Wednesday, November 4, 2020

You're retraining your body - be sure you retrain your mind as well! A story of visualization.

I catch myself and so many others saying "but I've only lost XX lbs". Stop right there my friend. The physical efforts and mental preparation to lose that first pound is enormous, so please stop selling your efforts short by dismissing your little victories. The weight loss and transformation of your life is going to be a long series of little victories that lead to the big ones, that lead to the permanent ones. You will NEVER lose your weight in an instant, or overnight, or by thinking about a salad, or by thinking about taking the stairs. Results are acheived by turning your thoughts into action.

On the way to the grocery store a few weeks ago, my mom, who has struggled to manage her weight her whole life, was brave enough to share with me, "I know it's not much, but I'm down 3 more lbs in the last month or so." So I over exaggerated my reaction and celebrated this with her in a BIG way! High fives, tears, loud congrats. Yet she wasn't celebrating with me, she still seemed down on herself. She couldn't be happy yet because it wasn't ALL the weight gone; she was dismissing this victory as not good enough. So I had this bright idea that I saw on a TV show 10 plus years ago. We get to the store, we don't get a basket so our arms are quickly filling up with items. After gathering our things, I ask Mom to come with me to the fridge section, and to bring an open mind. I take the items from her arms and nod my head towards the butter and ask her to pick one up. I ask her what the weight of this butter is and she doesn't know (she knows, she's just playing dumb lol). I told her that's one entire pound. I asked her to really look at it, really feel its weight and really see the size of it. Then I asked her to pick up 4 more (her total is 5lbs down now). She's struggling to hold 3 of them as she reaches for the 4th and 5th one. "Mom, you're holding 5lbs right now. So when you say "I've only lost 3lbs" I want you to remember what those 3lbs look like and feel like. Now slowly put them back and feel how light your arms become." She wasn't stricken with emotion but I think I opened her eyes a little bit about what she's accomplished so far.

If you're stuggling to visualize and celebrate the weight you've let go of - go to your nearest store, and pick up that pound of butter, or 5 of them, or the entire box of 30- hold it for a few minutes, FEEL the weight of it and then set it back down. Walk away from the weight of that butter just like you're walking away from the weight you've released. Know your limits, lift within it ;)

submitted by /u/GingerExpress88
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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