Wednesday, January 16, 2019

A pound means nothing to me

I hope someone can help me shake this awful perspective I seem to have.

I understand that logically and scientifically it is healthy to lose 1-2 pounds a week. I accept this, and yet, I also know water weight can account for a lot of weight too. Therefore, I find myself in this terrible spiral that one pound means nothing to me. I always think it could be water weight, therefore, the process of weight loss seems to be taking so much longer because when the scale goes down, I always think there's a high probability its just water weight. I never truly count a loss unless I've gone down 5 pounds, and that takes quite a long time that I'm discouraged by then.

Does anyone else struggle like this? Or is willing to provide perspective?

submitted by /u/juneyluney
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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