or less) of what I used to. It isn't like I'm doing r/1200isplenty, but I'm eating around 1500 cals a day. I'll try to cut back more as I get better at this.

I think I'm already noticing changes in the ways my clothes fit.

I wrote a previous post on how I couldn't even wipe my own ass and had to shower after pooping, but I'm wiping my own ass now! It isn't easy and requires a stretching maneuver but I'm doing it!

I was also able to masturbate the other day, which is still difficult to reach but I actually did it.

I'm still on the med that increases appetite leading to weight gain but tapering off. And yet here I am, still slowly dropping the pounds despite that med still in me.

I'm so excited guys. I have a whole bag of clothes of the next size down that I would love to fit into in the winter. I hope I reach that goal.

Keep on going everyone! We can do this!

submitted by /u/umbilibroke
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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